Think #17
01 августа 1998 |
Overview of new products - Ice Climber, Skeletons, Last Battle (patch).
REVIEW novelties AUTHOR: VDV CORPORATION Genre: Arcade Game "ICE CLIMBER (MOUNTAINEER)" redone with a game console DENDY. The game has a "wide choice of control": Sinclair, Kempston, Keyboard And the control you choose for the first and second players separately. Control buttons or joysticks, players can not match. The game has 25 stages with the ever increasing complexity. Each level is loaded with disk, so that after loading the game, do not remove the drive too far. At passage 5 stages you add another extra life. In BONUS'e life not climb, so you can easily collect pineapples, for extra points. Bird-builders run and check for all blocks in the floor, and if they are there not enough, they restore them. AUTHOR: NEW SOFTWARE Genre: Golovolmka The game involved 37 skeletov ... So mnogo tell you. So behold, the first Your task is to reduce kolichestvo these gentle sozdany! Odnogo skeleton mozhno 'clean' by clicking the <FIRE> On that moment, kogda kursor nahoditsya tom on him who you are attracted. And so here Now, kogda odno mesto osvobodilos, mozhno start unichtozhenie All Else ... Choose skeleton kotory will vypolnyat your order, mozhno, pressing <FIRE>. Outlining mesto where popadet your 'podopechny' press again <FIRE>. Hody napominayut game of checkers, The only difference is in tom, that is in the etoy game hodit mozhno not tolko Po diagonali; yet and Po pryamoy. And you dolzhny rearranged skeleton, so He chtoby, popav on svobodnoe mesto, Necessary 'prikonchil' whom He ever ... So do make those por, poka on pole ostanetsya one Shout only a skeleton. N / O dobitsya etogo In very, very slozhno !!!!!!! You nuzhno produmyvat svoi action on 4.3 hoda forward, otherwise mozhet slozhitsya situation, kogda hodit be nowhere. And togda You will rescue key <1> - vyhod menu. If the game zakonchilas, verily podschityvaetsya kolichestvo recruited you ochkov and zanositsya rekordov in the table. PATCH AUTHOR: HACKERS SQUARD 'ORION GROUP Genre: Strategy This game belongs to a class of strategic games. Verily there for equilibrium in order dostich it pobedy nuzhno be able to think golovoy. Enthusiasts also dolgih and serious thought to the author invites pogruzitsya wonderful world logiki and strategy, where rule zakony chistogo reason and where pobezhdaet clever. Action game razvorachivaetsya on odnoy neissledovannyh of the planets in our galaxy. Kogda-verily davno Rostral was odnoy from databases moguchey and ancient civilization, the traces deyatelnosti kotoroy time ot time obnaruzhivayutsya kosmoarheologami. Variation in N / O ot all other cases at the etoy planet has a network of bases, equipped with the systems and samoobespecheniya samovosproizvodstva. After landing on the planet you etoy obnaruzhivaete, chto here already nahodyatsya representatives of Sirius, the only pozhaluy race in the galaxy, prevoshodyaschaya earthlings in podlosti and mstitelnosti. Sirians tried already odnazhdy unichtozhit Earthlings; yet poterpev in 729 AD godu galakticheskoy sokrushitelnoe porazhenie ot zemnoy squadron in the battle of the planet znamenitom Riegel, cleared in svoy zakutok galaxy. Where and stroili kovarnye and horrific plans for all IT'S time. Odnako now their plans have chances osuschestvitsya. Ibo capturing all database on the planet and they are normally in poluchat svoe rasporyazhenie most terrible oruzhie with pomoschyu kotorogo mozhno obratit in kosmicheskuyu dust sotnyu such planets as zemlya.I only ot you depends on whether they can pretvorit in life svoy plan.Na planet has a network of databases, systems oborudovannyh samoobespecheniya. Base mogut produce robotov different vidov. All base oborudobany prosteyshey zaschitoy, excluding popadanie base in the hands of substance not dostigshego opredelennogo urovnya development. The game begins with togo momenta, kogda you and your protivnik already Possesses odnoy bazoy and two robotami, prosteyshego type sposobnymi capture other bases. Posle capture bases its protection vosstanavlivaetsya and will now cover you ot posyagatelstv protivnika. Goal of the game in sostoit tom, chtoby ognem and manevrom capture all the bases of the planet and all unichtozhit robotov protivnika, sposobnyh capture bazy.No pomnite, chto hotya mestnoe time goes bysree than zemnoe, you are unlikely Do protyanite bolee dvuhsot local years. In verily while reptiliopodobnye Sirians mogut prozhit vdvoe dolshe. Poetomu pospe shayte, ibo On that moment kogda you become labor pom, nichto on planente not will sposo bno ostano vit Syrian CET. Voennye action on planet ve sulk poo Sequence yn poisoning protivnikami svoimi force mi. Each Tour roboty podzaryazhayut Xia energy and stanovyatsya sposobny vypolnyat zalozhennye they function. Game mozhet conducted in six tipovyh planets or the planet, map kotoroy sozdana you with pomoschyu prilagaemogo to the game redaktora. Posle vybora in glavnom Start Menu Option games and download sootvetstvuyuschih data memory you poluchaete vosmozhnost vybora odnogo four tipov upravleniya.Posle chego predlozheno you will choose to play odnu of twelve maps of the planets. The first six cards are tipovye and immutable, and woman other six you mozhete sozdavat themselves or The ispolzovat them for storage neokonchennyh battles. Further, if you do not tolko have chosen to download a map with otlozhennoy bitvoy, you will predlozhenovybrat type protivnika. And tom, if you decide to fight with you kompyuterom predstoit still choose uroven slozhnosti. The game has six (!) Different urovney slozhnostti ... I wish you luck and hope this game chto posluzhit horoshey modelyu toy crazy life kotoroy we all now live.
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