IzhNews #08
31 декабря 1999

Svezhak - an overview of new products: Crime of the Santa Claus: Deja Vu, Grab of a Territory, AC Edit 0.47, Excess de Luxe Paint.

<b>Svezhak</b> - an overview of new products: Crime of the Santa Claus: Deja Vu, Grab of a Territory, AC Edit 0.47, Excess de Luxe Paint.

(C) RTD / BrC

             "We need to gather all the harvest

              with minimal losses ... "

                                Vladimir Putin

   Uncover your eyes and listen. Tum ...
Tum ... Tum ... Tum ... See on the horizon through the gray 
haze of mist barely visible figures of giants are moving in our 
direction? It's not people, but being a black block. However, 
black they are only for those who do not have optical

devices. I like a few of my friends, watching Coming in to (e) 
Zorn pipe. Tenfold increase reaching blocks gain more specific

shape, and no fog can not hide more than their true features 
and colorful. They - not the black giant, and soon even the 
blind can see for yourself. 

   Crime of the Santa Claus:

            Deja Vu

Creator: BrokImSoft, 1997-1999
Publisher: Rush I.S.P.A., 1999

Type: Game
Class: arcade / adventure
Squad: dizzipodobnye
Family: cheerful
Genus: criminal
Type: CSC: DV
Type of behavior: the complete "Deja Vu"
Cheat: a
Save position: there

Dimensions: 1700sec.

Requires: 128Kb RAM, FDD.
Desirable: 256Kb RAM, "Flash-Colour"

            mode, AY-like music. resistance
            core processor.

   One need not be naive, believing that getting sufficient 
information about object can only be with the aid of visual

capabilities of their eyes, even with a telescope. Vision gives 
immeasurably more information than hearing and smell,

but describes only the external signs
objects and their movement (not always). Although
outwardly approaching these beings are very
beautiful. Let's examine them in turn.

   As I just said, one of
little, so I had to install a "lump", which shone brightly, the 
psi-link. Communications received unilateral, I sent

certain psychic impulses (there is such a device that allows a 
push button form psi pulses, clear like creatures), watching 
produced effect (psi scope of these creatures is reflected on 
the screen of the device in the form of colored dots and 
squares, forming strange shapes and even pictures). You should 
also be similar device, so cook them. 

   Take out my notepad and writing down what watch you can read.

   I want to warn that the move to a slightly different 
terminology, "lump" is now referred to as the "game", etc., 

   First impression: the abundance of menyushek. Here
and the Sound menu, and Disk and Management,
and (oh wonder!) Animation Settings, and
Password (for cheat'ov, as I understood). Also
You can choose a fad "Technical information", where there are 
many svyatopisany the Creation of the Mi ... Game of the 
Creator and other (Advertising, Message, ie, greetings).

It is in these texts, there is a small paradox: "lump" feels 
done in 1997-1999 year, and in one of svyatopisanii

Creators mentions the date of completion in January
2000. Trifle, but what a believer?
But let believe. And most of these rulez
menus - something that can be legitimately
choose a fad "game with immortality." In
the same scriptures, and the possibility of
regime "Flash-colour", but not in the game,
but only occasionally, in the picture. This mode
hidden in the depths of consciousness and my Giant
device is unavailable. A pity.

   Start. Go tell that to the brake
devaysa better enable the turbo mode psiobmena, otherwise you 
lose the train of thought "Lumps" and float to the surface of 
her mind, and sometimes even fall out of the scope of your 
program the same devices. 

   Digital (numerical) characteristics are given in 
svyatopisyaniyah game, so - Principal.

   The most interesting idea (the "hit of the season)
is the ability to remember the game
process. Will remember your device, not
only you. That is, the button "M" get in
menus (buttons, by the way, you can overridden)
with options, do "the game" and the following menus - fad 
"Remember." Now All your actions will be recorded in

Memory devaysa until until the end of reserved memory, or you 
choose fad "play" (also in the course of the game "). Once you 
do this, demonstration will be your vacillation on the game 
screen, all the bazaars and gaming, Again, situations. But 
remember that when pressing the keys demonstration stops and 
control is transferred to you in the place where the 
demonstration ended. Forget about the position, when you 
clicked on the "Play", it is no more, therefore it is necessary 
to inspect DeMouy to end, and there only in time (!) time to 
push, because everything repeats again. 

   Next. Saving demos and a single
playing position on the disc is possible, and judging
to have been produced in the body of the program.
It is a pity that the deme is not stored as a file, because it 
could be disseminated. 

   Sound. In Game 3, and 6 three-channel dual-Mouzon. 
Two-channel can play together with the effects of that fun. 
Different combinations of Mouzon and sound (on / off) 
controlled buttons 1,2, 3, 4. "5" - change Mouzon. Overall, 
sounds good, play fun. 

   Animation - rulez FOREVER, especially if
her a lot. Grafon bright, colorful (and you
still do not know?), the world as a living
(For our devaysov their demands), even
Snow falls in real time, rather than turn-based mode:). But 
there is an unpleasant time, inherent in our devices: some

objects ("things") are poorly visible on environmental 
variegation. How to see the stick, which lies in front of a 
blue wall, has no own color and superimposed on this

wall on a mask? But it's also stuff!

   But what fun, what an atmosphere! Kul.
Well, the point, no comment. It is only
first impression, as will happen -
we'll see. Miracle of these things in the psychic contact with 
me recently, is still ahead. Psi-touch still one-sided, so it 
was always will be a long time (probably).

   ... Keep your eyes on the screen devaysa.
Paint around seem a little pale.
All conversation is over. When the giant suit
close themselves all make out (someone sees
now). On the purpose of its internal processes (ie, the outer 
layers of consciousness) will learn face to face. And do not 
forget to check Control buttons, more of them than I have said 
and written about them a menu. 

   And so, the game giant - all from a business and just so no 
one close to him does not admit, so it is recommended only 
psi-contact, no more. Although, if it cajole long and green on, 
then it is possible and hands.

   "Cob" continue its movement, and no
sense to run away from them, if only because that
it's not interesting. They do not kill.

      Grab of a Territory

Creator: Free Group, 1996

Type: Game
Class: Logic
Type: GT
Type of behavior: amusing

Dimensions: 244sec.

Requirements: 48k
It is desirable to: AY

   Among other creatures suddenly noticed
hunched a little old man. He barely
keep up with them. Look who is.

   After the cutscene, consisting of konverchennyh with PC 
screenshots (re-Animatsiya!), enter the menu. Selection of 
management, Intro, Demo game Management (3 knopulechki, but - 
any) HELP (for example, hints).

   Once launched, the old man suddenly began to Intro
tell me a story about the harsh,
what awaits us in the future (he is that prophet?)
the end of civilization, the struggle with the mutants
for territory, against Sozidateley with Chaos (my gag).

   "How can we fight the enemy?" -
I ask. See: field. I'm in the corner, and the enemy in
corner (opposite). When I change the color of their
area surrounding the squares of the
same color as to merge with me. Same
too does the old man, we had to queue. Such is the expansion.

   I have to go in the "ditch" (Quit): "block" approach, as 
long as they are in transit, we must conduct exploration among 

          AC Edit 0.47

Creator: Alone Coder

           (Invaders8 Group)

Type: Text
Class: editor
Type: AC Edit 0.47
Type of behavior: the silent
Observation: in the growth process

Weight: 40sec. (+101 Sec. Help text file)

Requirements: 48k
Desirable: 128k

   A young lady holding a little aloof, but keeps up with his 
comrades. View inside: a living.

   Text editor, hitting svoymi
Opportunities and ... Inter ... (between mug ...)
face. Tough, but where is his face? On
"Touch" is ("psy-touch"), and so - no.
Yes, a lot of hot keys, yes, there are infa
about the text, "setup", but no indicator.
The creator said: "I can." I continue:
"Come on." HELP is a list of some
knopulek (well, and the text file with the HELP too).
Setup (not saved to disk!) Is interesting,
allows you to include text on the display modes 42,64,80 
characters in the string (80 characters - a must see !!!). 

   But inside is concealed RULEZ:
 - Support of colors (each word separated
  lennoe space can have its own color)

  plus a neutral color (eg green,

  in DPPM).
 - An automatic word syllable by syllable. (!)
 - Select the end of the line: # 0D0A or # 0D.
 - Well and other rulezy.

  Prayer to the Creator: "Almighty and merciful God, have pity 
on the slave and child of yours and gave him a face (with 
menus), image and Thy likeness, and let it be upon thee, 
eternal glory and respect ... " 

   Really, "he heard" a prayer, I
sincerely sympathized with the young "cob."
Who would have thought that these creatures are capable of 
producing soulful moans and cries. Just like people ...

   Tired eyes off in the next
times from the screen. Paly paint (even with
Santa Claus'a times) around the world fill the visible space. 
Another was ... 

      Excess de Luxe Paint

Creator: ZK System aka Konstantin

            Zuykov, 1998-2000

            (Excess Team).

Type: Graphic Software
Class: editor screens
Type: Excess de Luxe Paint (demo)
Type of behavior: reticent
Observations: It looks like the demo version

Weight: 498sec. I have.

Requirements: 128 Kb RAM, FDD.
Optional: color monitor, or those

   After resting and getting used to the sunlight, I turn to 
the monitor. There is still far, but they do not stand still, 
and under their moves monotonically earth shudders. All

stronger and stronger.

   That which was initially less
colorful, connected to the analyzer
his mental sphere, without feeling someone else's presence. In 
fact, this miracle of color was not permanent, it could be any 
(within 8 colors, 2 of brightness and the ability to blink or 
expand the color palette), adjusted from the outside, that 
reinforces the idea that this creature - an image editor. 
Poizuchaem and verify this.

   We were already set by the representatives of the class
graphics editors, we have a copy of their psychological, so the 
number of characteristic signs of this class, we take pride of 
place in the scientific literature. There is a comparison.

   I hope you have ever visited
Burial GFX Editor 1.07, or at least Art
Studio (any), otherwise all further
text may lose the sense (or

   The process of loading in his myslesferu is delicious 
saliva. Still, there is an impressive list of loaded

"Modules". Yum-yum ... Booting to fall, actually, in the work 
environment by seeing a demonstration in front of a picture with

called the editor and the cursor, in finding that the top of 
the screen appears Suddenly menu icons. I do not want to 
describe all of them, tell only about the most (for

I) is interesting.

   What is in it, which is not in others:
 - Global Swap Ink / Paper as a menu item.
 - Two icons Undo. Why two, I did not

  understood, like the same function.
 - Roll Screen (scroll the screen (no windows!) With

  return: pixel by pixel / character by character, with

  with or without attributes).
 - Look Coords. Bottom of the screen displays

  coordinates of the cursor, with no other
  elastic can not be done. Is that the definition
  dividing the address elements of the picture.
 - Invert Cells in cleartext. Inverted
  the integration in the limits of familiarity.
 - Copy Page Cells. Copy the corresponding
  sponding familiarity of the second screen

  the first (ie, edited). Helpful

  before it can be done by means
  power windows x8 in BGE 1.07.
 - Magnify x2, x4, x8. In the BGE was not x2 and

  x8. In the Studio "was, but it does not work

  with two screens (ie, multiscreen).
 - Frame-pointer familiarity mode

  Magnify, Xor / Masked cursor (all there).
 - Attributes: In addition to the known Capture

  Attrubute, Ink <> Paper, there is a possibility

  set the color palette (Ink'Paper)

  for quick installation of the necessary attributes;

  Contrast Paper sets the paper on

  formula Paper = 7-Ink.
 - Very Kulnev translation function color

  pictures in black and white with an arbitrary

  adjust the brightness and contrast of scale

 - Full-creation mask image
  of (not entirely, of course, mask, computer
  ter does not know what is on your site

  apparently, and what is not) taking into account the 
availability of   vodka with 8 sides (rul!).

 - Built-in mini-games. To maintain

  spirit in moments of ideological and creative

  stagnation. Do they? "We are cool!
 - Chunk Editor, who cares.
 - Ability to define 10 windows.

   Something else to characterize the editora:
 - Ability to Multiscreen-view (as

  in the BGE), but no multiscreen-editora (about
  region of my fantasies), ie so I re
  exponentially time saw the results of their

  Action in general, the screen flashes, but I ri
  popped on the "active".
 - Something like ochankovki image. In

  tabular chunks can not unload

  (That's me on the BGE, where so you can).
 - Standard mode (Lines, Points,

  Cont. Line ,..., Grid (net of Bright),

 - Expansion of functions (open
  Taya architecture "?) user

  (User Plug-in), copyrights utility. In

  BGE is also possible somehow.
 - Per-pixel Eraser (box 8x8, but

  moves pixel by pixel).

   Now for the unpleasant, about what is not,
or shortcomings.
 - Inability to replace colors, or established
  Key current color in the window (only global
 - No windows x1. Altogether.
 - I did not see the function Kopiroveanya Directions

  Another screen.
 - A hefty hand-cursor (quite excited
  It is possible that this is not a minus, but a distinctive

  feature, the "face").
 - Inconvenient scroll mode Magnifica
  tion. Will need to crawl up with four
  tyrmya arrows. (Remember Management

  scroll from Cursor'a in BGE).
 - Inability to keep the two screens one
  These file.

   What is required, but not implemented (yet):
 - Do not save the color palette (and not

 - Not done building Geom. Shape:

  spline, rectangle, triangle, circle.
 - Does not work all the operations with windows.
 - PCX Viewer, where are you?
 - Something else in the utilities, but he was on
  I think not.
 - Save Window As Sprite silent and not to

  that does not respond. This function I have not yet

  seen in our photo editor.
 - Some non-working icons, as well as

  will obscure the content (">",">>",

  ">>>") Mode Magnify.
 - While in Magnify x8, I press

  in Space, "hung up" their device.

   Well, yes and that is enough. "Cob" with the words 
"Evaluation Copy" ("Evaluation Copy") no longer seem complete 
special: it completely lacks some internal organs, a place to 
which, however, was reserved in advance, there is still empty. 
Such feeling, that this creature is simply escaped somehow way 
from the Laboratory of the Creator. Since, however, was. By the 
will of the Creator. 

   They walk slowly and surely stepping over the
land. Colorful slightly ahead, while others
trace. They walk to us, and we expect them

   Take on (e) Zorn pipe and look when
also appears on the horizon is something else. It
appears, is only a matter of time. A copy of these four 
psychological I did. They need science. And me. 

Other articles:

introduce - an introduction to the new edition of the newspaper.

Ochepyatka - correction to article about the Power Of Sound.

Netmylo - we finally came letters from readers.

Komanata torture - an interview with a member of a new group of Izhevsk TRG - SiSoft'a.

Svezhak - an overview of new products: Crime of the Santa Claus: Deja Vu, Grab of a Territory, AC Edit 0.47, Excess de Luxe Paint.

Cheats's - cheats and codes, and the well-known western games.

Adventures - Guide Adventyurnym games! (Continued)

Fantasy - the beginning of a series of articles about fantasy.

Philosophy - Predlolozhenie the most important: Rat paradise.

Rulezniki - the continuation of the story.

Engine Trade - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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