Think #42
24 декабря 1999

From the Author - In the school holidays ...

<b>From the Author</b> - In the school holidays ...
 42 Volgodonsk +

               NUMBER - 42




      1. From the author.

      2. News of our town.

      3. Overview of new products.

      4. Iron - Vicom-modem.

      5. Design Haosa'2000 ...

      6. WANTED.

      7. Advertising.

               From the author

      Long time no newspapers -

      She probably died ...

      But no ... She is still alive ...

      And came out now it ...

 Hello to all computer users "ZXSPECTRUM". Our newspaper is not 
a long vyhodla time, because do not have time

engage in its release. But here's the school holidays begin on 
the sly ... and I quite a bit of time to sit down

computer ... Although now in school - hot
time - in the classroom are the Christmas holidays, but we 
still have to write reports on their subjects (considered as 
"juices" - coming soon become as "compote ")...

Other articles:

From the Author - In the school holidays ...

News - In the city there were modems, finishes work on CD-ROM.

Overview of new products - XIXIT.

Iron - Viccom modem v2.

Designs Haosa'2000 - Information about the festival.

WANTED - Searching software ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Advertising - advertising and announcements.
Entry - It has been 10 months ...
Demopati - intervyu taken Kvazar on CC'999 Alexander Filippova from Vladivostok.
Epilogue - Finally, and contact the publisher.

В этот день...   28 April