Spectrofon #03
28 февраля 1994 |
Archive - the game is considered "Great Britain Ltd", which you can try as prime minister.
A & R's and the The idea of creation of this column born with us, when we were preparing for the next issue of the magazine. In looking for interesting and long forgotten programs we watched some old tapes with the games. Some programs have caused only smile, and some are pleasantly surprised. In these simple prehistoric specimens found so many interesting ideas that other programmers and is now worth looking at how you can use a simple BASIC. Written in the days when the Soviet consumer computers "Microsha" yet only dreamed of its creators, and our people hard instilled the idea that 'we are - ahead the entire planet, these games are already happy all the lucky owners "Speccy". Under the heading "Archive" we will together with all our readers to draw their eyes to the past and consider the long-forgotten programs that are simple, but nevertheless interesting and playable. Today this role dare offer the program "GREAT BRITAIN LTD ", which was written in 1982. GREAT BRITAN LTD --------------- In this game you appear the role of British Prime Minister mid vosmidesyatyh years. You will lead the the whole country. Every five years, the country held elections. Your task remain in power as soon as possible longer and leave your name in history. Opposition parties are set very firmly and you will have to show exceptional abilities to pursue a wise policies and collect a large number of votes at the next elections. After loading the game and the choice of party, you'll present, the computer will give You background information on the economic situation in the UK at the time of your entry to the post of prime minister. At the top of the screen is placed the following information: TERM (a term of the account you are on as prime minister) INFLTN (inflation /% /) UNEMPT (number of unemployed Country / millions /) REFRMS (value, reflecting effectiveness of your reforms) YEAR (year in office) EXCH.RTE (the dollar against the national currency unity) POP. RTNG (Your popularity rating in the country) ACC.BALANCE (final balance / If the value otriitsatelna - there is a budget deficit /) Just below shows information about the country: Population: 55,000,000 Of these, 10 million. children and 12 mils. pensioners. It also provides data on number of firms and companies in the country. The following is information about main entrance: VAT INCOME (income from value added tax) P.A.Y.E. INCOME (income from income tax) COMPANY TAX (income from income tax) EXCISE DUTIES (excise duty) TOTAL INCOME (just arrived) LESS EXPENDITURE (spent) BALANCE (total) After that, you are invited to familiarize with the prices of basic consumer products: PETROL (gasoline) SCOTCH (whiskey) SIGARRETTES (cigarettes) MILK (milk) BREAD (bread) TEA (tea) Here you will find the average Salary in the country (AVERAGE INCOME) and the magnitude of the price index (RETAIL PRICE INDEX). Familiarized with the economic situation in the country, press ENTER and proceed to vyponeniyu their duties. So, the day of the adoption solutions (BUDGET DAY). In your can change the following Taxes: a. INCOME TAX (Income Tax) b. CORPN.TAX (income tax) c. VAT (value-added value) As well as the quantity of excise duty on: d. TOBCCO TAX (tobacco) e. ALCOHOL TAX (alcohol) f. PETROL TAX (petrol) g. Exit. Next, you are invited to consider the major social payments: a. CHILD ALLOWANCE (grants children) b. OLD AGE PENSION (retired) c. UNEMPLYMENT (unemployment benefits) d. Exit. If you decide that some taxes and fees required changes, then press the corresponding vetsvuyuschuyu key and type the right number on the keypad. In conclusion, you will be offered express their views on the main directions of reforming the country: a. IMPROVE HEALTH SERVICE (improvement of medical service of population) b. BUILD NEW HOMES (new housing) c. JOBS FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS (work for school leavers) d. BUILD NEW SCHOLLS (new schools) e. IMPROVE ROAD SYSTEM (improved road system) If you wish to make changes in these areas, then Select a menu item and enter a number. At the end of each year, summed up. You again acquainted with the economic situation in the country and you can evaluate their performance. It is clear that the main criterion for you is your rating popularity among the population. Need remember that with a rating of less than 35% You'll never win another election. Try to make well- informed decisions, show care of children and pensioners. Not think that only strengthened the national currency, you able to secure a victory the election. Before the next elections conducted election campaign, during which you can to raise his popularity rating among the population. To the election You campaign released 1000 conventional units, which you can divided into four main sections of your program: INFLATION UNEMPLOYMENT FOREIGN POLICY HOME AFFAIRS If, say, you do not have all Order of unemployment, the main attention should be given exactly this problem, and hence greater Most of the isolated you 1000 conv need to be accommodated in corresponding section campaign menu. The campaign is given from one to cheryreh weeks. During this period, you can change direction his speeches and evaluate the reaction population in your application. It is clear that the elections, you should choose the best option, in which your rating rise to the highest possible mark. But now, finally, voters went to the polls, but at night starts counting. You It now remains to be seen over how votes are distributed. If your party managed win, then you choose to second term. Sometimes, though, sklayvayutsya difficult situations when elections failed, and then appointed a new election. In this case you again have to hold election campaign. From time to time, two opposition parties unite to fight against you and create a coalition. Then the votes for these parties are summarized and You no longer any chance of any win. In conclusion, the communications that sometimes appear in the form ticker news. These messages tend to reflect negative public reaction to your ill-considered actions. Most often, there are two messages: "During the year in many major cities have been protests ..." "With inflation, social payments are very small ... " If you break the laws of the country, are driving the economy to collapse, then the Parliament can raise the issue of early elections. Then hang on! Early election win is virtually impossible. P application, we present you the disk version of the game. If you win the election, you can save the state of play on diskette. It is advisable to use to save a blank floppy, since maintained an independent file "saved GB", which You can run as a separate game. *
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