Think #07
08 марта 1998

Overview of new products - Putup (demo).

<b>Overview of new products</b> - Putup (demo).
              REVIEW novelties


              PLAYABLE DEMO

Genre: Arcade

 Appeared DEMO-version of one remarkable
toys. You need to collect all the items (berries, hearts, 
bouncing balls and etc.) and get into the opened passage to the 
next level. 

 What awaits in the full version:

1. All monsters that in demo-version is not
   mobile, will move across the screen and

   strongly disturb you finish a level.

2. The game will contain 100 levels, again
   broken blocks of 10 levels. At the end of

   each decade will be a completely

   characterized by plot BONUS'ny UB
   Wen. By a result of the passage BONUS
   level will be given various awards

   and consolation prizes.

Other articles:

From the Author - that's seventh issue ...

Prohodilka - the passing game, "Zanni"

Overview of new products - Putup (demo).

Baubles - kids say.

game for your mind - The resourceful commander, numerical nuts.

Humor - the anecdote about the army.

Wanted - Searching software ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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