IzhNews #05
09 мая 2000

Nonsense in BASIC - programmirrovanie calculator Citizen SPR-145.

<b>Nonsense in BASIC</b> - programmirrovanie calculator Citizen SPR-145.
  / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 
\ / \ / \ / \  / \

 \ -= Nonsense in BASIC =- /
 / \
 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / 

(C) PIXel / BrC

    Zdravstvuyte my dear fans
our rag. The word keeps constant
Leading this column - P! He1 (well, I broke
switch to Russian). Today, we again
We (we is me and another one who is not broke)
write programs, and as the name implies
column, not on BASIC'e.

             CITIZEN SRP-145.

    Yes, yes my dear we
programirovat calculator. Like any
programmer, I once saw in the instruction
Calculator word "programiruemmy" immediately
decided that it must be pre-programmed.


  Saving made mathematical
operations in the calculator memory.

    With the aid of the calculator can
maintain a sequence of calculations containing no more than 40 
steps. These "steps" can be either the actual

steps, such as math
functions or values ​​(for example,
numbers). Each function is one
step. Stored program even if
then turn off the calculator. When
calculations can be used by more than
one variable.

    This calculator remembers the mathematical operations or 
program mode Program (PGM) Mode ....

    Everything! Tired of my instructions
rewriting. If you do not lose yourself
read. I schaz Tell you boring
the story of how I zaprogramil.

    Sit means, do nothing, so I took
Calculator, and they decided to write to him prog
which considers the roots of the quadratic
equations and all that jazz. From the
most instructions I found out that for all
of all withdrawn 40 steps. Well, for such
simple problem that is quite enough,
Think you, I thought so too at first, and
began programa. To begin with we recall
formula by which these roots
Search: __________ __________

      -B + √ b ¤ -4 ∙ a ∙ c-b-√ b ¤ -4 ∙ a ∙ c

  x1 = x2 =

          2 2 ∙ a ∙ a
Perhaps omit the story of how all this is not
fit into 40 steps, then it ka
optimized to the desired tsyfry as
it, vlezshee in 40 steps, and how not raboralo
I zaoptimizilos to such a size that
shit work, but only describe the final

    Davie is this:

  [On / c] included

  [1] a = 1

  [Shift] [Ka] entered a value in RAM

  [2] b = 2

  [Shift] [Kb] -------//----- b - / -
  [3] c = 3

  [X-> m] -------//----- c - / -
  [On / c]
Now sobsvenno itself prog:

  [Shift] [pgm] Program Mode

  [Kb] [x2 ][-][ 4]

  [X] [Ka] [x] [MR] b2-4ac

  [V] root of the discriminant

  [¡The] [2] [¡The] [Ka] divided by 2a


  [X-> m] we put together with (it

                         no longer needed)

  [-] [Kb]

  [¡The] [2] [¡The] [Ka]

  [=] Here it is - the first


  [Halt] will shine on screen.

  [-] [MR] restore (b2-4ac) / 2a

  [-] [MR] [=] the second root

  [Halt], too, lit.

  [Shift] [pgm] yield

  [Run] see the first root

  [Run] --/-- second --/--.
Now you are proud of their steep bear
Calculator and show your friends this
miracle ...

             Colorno daub.

    Well nazvnie. Oh well. Êàî is
what now will be a speech you can see
pressing the pedal <V>. Pressed? if someone
More intersnyh, then read on.

    In one demo I saw chunks Colorno
and decided that I, too, one is able to chtolibo like. 
Immediately warn that sources today will not be. Particularly

Enthusiasts can certainly break listalku
and vudernut it (source) from there, but once
warn that effect is made on the basis of
sings and right without any attempt to
optimization, etc.

    The main loop looks like this
as follows:

    1. change the buffer.

    2. print buffer.

    3. Jump to 1 if not pressed anything.
Similarly, the head looks like the cycle of fire,
but more on that another time.

    Buffer contains the bytes describing
familiarity each screen, and they look
as follows:

    % Hrrrcccc

               > Number of chunks (0Ў15)

               > Paper (1 bolshii Inc.)

               > I do not use.

    My prtsedura change buffer toko
increases each value of 1 (inc).

    The printing process uses the procedure
Print symbol (chunk-a 8x8). Inc. as
above for 1 more papera. For
Procedure (my) need a font of 16
characters from empty to filled with chunks.

    Well, the basic idea pushed now
all who enter can do it. I ask
all of whom is broken sorry for the lack of
source (was ashamed of such code). More
naveno not very pleasant to read my senility,
Well, I can not better, and want to write, although
I'm not forcing anyone to read. And I write
I will continue because no one has yet
vysskazal opinions (negative) about
my writings. I also want to remind that
All articles are designed for the novice coder
(Like me), and therefore, blame me
lamerstve should not and then ... ogogo ....
and ..... in ..... shtob longer .... otherwise
him ....  .....

    SBC HL, HL


> Assemble
> Run

Other articles:

Authors - the authors of the new issue of the newspaper.

Entry - a new newspaper listalka.

Learn Claudia - description of the management shell newspaper.

News - in Izhevsk, opened the first BBS and formed a new group of TRG!

Warez - Game news: Shibenitsya, Worm Word, Tower Pod, Clickmania.

Rulezniki - a story.

Present - the fact that the same be annexed to our newspaper.

Nonsense in BASIC - programmirrovanie calculator Citizen SPR-145.

MiniParty - Scientific and Practical Conference high school students.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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