Spectrofon #00
30 ноября 1993

Review - the future of the section.

<b>Review</b> - the future of the section.

   Unfortunately many stream
software from the West for the Spectrum-compatible
computers in recent years
significantly narrowed. In the West
machine with the magic name
"ZX-SPECTRUM" is almost
died and we have only one thing: in-house support
the warm breath of our beloved
"Speccy". In this section, we will accumulate all the most
latest information on the game
software. Here
We plan to tell you about
what's new in
Moscow, which games deserve
attention, and what - just a talentless fraud. The Review You
found along with reviews and
hit parade of games.

Other articles:

Entry - A few words about the new magazine.

Expertise - a thorough analysis of the game "Narcopolice".

Debut - "How to start a game?"

Review - the future of the section.

From the world of bat - on soderazhnii section.

System - a review of applications.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
News - The list of servers working in Minsk.
Interface - Overview of Windows like shells and systems for ZX Spectrum.

В этот день...   21 September