Insanity #02
08 сентября 1999 |
Our News - ZX-Weekday city of Perm.
- - | ZX-Weekday Perm | - - ■ CyberJack ^ lfg | And we all, as always, nothing special. In a series of different events is allocated only visit the various guests at our quiet Urals town. I'll tell you about them in detail. 19 August, after months of preparation, in Perm come J / CIC of the glorious city of Tchaikovsky. The purpose of his trip was more than the prosaic - Oleg came to us with a computer. Fact preliminary call long distance showed their best - in the evening, he went back together with the sample the effect of high technologies the fate of the processor Z80 - Pay Profi 512 v4. After helping to buy a computer I time to share with Oleg software, to introduce him with some of our people and simply talk. From a conversation with him, it became known that the development of a Tchaikovsky softmeykinga strongly hampered by a lack computer normal amount of memory (more than 128K). So is now not far off release a new version AGA truly a fantastic possibilities. On the same day in the wonderful city of Perm from noble mission dating has arrived Glazov of LFG is almost at full strength. More precisely, we look at the legendary home bright future came Surv! v0r and Orc. In For several days they searched the attractions of our city, became acquainted with various outstanding Pipli (by some personalities from the 4th Dimension), zatarivatsya software, shared their different plans and ideas, In short, doing all those than can be engage spektrumisty visiting other spektrumistov. A complete overview of this event probably can be read in Insanity # 3. From a conversation with J / CIC became aware of the arrival in Perm Death Moroz'a Shales from the city. After weeks of searching for this man was found. Ilya came to us in Perm in the study, but the score on spec is not going to. The other day he will computer, and then he finally, after a long break back into a real computer life. It is likely that already the New Year he be able to please us with their work. In connection with the onset of autumn (and sudden cooling) activity Permyaks several decreased. Thus, many have begun to study, more seriously with her work. Not in cases of All Permyaks were only Diver/4D yes I am. But this did not prevent release of our work. Fourth Dimension has released collections of graphics and Doxy'98 Doxy'99 (now everyone will be able to assess mastery of the best foreign artists:). A most Membury LFG was busy working on so what you are now carefully studying. Quite likely that soon there will be new projects from our margins. However, wait and see.
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