Wallpaper #01
31 марта 1998 |
To help - Guide nastpojki modem.
3. TO HELP .. Setting up the modem, as described in the previous article as the "Scheme 2". (Editor's note.) SETUP GUIDE "modem" (The modem is designed for a wide range users SPECTRUMa) 1.Make the correctness of the collected schemes 2.Proverte properly connected to the computer model ma 3.Ne attaching a modem to the telephone switch PC 4.Dayte command LOAD "". Discolouration svidetelstbuet curb the presence of interference. 5.Prikosnites to the input of the modem. If the color border does not change, defective or VT3 operational amplifier. (In the MMD should quickly flashing cursor) 6.Naberite and run the assembly: ORG 40000 ENT $ DI M1 IN A, (254) RRA RRA RRA RRA OUT (254), A JR M1 7.Podayte at receiver weak "pilot" 8.Vraschaya resistor R8 woo symmetry bands on the curb. 9.Podklyuchite modem to the telephone Observing polarity on the curb should appear wide polo raw. (signal dial tone) 10.Podnimite handset and listen for a dial tone. If you hear a dial tone is distorted pick resistor R1. 11.Dayte click SAVE "" CODE 30000,30000 Check for a signal and its purity. WARNING! DO Furnace COMPUTER! NOTE: The modem provides a stable communicating only with normal hearing and the absence of extraneous sounds in a line. The scheme will include a modem in the annex to newspaper. Do not miss! (Editor's note.)
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