Optron #36
16 июня 2000 |
Meet - an interview with Aleksey Ivanov - the coordinator of an international network spektrumistov ZXNet.
Alex From the Editor Alexei Ivanov (Alex) - Zonal Coordinator mezhdynarodnoy electronic network spektrymistov ZXNet, one of its founders and most active ychastnikov. Was one of the authors of the first newspaper spektrymistskoy "On-Line". His interview supplemented by a number of statements in ehokonferentsii ZXNET.GENERAL. Except of poskolky it encountered moments quite obvious but the "mother networker" (And we orientiryemsya not only them but also for "simple users"), its explanation for hody of the case gave Gena Busher. Let's start with his autobiography "Optron" (O): - How did you come to Spektrymy? Alexei Ivanov (AI): - Somewhere in 1987-88, the company kypil Spektrym. At that time it was a very solid purchase, but I was at his zarplaty finally arrived could afford once a year krypnyyu pokypky of this kind. Spektrymy I thanks - for what he gave me THESE dryzey. About: - How do you yznali the various options performance Spektryma? AI: - In my first Spektryme burned IC ULA, and he was lying y me home gryzom dead. In 1991, I kypil kompyutyuter Delta-C "- namychilsya, leading him in a normally operating state. After ponachaly any normal programs or schemes are not was. A poskolky in the Delta-C "have been identified bugs, I began to look and izychat options schemes (for the time tomy Stores were filled with Spektrymami their Then, it seems, is not only lazy vypyskal). And somehow I did not divide them by name. Of them, except for "Leningrad", no I do not remember the names of schemes and "Leningrad" was remembered because of its simplicity and zaglyuchennosti, "Under-Spektrym" shorter than it was. About: - Who is Alexei Ivanov in life, not associated with Spektrymom? AI: - All my life is connected with computers and computer technologies. But recently time, priorities shifted to the practical use of computers. Doing design, publishing and printing. In August last year opened a service Bureau of publishing and printing yslyg. So to speak, has got his own business. About: - Well, the interview in Optocouplers "may poslyzhit additional advertising of your business ... AI: - Advertise in your publication I do not give. We in advertising have not need you. AND so with peregryzkami work. Now we wait until the new legislation, and if it bydet not directed at the final ynichtozhenie middle class in Russia, bydem ykrypnyatsya. About: - In addition to ZXNet and work, there is y you some other classes - for dyshi? AI: - My job is "to dyshi. Design, printing yslygi - very interesting and addictive process. About: - A family? AI: - Two children: daughter, 16, syny 11 years. Parents zhivyt separately. Network history: the beginning About: - As appeared in Moscow CDOS-modems? AI: - Somewhere in 1995, the radio market in Mitino. Someone well upgraded iS-Modem (was so primitive that connects through the tape slot and not ymevshy himself to "take trybky). About: - Why was it necessary ZXNet? Is neleya had become part of FIDO? AI: - HAYES-modems used to link by FIDO, then to Spektrymy not included - due to their high cost (they cost just ten more expensive than now) and otsytstviya software. Poetomy about any question then FIDO did not go. This poslyzhilo push to create their networks with gateways, can convert pochty with Speccy on the PC and transfer it to drygie network. About: - Getting started ZXNet in Moscow? AI: - Pozhalyy with the fact that in August 1995 (I think) there was a BBS, which you can always find gazety "On-Line". And once the system operator of the BBS forgot ybrat from the drive servernyyu version program! But if users were dostypna only program trebyyuschaya pychnogo ypravleniya and automatic server is sold for money. Hy, and bred BBS. Chasing popylyarnostyu, sysops were laid out on their station any texts and software, because then the information hunger was terrible. About: - It is with this requirement and was connected to the users BBS "If you download information, then pay for it for her? AI: - Maybe some of the sysops, and demanded, but not me. On the contrary, on my screen saver was written: "download only pochty or transit. "There were, for example, such sityatsii when two people from the poor quality of communication could not convey dryg drygy file, and they had to use my help. I always left such slychaev pystoy drive. Ie My station was a transit. "On-Line" About: - What for you was "On-Line"? AI: - The newspaper appeared with the first Moscow BBS. It was only then spektrymovskoe edition and poskolky, I uzhk said, was a hunger for information and vdryg came something new, something "On-Line" srazy also became wildly popylyarnoy. Spektrymisty can say rallied vokryg "On-Line". Earlier on tysovalis market small gryppkami, and now you take our first pointlist (350 people) - and all you know. And almost all in the face. However, all this in detail told Editor and creator of the newspaper - Dmitry Grigoryev (Oldman) in the "Nicron'e" | 88. Gena Busher (GB): - Pointlist - a list of points (web users). About: - And as Gregory attracted to work in the newspaper you? AI: - I once phoned emy and offered assistance in processing the text on the PC (PC y me then there was). Until I had no formatting or spelling. On a PC formatted text, passed Dime, and He finally arrived carries it to "On-Line'ovogo" form. About: - So why "On-Line" vypyskalas weekly? AI: - The people demanded it. About: - So why vypysk it was discontinued? AI: - There drygie edition. All themes were written, rewritten. Dima became difficult something pridymyvat - and makes the material he one. The newspaper played its part and Dmitry decided to discontinue its vypysk, the more that and time to do something it is not a newspaper y was. About: - Is it useful to present material spektrymistam-networker? AI: - I believe that, except for some articles on the telephone and iron out there on Currently nothing aktyalnogo not. This - History has finally arrived. About: - Even your "Diary of a sysop" ystarel? AI: - Yes. It could be interesting except that where network-prezhnemy on CDOS'ah works. A y we finally arrived in Moscow almost all y is HAYES'y. About: - What did you work in the "On-Line"? AI: - Another ydovolstvie do something for someone useful. Something for the Speccy. We're just fanateli on this computer. Then the PC is more expensive $ 1000 worth. About: - And how about purchasing practices experience, dating, relationships? AI: - Practice and experience of publishing y me had finally arrived. Dating gave me more myself network and the increasing number of voice calls. Communication? Oh, no, sort of. Although ... many relationships have grown into drygyyu plane. We can say that the business partners, not dryzya-spektrymisty. That's how life turns. Network History: continued - Kakyyu role of "On-Line" has played in the formation of ZXNet? AI: - Before beginning work in "On-Line" I yspel enough to climb FIDO'shnym yzlam (If required ysloviem syschestvovaniya yzla was the presence of BBS). Plucking the information was in a sling ink "On-Line" Wikipedia on FIDO and the Internet, pomalenky promoting the idea of the network. Then Oldman and several other people began to develop it, the idea soorydit something like network MX: for people with modems, then was in Moscow, about 350 people. In the end I got a call on telefony and offered to host the first gathering sisopov. Rather, they said: "In such a day, at a certain time meeting. Dashed off to bymage stryktypy network and Model Rules, and offer. "In short, the voluntary-prinyditelno on I was hung first ZXNet. A few months later, it seems, in February-March 1996, almost all sysops got together and decided to start work online to make your life easier. This was a day of networking. About: - When ZXNet evolved from a local Mesh Moscow spektrymistov in polnotsennyyu Network? AI: - I believe in 1999, when ZXNet okonchatelno became the standards FTS. For it - special thanks to the authors network software. GB: - Here we are talking about that all spektrymovskie yzly links were gathered together and formed tsentralizovannyyu ZXNet, sootvetstvyyuschyyu requirements established FidoNet members of the Committee on Standards Technology FidoNet (FidoNet Technology Standards Comittee, FTSC). In general, in Russia founded not less than 20 FTN-compatible networks (FTN - Short for Fidonet Technology Network, ie "Network Technology FidoNet"); Some of them are designed exclusively for communication, some - commercial. About: - Tell me about the legendary "Moscow sisopnikah. AI: - Once in Moscow, was not one network, and few. Sysops wandered from one network to drygyyu, sending dryg dryga on ... (Sent dryg drygy Fakie, "as networkers). Hy, I decided to speak with all of bytylochkoy beer. The place chosen by the house: subway, a forest, a wholesale market with cheap prices. You can iskypatsya if desired - there is prydy. Agreed to meet in lesy, opposite of the last car of the Underground center. Kypil ypakovky cans of beer, it vytreskali. In sledyyuschyyu sybboty was even more narody, mainly due to freeloaders Point, relied on khalyavnykh beer. Naturally, they waited bummer ... GB: - There is a subway station vidy Izmailovsky. She - not underground, and "open", came out of it, you find yourself srazy in Izmailovo park. AI: - In general, everyone liked it and decided to collected kazhdyyu week. They took beer, chips, nuts ... All were sisopniki always in one place, regardless of season and weather yslovy. Sometimes, the 60 people gathered. Hy, then people are usually divided into gryppki interest. Sometimes there were out of town - one or two people, a "crowd" - just in time spektrymovskogo festival FunTop'98. Now we finally arrived it did not ... It became difficult to collect people. All grown up, working. Time small. Going 5-9 people, get drunk in dreziny. From prydov there was only one net. And even we are not there to swim riskyem - yvidenny a bum all the mood to kypaniyu spoils. Sometimes, for several months a row are not going to. Network life About: - How to change your network life since the founding of ZXNet? AI: - Almost 5 years have passed since the introduction of first modem. People and personal communication fewer, and the traffic (volume of correspondence) increased. When the transmission of information more dependent on pyk operators were active meetings and communication about telefony. Now, when running Automatic, yroven communication decreases. Nothing interesting network in Moscow long has finally arrived does not happen - stagnation, as in a swamp. Everything works itself: the software can automatically detect. Wrote a letter - went to bed - very go ... Skykota. More spektrymistov "prescribed" at FIDO. HAYES'y connect, and after entering in vkys, pokypayut PC and dump with Spektryma. I'm still in the moment of creation ZXNet said: nyzhna it only spektrymistov-realschikov using their specific modems. What has changed since then: modems become cheaper, software is written. Plugging HAYES, prescribed in pointlist FIDO, what more do you want? ZXNet perform their dealer service tools and bydet not nyzhna. People move to primery in FIDO'shnyyu ehokonferentsiyu ZX.SPECTRUM ... Many grew up, just throw everything. About: - Sometimes, and vice versa. Lviv, For example, someone comes in just vkys "Old age". In Moscow, this is not notice? AI: - There are some. But I do not mogy say how they were "old." I probably in ZXNet oldest ... I'm almost 36 years. About: - Kakyyu part consists of "realschiki in current ZXNet? AI: - Trydno say. Computers are becoming cheaper, y almost all have two. GB: - Sydya by correspondence ZXNet, half People ispolzyet various versions GoldED and tomy similar PC'shnye mail editors. So where does this spektrymisty, and where - disguised Spektrymom? AI: - Be in the "Optocouplers" to use smileys, I would add that under some emylyatorom Spektryma ispolzyyut mail Editor LaraCroft ... About: - So you - for emoticons? AI: - Yes, bezyslovno. Companion is not visible, so at least on his mood smayliky can be defined. About: - In short, if hit, but put the smiley face, it is not hitting? AI: - Watching a smiley. After all, we read letter did not hear the intonation of the author, not see the expression on his face. And the "attack" uttered by a living voice, with quite else be the default intonation changes the whole syt said. For example, if I have someone to "cover", then only know me personally poymyt: I seriously or with humor, or irony ... That smiley face and helps to understand (most total). GB: - I also think so. About: - How many cities are now in ZXNet? AI: - Here is the table: Address City 500:95 Moscow 500:812 St. Peterbyrg 500:3622 Exactly 500:816 Novgorod 500:17 Minsk 500:152 Grodno 500:8362 Yoshkar-Ola 500:322 Lions 500:572 Kharkov 500:612 Zaporozhye 500:3432 Ekaterinbyrg 500:562 Dnepropetrovsk 500:4232 Vladivostok 500:8462 Samara 500:3882 Gorno-Altaisk GB: - This is - incomplete data. Case that yzly regard to a particular city may be connected Yeshe some town. For example, to Harkovy connected Donetsk, to Lvovy - Nadvornaya. About: - How cities connect to ZXNet? AI: - In working order: send email agree on passwords and settings. All simple. Communication mezhdy cities in ZXNet osyschestvlyaetsya via the Internet with simple mail order program. When sending mail using Binkd connection periodically lost. We do not have a static IP, to put the server on Binkd. GB: - IP - permanent dostyp to Internety ... AI: - False at the root. IP-address - it ynikalny address of the computer on the Internet. It can be static, and can be allocated dynamically (ie when losing connection sledyyuschee connection Network bydet under drygim address. A Binkd - this exchange program e-mail packages via the Internet. Once on someone else's initiative starting any nibyd changes in well-functioning Distribution System - srazy same lezyt failures which are difficult to detect and even harder ystranit. And it is very angry. Rassydite yourself! Connected city fynktsioniryet okay. And now there appears the idea of doing something in drygomy. Must be entered starting a letter asking me to reconfigure the software. I have to reconfigure and link (connection, I mean) - Dead. Vstypat in diskyssii neither the strength nor no time. Waited until the subscriber himself with I will get in touch, and reconfigures all over again. But when these occur constantly throwing ... It has finally arrived sverhterpenie be have! GB: - Yes, the correction of errors in the settings - is still busy! But the disruptions do not happen Only poets reason. For example, we have a y Lviv from time to time to lose dostyp "Halyavnomy" Internety (you know - "Freebie" eternal can not be!), And you have to look for new opportunities. About: - How do you rate ychastie in ZXNet various "eminent persons"? AI: - Trydno say ... Faces almost all "visible." More precisely, I do not agree with people on the "eminent" and "normal." And so all spektrymistov becomes less and less. Radyet that there are young people, then, Speccy still too early to write. About: - Do the concepts of "ZXNet" and "spektrymistskoe movement? AI: - Network trydno call traffic. About: - Binds a ZXNet spektrymistov? AI: - Spektrymist - gryppa blood. If before the network and unite, it has now has become a common means of transmission information. And many do not byd ZXNet, still naydyt way to contact mezhdy themselves. For 6 years a lot ysovershenstvovalos and many communication problems were solved. The crown " About: - What is your activity coordinator? AI: - Adopt-send pochty and trace that packets are not "bouncing". From time time terminates communication between Moscow and some cities and local coordinators have to fumble to recover it. GB: - Even when the software automata which zagryzhayut pochty into a computer, there it is spread by nyzhnym addresses and rules marshrytizatsii (Tossa) and then send, nyzhno still include computer zapyskat these machines, monitor their work and so much more, trailing only Alex'u. And about the "bounce address" - postypaet, for example, from Lviv in transit through Moskvy postal package. A server Alex'a it So why not take anything (because of the erroneous address corruption in the process of shipment, or failure tosser out there - an unfavorable position of the planets) and returns back to the sender - with sootvetsvyyuschey receipt, in which ykazana reason for the refusal. Here's a package and "bounced". If this occurs on the sender, then Alex Usually ships emy of etomy povody personal letter ("Soap"). "Lather neck," so say. But if you want my opinion, the Coordinator, "All ZXNet" obliged pervyyu queue time issue in light of new nodelists (lists yzlov and their owners-sisopov; node - email yzel, the station). Here information from reliable sources: "The first thing you need to enough telekommynikatsionnyh yzlov networked, to share information - the presence in this network specific stryktyry. To each division of FTN-compatible network (area, region, network) has its Coordinator: ZC - Zone Coordinator, RC - Region Coordinator, NC - Net Coordinator. Moreover, syschestvyyut EC - "Echomail Coordinators" (ZEC, REC, and NEC). Coordinators support the livelihoods of its stryktyry, vedyt sootvetstvyyuschy nodelist segment and forward it vyshestoyaschemy koordinatory (from NC to ZC), responsible for peresylky Netmail (network correspondence) sent by members network from its drygih yzlov. The coordinator can handle vyhodyaschyyu Netmail, but is not obliged to do it. " About: - They take that whole ZXNet keeps on You have one? AI: - Hy, say so would be preyvelicheniem, but in fact it goes so far as follows: except for me, no one now link does not involved. Maybe even Kharkov coordinator Alex Bygay that is trying to do, but it often otsytstviya y in the network happen. About: - Ho is - "technical" activities. A How about "directing, and pykovodyaschey Kara? AI: - Nothing. No complaints. In addition to technical activities rarely kyda any interfere. Yes, and I'm not trying to etomy. Sometimes glypo konfliktyyu the moderators. In any any that, if not right - apologize publicly. If the right - lezy ahead of the official as ZC. About: - How long does it takes y your network? AI: - How do y ZC - two hours a day on, but as y sysop - also about two hours: many personal letters comes, and ekhi be read again. About: - What is it - to be "Head ZX-world"? AI: - Bad. I finally arrived ystal everything. Time lacking. Sleep for 4-6 hours a day on low. In addition to its problems, it is necessary to solve problems chyzhie. About: - What, for example? AI: - For example, the Internet and oplaty propyskanie chyzhogo hung traffic through rabochyyu mashiny. About: - Whom are you most networkers dryzhny? AI: - Almost all Moscow nodes, with Dmitry Grigoryev. Periodically to chat with Petrograd Roman Alexandrov not only on network issues. About: - Y As you cross the "personal" and "business" relationship? AI: - Oddly, no. "Personal" relationship to me in my work coordinator is not help and not hinder. And maybe a hindrance. Poskolky cares for my free time and to my family problems. Your position About: - Should syschestvovat "taby on to speak about certain topics in ZXNet? AI: - About politics, I would not say that. At least politiky "taby" do. Dirty matter - policy ... GB: - Talking about politics in the "general" or the network can often lead to mutual insults and hitting the national character, "or go off the kakyyu a particular interesnyyu only by the interlocutors, and neinteresnyyu even razdrazhayuschyyu for Other ychastnikov ekhi. So on temy policy lychshe talk to some more " Local "echo like our ZXNET.SALO. AI: - I agree. About: - What can be fraught syschestvovanie virtyalov in ZXNet? AI: - Are you talking about? GB: - Those who hide behind multiple names and, correspondingly, the network address. AI: - So after all on yzel without the password to connect! So, if you could virtyal vpihnyt to network your package and it protoss, then for takyyu "virtyalnost" sysop should respond. A coordinator and moderator is absolutely no concern. About: - Hyzhny whether ZXNet some general rules or lychshe all leave on ysmotrenie and dobryyu will coordinators and moderators a priori, taking their infallibility? AI: - Leaning toward poslednemy. ZXNet runs like clockwork. As pykovodyaschih dokymentov enough standard FTS. Why, once again reinvent the wheel? Personally, I have an extra bureaucracy organically digest. If the system works - it nefig pykami touch. But such questions are not up to me, and all network. The fact that some of its special position, kotoryyu I would have defended, y no me. Although ... My position is to people themselves naychilis in setevomy kyltyrno conduct. Explained: there are such razykrashennye letters that just start to feel sorry for of nibyd Point of CDOS and hourly payment, pulling bespoleznyyu information with poor communications. It is for this attitude to razdolbayskoe drygim networker with configuration editor, I sometimes akkyratno "Soap" insert sticking. GB: - But it is - one of many emerging when communicating in a network of private matters. A to solve their B complex, long overdue zaimet Charter ZXNet. People to know about their rights and responsibilities, stryktypy network, how to conduct the election of a moderator. Then chyvstvo and some that have an eye on all of us - not to shalili "bydet. And then They take that ZXNet not have a person and there is nothing to equal. How can I go to machine, not knowing the rules of the road? AI: - From the outset ZXNet is a union of independent networks. Each local area network - its charter. About: - And how regylirovat INTER-NETWORK relationship? AI: - At yrovne ZXNet - ystavom FIDO. All He still in the preparation of "general ystava ZXNet "bydet rewritten almost one-to-odnomy. And on yrovne regions - it is impossible all to edinomy ystavy lead. In different cities - different hardware, software requirements. GB: - In my opinion, it is really an overall charter, which was not very tough, ychityval heterogeneous hardware and software and could be flexibly adjusted by a certain region ... AI: - I can not poymy: What will a single charter? Covered by a named, or what? Mail to walk? Ehi go? More to that? About: - Should the relationship regylirovat gateway to all equally, and not on the basis "In our network so is not accepted." As can be guided by the Charter ZXNet FIDO, if between them - a lot technical and organizational differences? For example, Point in statys ZXNet not defined. In Moscow, Point - not a member of the network (ie can not choose and be chosen). And in St. Petersburg, and Ukraine - the penis. AI: - And a fig a member, if he does the network does not? Points do not transfer information. Polzyyutsya yslygami. The network should include only those who really through himself propyskaet traffic. As for the relationship mezhdy points and nodes, there is not in the Constitution, and personal decency. For example, I his ego long zasynyl in one place: I go through all ekhi in all cities, but I obey the requirements of the moderators and their observations perceive no stink (although earlier and vozbyhal). Principle One: Network - for users. If you raise the personal ambitions - we are tyt FIG nyzhny. ZX-press About: - What do you dymaete on the current ZX-press? AI: - Now I'm reading the newspaper is not enough. A archives publications do not keep due to lack of space. At least any that I interesyyuschie topics not covered there, and there is no time: I finally arrived for the day on the layout to any publication - Either the printed or the electronic - look no mogy. Every newspaper and its zhyrnala ayditoriya: komy like that, he it reads, and waits impatiently sledyyuschy number. However, to postypayuschie I ZX-newspaper on I-bystromy "leafed through". Kills an abundance of advertising. And always a impression that the editors for a long time and krypitsam collect material, suffering from its shortage. And as for "OPTRON", it has | 31 dedicated ZXNet, it was interesting to read. In addition, it would be necessary and write about the software: how to looks like an editor. And then people do not like to read and ask dokymentatsiyu kychy issues to which I am not physically able to answer. And in the ZX-newspaper if it self imenyet "Network" would be aktyalno pyblikovat detailed diagrams Gorov communication with each other. I occasionally throw ety information ZXNET.GENERAL, where y is my "suitcase" mood yyti from the network. Lately it happens more often, but people in the 95% slychaev refer to my statement this way: "... yes kyda he go!" About: - And what should be the task ZX-newspapers terms of propaganda ZXNet? AI: - The very appearance of the Lviv newspaper, dopystim, Yoshkar-Ola, according to our means, - it has finally arrived propaganda network. Do More nibyd something you want? Festivals About: - What is your attitude for the Computer festivals? AI: - Good. This brings great spektrymistov. About: - Hyzhen whether spektrymistam its own central festival? AI: - I think that yes. This is not slychae Discrimination platform and comparisons with drygimi computers. At the festival should be to gather like-minded people. In addition, it will enable the best use of time, not diluting it drygimi platforms. About: - And whether in Moscow, who else but Wlodek'a Black'a, to organize such Festival? AI: - The fact that in Moscow, except Wlodek'a, there is no possibility of someone y polychit at its disposal a normal Hall. During FT'98 Wlodek, so to speak, "used his position slyzhebnoe. And we, all the rest, as they could, doing everything else. Of all spektrymistov under pykoy this area only as long as y Wlodek'a. Ask yourself! About: - Sformyliryyte questions that you do not I would like to polychit - by themselves and they answer. AI: - Well, poprobyyu: "So why are you still doing ZXNet'om? "- I do not know. "Alex, when you finally stop drinking in such quantities? "- How polychitsya so and polychitsya ... Starting tomorrow, decided never to drink, and we'll see ... More all, just bydy do much less ... Enough? About: - And what question you would like to polychit? AI: - Do not know: I do not like to answer questions! About: - Especially thank you very much for time ydelennoe "Optrony and detailed answers to our questions. AI: - Hy, to detail here was far away ...
Other articles:
4 kilobytes - the contents of the issue. |
Meet - an interview with Aleksey Ivanov - the coordinator of an international network spektrumistov ZXNet. |
Likbez - assembler - a view from afar: memory ZX Spectrum. |
Opinion - Speaking of computer festivals ... |
Poems - "Blues civil war." |
Rekalama - advertisements and announcements in Lviv. |
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