Spectrofon #01
31 декабря 1993 |
Debut - adventyurnoy passing game "Kayleth".
KAYLETH ADVENTURE SOFT 1987 Those who read Isaac Asimov, know that this writer always attracted to the study behavior of robots - the creation of hands human - in the extreme situations. Fantasy author gave birth to the original stories on the topic robot and human relations at principle: what would happen if ... Well, for example, if a robot burns some kind of very important chip that is responsible for compliance with the Basic Laws of Robotics (a term Azimov) which require the robot to universal norms of behavior. In works of fiction such kind of situation happens often. And, not rarely seen feelings and sensations spoiled the robot from inside his own eyes. And this is all Isaac Asimov. Try to figure out all the nuances of behavior car broke down. Psychology behavior of artificial intelligence - it's very interesting. Now imagine that Asimov's works created computer game. What is computer? This is because, in essence, artificial brain. Can you imagine for a moment that you The man with the help of his computer controls the thoughts and actions of the robot! Yes, the more in adventyurnoy game with detective plot. And if this robot does not like everything? .. Strictly speaking, we are a little distracted, but it was done not by chance, and you'll understand, When you pass this challenging game. Just wanted you to some intrigue and enter into a course case. And now dwell on the problems of the game's debut. "... In the year 340 you have come to consciousness, nightmares, tormented You retreated. Incredible strength fill your body, but it's feeling a terrible loss. Vague outlines cleared and you saw that ... " Such tie the game. Note: here and we do not give a literal translation into force that are not linguists, as well as for the simple reason that every professional player with inyazovskim " English will be very interesting to deal with non-trivial turnovers. Therefore, we halted on the translation, sending only the essence of the situation, and this is sufficient for understanding what is happening. Actually, before you start playing, you can admire the pictures of the selective Games are kindly requested to by the authors. "... And you saw what lay sprawled on the conveyor line, which is slowly but surely brings you closer to the automatic unit with a working electric manipulators. You understand that even a few seconds and your head will fall into these automatic clamps, and then come to an end. "Wow the beginning!" - You will say. But that's not all. When you try to to his feet (STAND UP), you realize that your hands are firmly Steel handcuffs attached to a conveyor line. Seemed would the situation is hopeless and death inevitable, but ... Let's remember that it said early in the game? "The incredible power fill your body. "Hmm, how we just do not feel? Well, let's try themselves in the role of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Breaking hated handcuffs (BREAK BANDS)! Incredibly, but we are succeeding! Hands free! Now quickly climb (STAND UP) and ... Oh, my God, what it? Roared roared Siren speaker located on the walls and you saw that to you fast approaching patrol droid destroyer. Connoisseurs adventyurnyh games in this situation sometimes begin to act too technical and confusing, for example: view droid (EXAMINE DROID) or try to talk to him (SAY "HELLO"), or at least case, realizing that nothing helps to kill him (KILL DROID). Usually by that time from you remains a handful of ashes, lonely tucked away near the notorious conveyor line. Droid just shoot you from his great blaster. Of course, the best thing about this situation - this is the lam. True, the droid will follow You are on his heels, leaving a second to think and rest. Be sure: He'll catch up and, sooner or later, you will have experience the action blaster. They say that it is unpleasant. So here's a tip: run from conveyor directly upward (UP), in bay control products, and turn off the alarm system. Yes, then won that little Lever (PRESS LEVER). Now You all will be ok. Stupid droid, which is only that haunt you satisfied with the pristine silence, return back to where you came from, and Finally, leave you alone. We also leave you alone and now offer a no hassle to sort out this entertaining game. In conclusion, we add that The program understands the abbreviated words. For example: instead EXAMINE You can enter EXAM etc. In the abbreviated word, however, must be no less than four letters. Those who are poorly versed in Principles adventyurnyh games, we advised to read the log book ZX-REVIEW for 1991, which were published lessons adventyurnym games under the name ADVENTURE LESSONS. *
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