Spectrofon #13
12 мая 1995

Review - the announcement of the new game "Special Forces" of STEP.

<b>Review</b> - the announcement of the new game
            A N O N S



   Today we announce another game that prepares our
creative team. We think that
for fans of military strategy games such as "LASER SQUAD"
this will be a pleasant surprise.

    Presenting authors:

The idea of ​​the script: Yuri Matveev

Codes: Fanatic Stas

Graphics: Mr Usmanov

   For a long time we have been
collated the most popular games
"LASER SQUAD", tried to create a level editor, attempts to 
improve the game as a whole. At some stage, after already 
podnadoevshih Research genius "LASER ARM"

The idea was born, what do you think
what? Well, of course - to write
his own, original

   Thus, "SPECIAL FORSES" - this is
strategic game. Action
unfolds in the future. You
entrusted with command of the military
special purpose units. At your disposal
a detachment of eight Space Marines, special training for the 
past one of the bases of the Office of

Suppression of interplanetary terrorism.

   The task group included the elimination of dangerous 
terrorist groups, as well as the alien aggressors, rebellious

cyborgs and other vermin, which is exceptional
danger to the human race.

   Those who love games like
"LASER SQUAD", "REBEL STAR" know the basic, so to speak, the 
principle of chess games. The game "SPECIAL FORCES" save this

principle. Main difference
was the fact that you are switching
to control your character (one
of the eight available at your disposal soldiers) can see 
everything as to his eyes.

   Work in full swing, and
is hard to say what will be the final product.

   The game will include several mission scenarios and a demo 
version if any, will be

published in our magazine. In
game will introduce the elements and nondeterministic (viral) 
games, but so far all the secrets will not disclose. Progress 
paper, we report in the magazine. 

   And finally, one more
novelty, which appeared on
software market
Russia. Will focus on the game
"UFO. ENEMY UNKNOWN". The prototype is a game of "UFO. ENEMY
UNKNOWN ", written by the firm
MICROPROSE for IBM-compatible
machines. We present
the attention of the author's description
interesting program.

Other articles:

Ekspepertiza - a unique game "TAU CETI 3", one of the best its genre.

Debut - adventyurnaya fantastic game "Worm in Paradise", the well-known firm LEVEL 9.

Storm - How did "kill" the terrorists who hijacked a bus in the game "HIJACK"?

Exam - the end of parsing the game "They Stole a Million".

Premiere - Another version of the game "Color Lines", which written by programmers from Moscow.

Review - new foreign games: F-19, Carrier Command, Dizzy 7, Hudson Hawk, Magic Johnson's Basketball.

Review - author's description of the game "UFO. Enemy Unknown" (UFO - Enemy Unknown).

Review - the announcement of the new game "Special Forces" of STEP.

From the world of bat - an overview of readers' letters, something about the game "Virus" and the conditions of and participation in the Open Championship Viruses.

System - a detailed analysis of the music editor for AY - "Sound Tracker".

Advertising - advertising and announcements from the readers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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