Think #07
08 марта 1998

Baubles - kids say.

<b>Baubles</b> - kids say.

Asya heard the conversation that was robbed convenience store:
- Dad, and that - all carried away?
- No, barley left ...
- Sure, why gangsters pearl barley? They

  that the soldiers, or what?

Olga looked at advertising on TV and wistfully says:
- If you have already invented a razor "jacket" for

  aunts, therefore, will soon be invented Tampax

  for his uncle.

- Natasha, you are in what country do you live?
- Radio Russia!

Anastasia (3 years) tells the house:
- Came up to me in kindergarten boy

  such a rude and said: "What system
  dish, sweetie, let's gather the berries. "

  My heart caught and dropped.

Il propose a riddle to his brother:
- Sits children, a hundred coats-dressed, who is it again
  virgin, he sheds tears. Who is it?
- Our grandfather!
- Why?
- Well, remember when my grandfather came home

  Drunk? Aunt Nina stripped and plans

 Julia stands on a chair and fascinated watching the rain 
outside the window: - Mom, the rain came, went and sat in a 

Annie (4 years):
- Mom, why do we need tampons, which are

  TV show?
Mom gently enlightened daughter. Annie listened and said 
thoughtfully: - Interesting! Why, then, uncle to

  Street said her aunt: "What are you, Nat
  lya, completely deaf, did not you hear?

  Vyn "tampoksy" out of your ears! "

Tanya Mom wakes in the morning:
- Wake up late for a garden! And how do you

  then thou shalt go to school?
- And I will not go to school!
- And what will do? You go work
  a thief?
- No, I am a pensioner. They do not work
  exist, and get paid! ..

  Kohl has come from the kindergarten and complains that
today is very tired. Mom asked him:
- Why are you tired?
- We are the boys built a snow fort.

  And I was the most difficult - py

 Christina at the reception of the rural paramedic:
- At that complain?
- The older brother Alyosha!

 Christina saw a fallen tree on the road:
- It is that without consciousness at all? ..

 Ole put a silver spoon in the cup,
explaining that silver kills germs!
She angrily threw up his hands:
- I will not drink tea with dead germs!
 Uncle Sasha loved football, and to please him, Natasha says:
- I know a footballer.
- And what's his name?
- Penalty!

 Grandma sends elder sister in Dima
Shop for cakes. Its gone too long, and my grandmother grumbled: 
"gads somewhere!." Finally, Oksana came and Dima rushes to her:

- Well, shlyaniki bought?

 Ilya donned skis. Grandpa asks him:
- You - an athlete?
- I - ski man!

  Mom standing at the mirror in their underwear. Julia
saw and cried out:
- Dad, come here quick! Mom, as in those
  levizore now sex shows! ..

Other articles:

From the Author - that's seventh issue ...

Prohodilka - the passing game, "Zanni"

Overview of new products - Putup (demo).

Baubles - kids say.

game for your mind - The resourceful commander, numerical nuts.

Humor - the anecdote about the army.

Wanted - Searching software ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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