IzhNews #05
09 мая 2000 |
Authors - the authors of the new issue of the newspaper.
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \ -= Credits =- / / \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / __________________________________________ Who was it created: (Well, not exactly deBill) NoViSeT (Shakhov Igor) Memorable and witty editor in chief, co-author and Chief Executive shell newspapers, the author of the main body of articles and just a good guy. P! XEL (Abdrafikov Nicholas Rashidovich) Inspirer and co-shell for a newspaper, in principle, too bad chuvachek. :) RTD (Murashev Sergey A.) Virtuoso artist and a good proofreader, author of several articles. Same guy though where. :) Just when you create the newspaper were used the following zhelezyachechki and fishechki: 1024 Profi, Profi 512, Pentagon 128 and two VICOMM-MODEM'a, three AY'shnika six 5'25 " drive, a 3'5 "floppy drive, three keyboard, three color monitor. A total of totaling more than 2.500 rubles. :) The editors would like to thank authors of the following software products used to create the newspaper: XAS v7.447 STS v5.1 Hrust v1.3 Burial GFX Editor v0.22 Sprite Master v5.11 Micro Editor v3.30 Lazer Compact v5.2 Lazy Pack v2.0 Text Maker v1.10f Pro Tracker v3.4f Modern Word v2.1 Just hello to all our friends groups: > <-Team TRG Delirium Tremens Proxima Centauri The Legacy AREAsoft Playgear Company Mental Insperation Unity Triumph With best wishes and suggestions please at the following address: Izhevsk st. Chervonoarmijs'ka d.88 square. 188 Shakhov, Igor Vladimirovich or by phone: 52-36-21 (Igor) At the same address prinemayutsya copyrights materials and promotional offers. The editors reserve the right to sends to edit articles without loss of semantic content thereof.
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