Insanity #06
26 мая 2000

Free Zone-1 - an overview and comparison of new image editors Excess de luxe paint (EDP) and Burial Graphics Editor (BGE).

<b>Free Zone-1</b> - an overview and comparison of new image editors Excess de luxe paint (EDP) and Burial Graphics Editor (BGE).
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| "Delirium alcoholic" or "what's next?" |
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■ Diver ^ 4D

  Discussed in this article will focus on graphic
editors. Therefore, it will probably be
interest primarily to artists and authors
graphical editors. To write the article I
spodvigli rapid development of the EDP and BGE for
the past few months. Generally, the main
reason is that in my humble opinion
Editors evolve slightly in the wrong
direction, contain a number of glitches, uncomfortable
and, generally, is far from perfect. Why is the situation
it is, I do not know. Perhaps because
The authors are not familiar with Brilliance (Amiga) or
GraFX2 (PC) or because the authors of the EDP and BGE for
There are not themselves artists, and editors make
on the basis primarily of their needs and

  So I decided to write this article, as
appeal primarily to ZK System and Delirium
Tremens - a report about the bugs, personal opinion
as a person while on Professional ENG
Spectrum and having familiarity with the editor
GFX2 on the PC. I have great respect for the authors of BGE and 
EDP for that they create a truly excellent program,

I am in no way want anyone to go after
or delete some editor, I just
I want to try to convey to them our thoughts and
other people's ideas, which seems to me very strongly
could make life easier for anyone Spectrum
artist, whether they are implemented in their editors.

  God forgive me, Konstantin Zuykov, but I still
'll call Excess de luxe paint - EDP, so
as planned with no abbreviations in my paper
will be very difficult to do this
stands are most familiar, and previous
version of this editor is so named.

  In writing this article I will talk about
EDP ​​prerelease version and BGE v1_07. I hope
that this article spodvignet authors if not
implementation of new ideas, then at least to correct
bugs and various missteps in the interface. Although
certain phrases in the help to the BGE and EDP suggest the
thought that I simply can send a very
far ;-)

  To begin let me note the editors of the advantages of both
other and the Art Studio.

 Dignity BGE v1.07:

 - All duplicated hotkeys
 - Plug-ins, support for cvyshe

   128Kb, an impressive set of ready-plugins
 - A convenient window x8
 - Built-in screen optimizer
 - Fill in the mode of the loop
 - Save the then 2-screen images in

   standard format

 Dignity EDP prerelease:

 - Chankovy editor (IMHO, more convenient than

   Hardcore 4x4)
 - Mask
 - Recoil / invert fill
 - Roll screen
 - Quick color changes using keyboard shortcuts
 - More convenient loop (more than window znakomestnaya

   Frame - "T")
 - Change the cursors, icons and fonts
 - Tips

  More detail about the merits:

  Hotkeys. The idea is that _all_ operations
editor should be duplicated by hot
keys. This has been done in the BGE, but the EDP only
partly uses this advantage. Hot
keys allow you to work with a maximum
speed, there's no getting around it. But do not
forget about the possibility of redefining the keys.
Of course, this represents some
difficulty because of the already established
structure editors. It would be logical to do
separate setup keys to control
duplication, and sozranyat them in a file
configuration. At BGE, it seems problem with that is not
will, in EDP, possibly because the core and plugins
are not in one piece ... although it is difficult

  Plug-ins BGE. Thing certainly
good, but the weather is not making. Since all
well when creating color graphics are plug-ins
that are created now, little use. And the fact that
useful, for example screen rotator, or blur
edges of shaded areas texture - it is better
have on hand, as a function of inegrirovannuyu
editor, not as an external plugin. In the EDP just
less the right things and are overlays (game
chankovy editor). In general, both editors are not
lacks some features and effects that are not
would be advisable to integrate into the kernel instead of, for 
example, screen filters. I am hard to judge

problems with memory, but I have a feeling
what else can you realize a lot. About
principal bloat, I'll write a little lower, and
now continue its consideration of the merits.

  Screen Optimizer. This is just the thing
should make in the overlay, as is often
it is not used, and the memory it takes.

  Variable cursors and icons - the strongest
dignity, which has not only decorative
value! To the untrained eye probably negligible
the fact that in the BGE and EDP cursors arrows
different. In EDP sharpened arrow, it has
pixel at the end. Spit BGE - plain stupid,
blunt. I will not argue which is more convenient
but the fact remains: I got used to one
wise, it is difficult to draw the other - simply
misses by pixels. EDP ​​provides
the ability to change the cursor, but BGE is not. It is not 
necessary just ignore the user-friendly interface.

In fact, thanks to tips and variable icon,
EDP ​​is easy and understandable.

  A few words about bugs:

 known bugs BGE:

 - Are not digested by the symbols with the code # 00 in the 

 - The inability to cancel the bright grid to undo a

 - Glitch shortcut. When placing the cursor

   a certain familiarity in different ways

   hotkeys work (except for break / space):

   y23 x04 - did not correctly detected by pressing ->

             -> Key works 2/bolee times

   y23 x05 - sometimes not detected by letting go ->

             - "Key stops working

   y23 x05 - did not correctly detected by pressing ->

             -> Key works 2/bolee times

   y23 x07 - not detected by pressing ->

             - "Keys do not work

   y23 x08 - not detected by pressing ->

             - "Keys do not work

 known bugs EDP:

 - Save new screen spoils cursors
 - Break during the save / load system kills
 - If overwrite free space on

   disk decreases
 - Magnify x8 kills the system when attempting to

   put pixel
 - Does not work solid invert fill
 - Incorrect work with ibm keyboards -

   crash when selecting a palette - [I]
 - There is no change from default-font

   on loadable

  And now look at some global
ideas and gradually move to a local
improve the interface and the functions themselves

  One global idea I've already mentioned -
total goryacheklavishizatsiya ;-), with
redefinition of the keys. In addition, you can
notice that almost every editor on the PC / Amiga
does not distinguish between different modes
increase. That is, there are all modes of equal
and all the tools work at any magnification.
Obviously, at the Spectrum nobody (other than the authors
Artist2) did not try to do it. Success
ArtStudio and failure Artist2 still nothing
says. After filling an obvious need and
primitives in the mode of the loop. BGE already offers us
fill, but it seems that this is the maximum that will be
implemented in this direction.

  Further, another idea about the loop. In BGE
struck by the fact that magnify x2 and x8
no. It is argued by the fact that they do not
Need artist of Delirium Tremens. Generally, you
noticed where I began this paragraph? "There is no
magnify x2 and x8 ". Is not it funny that
no one even does not occur to the fact that
Encoders advance limit artists? After all, who
said that the most convenient mode x4??? Viator? but
because he chose only the three standard x2,
x4 and x8. And perhaps more convenient x3
or x5??? x4, most use only because
that x8 is too large and too small for manual x2
work. Although this is not a fact. When drawing on
TV, adjacent colors 2 / 3, 4 / 5, 6 / 7
merge mode x4, that makes me personally
switch to x8, that I do. BGE such
possibility is not at all
EDP ​​is the last demo is sometimes buggy in
mode x8, and prerelease EDP struck so
fatal bug that attempt to deliver the first
pixel in x8 leads to a system crash ... Except
of x2 is also quite entitled to
existence, since some dexterity
You can draw in it, and it displays the whole
quarter of the screen!

  The ideal editor should have at least 3
Mode - x2, x4, x8. In addition, make sure
should be checked in practice, a convenient mode
x3, x5, x6, x7, and if possible, to implement
all the modes increase, with all the tools
available in any mode. I agree, x3 and
other non-standard modes are complex and implementation,
But the convenience of drawing the first place. Mode x3
may be more convenient than x4, since it does not
such fine as x2, and holds more than x4.

  I do not think anyone would argue that the regime
magnifying glass - the most used, and most of
work is held in it. So I want to
pay attention to the fact that when working
in the loop should be as much as possible overview window.
EDP ​​in this regard is more complex - we
32x20, but BGE is only 24x24. For an ideal
work does not lack the ability to remove the panel
instruments and / or browser a piece of the screen.
The same should be done and the panel
istrument mode x1. That's how it is with making a
EDP ​​- good. But, if you do, do so!
Why not implement the panel as win95,
almost precisely as in win95:

 - Enable / disable the panel on a hotkey
 - Mode automatically remove from the screen, as in

 - Stationed panel at the top or bottom of the screen

  The implementation panel in BGE also certainly an option
but may I think, quite illogical and strange.
Why do I need an additional push to the fire,
to remove the panel if she can get out
itself? In general, BGE, unfortunately, a few
irritated by the fact that he is constantly waiting for release
keys, or pressing too much. After the EDP is
very uncomfortable. To put it instead of waiting for release
simply to make the action by pressing and then
pause and everything. In short, a lot of things
corrected by introducing a configuration file to
saved variable settings: waiting for the same
key is depressed or not, automatically
remove the cover, or let it always hangs and
removed on a hotkey, to have the panel
top or bottom ... it's all elementary, but alas
the authors of these editors neglect, covering
laziness phrases like: "do not like, do not
sit. "

  Now, a fundamentally new ideas.

  The effect of grid, ie grid. It represents
a reference sample cursor
horizontally and vertically in pixels. More precisely
He moves as before, gently, but press
fire leads to the fact that the cursor is clicked there
Oud, where he falls, and the grid node. Etop
Lets you combine windows x1 and x8. That is kogdas
etka multiple of 8, then simply activate the option dlyao
concentration x8. But the window, as these do not exist Tues
om the same GFX2, with whom I tell a vsei

  Any brush instead of windows operations.
Instead of windows there is a brush, asked
user. The fact that we cut out the window
becomes a brush, and no longer depends on the fact that
is on the screen. Further, with such a brush can
make a lot of action:

  flip x, flip y, rotate 90, rotate 180 - this is
Normal, that is in the BGE and will be in EDP.

  Copy, copy + - this is a logical operation for the brush
painting with a brush and paint brush on the other
page;), because the brush is not dependent on
Screen ... Obviously, this needs a buffer of 6912
bytes, or 6144 ...

  Stretch - resize, resize an analogue of
Art Studio - where is he in the BGE and the EDP???

  Rotate any angle - this is something that is done
plug in the BGE. That plug-in principle
useless as the screen rotation operation
too long and tedious. Need only turn
any window, that is, brushes and all ...

  Brush handle - change the cursor position on
brush - that is something for which corner we keep it,
it was already in the Scrapbook / Art Studio. Generally,
Scrapbook was a good prototype, which unfortunately does not

  Brush effects - in the BGE has already sold 4
effect - a stroke, seizure, thickening, utonshenie,
You can think of and more.

  In addition, still need to add save / load for
the brush. Many operations can be done and
attributes (when xgrid = ygrid = 8 and included a flag
"Operate on the attributes), although the majority of all
same for black and white brush.

  And it is good to integrate with all the brush
other operations and intsrumentami:
primitives, spray, blur the edges
texture (in fact dilute the window is stupid and unnecessary,
wash should just brush - in the right
area). Immediately foresee skepticism,
that with a large brush (eg a quarter
screen) to integrate the spray or line is not
what is difficult and even impossible - and let them! I
agree, we can make the brush-limited
size, but this restriction greatly reduces the
flexibility of the editor. A development editors - in
development of their flexibility! but not in the development of 
filters which is now ;-(.

  Further, another global effect - sieve, then
a sieve. He concludes that all
operations drawing on the screen pass, roughly
speaking through a sieve with an arbitrary texture.
A special case of this effect is the usual
We textured fill. In GFX2, for example, similar
effect is achieved by a combination of sieve texture
16x16 and floodfill. Introducing a sieve, but to simplify
casting, we get a powerful tool for
drawing any texture. How do you draw a
magnifying glass, and when drawing, brush primitives!

  Yes, in general, everything that I describe here - an attempt 
to transfer GFX2 on Spectrum, and in fact it is possible

almost completely!

  What other improvements are possible? For instance - refusal
from the menu system by increasing the number
icons (they easily can be done in 2 rows,
size 12x12 pixels) and the introduction of the second
active button. In this way you can reduce
number of steps necessary to select
any function. Two active buttons: the mouse is
understandable, lmb and rmb, and the keyboard for example
space and enter (or any other, because in
Ideally, editor keys pereopredelyaemy!).
The main button (space, lmb) usually does
main operation, includes a tool, but
More button performs
additional / opposite operation
toggle tool, or causes
Additional settings window tool.

  In short, if you can describe the long GFX2 and then
how to adapt to the Spectrum, it will be
technical design editor of a new generation
and, I believe it is unlikely to find support
among coders ;-), not in vain I chose this
title for the article.

  Therefore, the spacecraft will return to earth and 
pokritikuem is what we have.

  For example, disk operation.

  If the BGE two bitplanes are standard
format (2 screens one after another), the EDP in
All versions of the format of another - the screens are stored 
in sprite format, it is not clear why

need a new format for bitplanov then 2, when up to
This all got along very well because
supported in XColor, QSV and others? Although this
detail, because the conversion from one format to
the other is a simple affair.

  BGE in the addon to the standard features 2
menu options:

 - Change the drive (IMHO not so desired

   option, although if you can not change the drive

   in the "save as" it is needed, but more on that below)
 - Merge screen (if you have two screens meaning

   this option will be lost as the imposition of

   Second screen duplicates it, providing a
   Moreover, more opportunities, ie

   merge in this case only a vestige


  BGE is different from the EDP with option
"Save as" under which is not shown
directory of the drive and the option "save in" preserves
in the chosen file from the directory. The implementation 
record in EDP ​​seems more logical, because the option

save only one. It can create a new file
to overwrite or rewrite the old one.

  BGE, in contrast to the EDP, shows no
the number of files on the disk, but
identifies the files only on the number of
sectors (27/54), which allows you to work with
any extension, and the EDP can not load
even their files graphics.sys or cursors.sys ...,
as filters for files by mask "*. C". AND
besides, careless pressing the BREAK in EDP,
during any disk operation kills
editor, and in the BGE, just press BREAK

  The ideal editor should:

 - Have one option to save
 - Do save new / overwrite / rewrite as EDP
 - Be able to work with any extensions to load

   as files with no attributes, and file length

   less than 24 sectors. It is easy to implement

   introducing such a number of filters: "<24"

   "24", "27", "> 27". In the latter case

   load only the first 27 sectors.
 - Correctly handle BREAK: Startup -

   interrupt it when writing - also when this

   restoring the data in the directory

   if something has changed.
 - Easy to go out of save / load (pressing the EDIT

   or BREAK)
 - Work with the directory by one click (menu

   disk in principle do not need all

   recording options and downloads can be transferred to

   save / load window, and hang them on the hot

   buttons and icons)
 - Reload / autosave - parezagruzka current

   screen, record the current screen on one


  With all the disk that can be done?

  Indicator of the current color. What is called in
EDP ​​on Symbol Shift - is not an indicator, since
with the same success you can climb to the menu
colors. But in the BGE and the EDP, in the mode of the loop -
there is unused space. You can simply take
under a light pair of familiarity.

  Indicator of origin. He certainly is in EDP, but
why do you need if drawing and availability
indicator on the screen - the processes are incompatible??
And he needed it in the process of drawing.

  Primitives. That's how it's done in the BGE and EDP -
again special cases GFX2.

 - Point (EDP / BGE), a fat point (BGE)

   (It's just 2 of a standard set of brushes,

   hang on one icon)
 - Line, cont.line, rays (EDP / BGE)

   (This is also all one icon, chosen lmb,

   switchable rmb)
 - Spline (EDP)

   (Lmb: choice, rmb: mode switch: 3 or

   4 control points)
 - Triangle (EDP / BGE)

   (Special case of the landfill - an arbitrary

   broken line, whose end is automatically

   connects with the beginning)
 - Circle (EDP / BGE), rectangle (EDP / BGE)

   (Well, these things are normal, lacking only

   ellipses, with arbitrary rotated axes)

  Luminance grid. Do not use it, but
someone needs it. So why not make
so that the set bright grid is automatically included
transparent bright, and remove grid restored
that the brightness that was before?

  Text. Vector fonts BGE - fine, but
Holy smoke, not enough prosteyschih fonts Wx8.
Why is no one sells? After all, even
special font editor is not needed if
only to realize the grid mode and enter
additional shipping a piece of screen size - in
font file. Fonts 4x8 and 8x8, I, for example, long
already redakiruyu in EDP, but with the advent of BGE was
just copy the characters (although only 8x8, but
this is what the effect is no grid).

  Let us return to magnify. What attracts me
EDP ​​and why I can not draw in the BGE - a cell
shower [T]. Would do well to implement similar
tool and BGE. In addition, you can do and
znakomestnuyu grid in the manner of cell shower'a -
share familiarity with thin lines. In my opinion,
it is much better pixel grid, or a combination
pixel grid with a brightness ... Primitives in
magnify, I think, to realize, in principle,
Of course it is possible and necessary, but it is unlikely that
someone behind it undertakes. But at least, we need
Shading and drawing the line.

  Summary of EDP and BGE:

  BGE rapidly improving, has several
trimmed as possible, but as good as picture
fucker - its abundance of filters and plug-ins.
Very comfortable and plenty of windows x8 keyboard shortcuts
make it quite acceptable, but not for those who
accustomed to the EDP.

  EDP ​​over a friendly
Twain and produmannyyredaktor, but with less
PWM of goryachihklavish. Although not
have such kolichestvafiltrov and plugins
ak BGE, but nekotoryeinstrumenty EDP exceed
odyat similar to the BGE, the same attacks in the EDP is
instruments that do not in any imeyuschieanalogov whether
more other redaktorah.Nedostatok EDP in the signal
ichii more kalichestvabagov and incomplete realization of
fluctuations of the windows and primitives.

  At this point I probably rounded. Generally, it is possible
would come up with a couple of types of non-ferrous castings,
effects of smooth and smear for texturing
anitaliasing and lots more fun. The fact
that magnify the basic instrument and
high-quality color graphics mostly drawn
hand pixel by pixel, said just about
lack of development tools and effects. After all, they
is just designed to accelerate
drawing process. On the PC, and even the Amiga, I think
also, the editors of the 8-bit graphics like
evolved in a similar way, and what they
achieved - the schedule is drawn to them
pixel by pixel, and through a joint
using different combinations of effects,
brushes, spray gun (I do not about the effects of
imposed on the photographs, namely the
Pictures from the photo quality, drawn at 8mi
bits, manually) - this is the limit to which early
or later will come Spectrum editors. On
PC I was pleasantly struck by the fact that the author GFX2
artist and a coder at the same time, that's why
GFX2 so good, I think when creating Brilliance
is also not without its artists.

  In general, I did not force or beg
to implement what is described in this article.
Personally, I like drawing until EDP1_1demo (scorpion
fdd / ibm keyboard fixed by Siril, superfast
nonelastic primitives added by Siril) and
I draw. Sketches do in GFX2, the windows x8 climb
in BGE1_03. If nothing changes - I like
draw and will draw. But I want to say
one thing: it is a powerful, easy-to-
handling and comfortable editor can
stimulate the graphical scene. I started
draw only because it came with EDP
Quick Arrow, comfortable magnify ([T],
[Enter], [K]), cell works and the roll screen. More
_nichego_ I do not use. Of course, I greatly
I judge only by myself, but I - a specific
example, and I do not demand modifications editors
it was under me, I want to become editors
possible more comfortable for everyone.

  It should be noted also that in this article
dealt with the two screen pictures,
Multicolor editors or even steeper than that -
two screen multicolor. And it is for
These video modes the future, if it is of course the
Spectrum will be. Along this route, developed c = 64,
so that each of us shines something similar. And the editors
such graphics - an entirely different matter, because
for them can realizavt set of colored
effects and instruments, including simple
to move something with the same GFX2. And do not
would be advisable to read and the editors for c = 64
and c Brilliance, and only then do something.

Other articles:

From the Author - Vystupatelnoe word.

Our News - ARS / Fatality arrived in Perm and Diver'a and Blak Groov'a drafted into the army ...

Scene Life - an overview of the demos with SS'000 invitation dentro.

Trust no one - "When they had finished the Spectrum?" This issue is constantly relevant, is not it? "

Rocky-Code - Cyber Jack tells us how to be cool by the encoder.

D'E-PRESS'NYAK-1 - Lamers Must Die, or response to an article about demah and demoscene in the ZX News # 50.

D'E-PRESS'NYAK-2 - Kristoph and Justinas lowered Raver'a.

Free Zone-1 - an overview and comparison of new image editors Excess de luxe paint (EDP) and Burial Graphics Editor (BGE).

Free Zone-1 - to mow or not mow the army.

Postscriptum - 666 +1 bytes in the end.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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