Buzz #18
11 октября 1999

Mail BUZZ'a - On the software market (Letter from BLAZ'a).

<b>Mail BUZZ'a</b> - On the software market (Letter from BLAZ'a).

                Hello founders of the newspaper "BUZZ"!

   After reading again "BUZZ" and gathered all my thoughts 
together I decided to write you that actually do.

BUZZ> Well and rightly so!

   In the beginning I would like to know why there is no 
response from you Declared over your competition pictures 
dialed in text editor? At least a couple of pictures would show 

BUZZ> explains. Total for the contest came two works - it's 
yours and 

      Work GAS13. That's it! So we think this competition is not

      valid. A pity. We print these works must not

      will. A better look at examples of ascii!

   Now my ob'emny cargo of "ASM vs SNS" and just do ...

   Having read various articles and stumbled on this (ASM vs 
SNS) I At first he smiled and remembered Inforkom ... Why am I

razulybalsya, exactly? Yes because it is NOT real! Here
small example: Inforkom much invested forces, means.
It seemed that if anyone, and is destined to create at least 
the preconditions for normal software market it is only him, 
but he did not happened ... And the thing ourselves because 
we're used to everything free and that all of us to do more 
(example: no normal and complete standard hardware and writing 
software) and even The situation we have with the new company 
just a comic: available now, only computers with memory more 
than 128 kb, and all new software written for the 128 kb and 
may be a possibility use more memory, then what is my reason

buy yourself a fancy KAY-1024 And the manner of writing
most games and demos for Pentagon also did not rulez, poraby 
already by KAY / Scorpion go ...

BUZZ> Here I disagree, I think the standard is a long time - 
it's Pe       ntagon 128, and even spread it more and it is not 

      that almost all soft is it for him. Do you play

      by KAY-1024 and it will see very few. Although the other

      hand, as it were tolchek to upgrade.

   After all of the above stories to hope that someone will be 
able to implement some or grand plan, no need ...

Personally, I see only one way out is phased vvednnie data
Projects. A In general, if one of these Projects will, I
I think it would be the best thing you can do to strengthen and
expansion SPECCY!!!

> All of the above tale strictly personal. The author did not 
set out to criticize someone or something ... <

   A few words about the column "BLACK METAL". ASH, why
your paper where you gave your TOP TEN absolutely no band 
CREMATORY, eh? Yes, I would not put MOONSPELLS there would be 
so low ... 

   I would like to read about the grup, your views ... in 
general I themselves do not consider any of the existing 
religions, and especially to Christian manner, with its pomp 
... And would like to hear your opinion about a group of "WHITE 

   Waiting for your column in the new issue of "BUZZ" ...

BUZZ> From BUZZ'a navryatli because Ash sechas separated from

      EI and publishes its own newspaper. Perhaps there he will 
answer you and 

      your questions. Although, if Ash agrees, and BUZZ'e.

        Thank you for your attention, good luck!

BUZZ> Thank you for being written! Good luck and you!

        BEST WISHES, BLAZzz'99.


ZX-WORD 2.52 Novorossiysk

Other articles:

AMIRAGE K2 - Analysis of market Amiga.

AmiRAGETM K2 - Amiga: Information on a fundamentally new computer.

ANSI graphics - The story of the main methods of ANSI graphics.

ASCII graphics - An example of writing a classic ASCII fonts.

CC'999 - Chaos Construction'999 - Chronicle of events and impressions past.

DI-KAL'99 - organizers DI-HALT'99 dedicated (Report on the most sludge party this year) ...

EI2YEARZ! - A brief report on the celebration of the biennium Eternity Industry.

GENLOCK - Theory GENLOCK (General Lock).

Napalm - Information about our new Deme "NaPaLm".

NEWS - News, carpets and the Vladimir region. On the last party: Chaos Construction'999, Doxycn'99, Cafe'99, Di-Halt'99, Paradox'99, Phat'99.

PAGE LED - display memory pages to the Speccy.

Rave by Spy - Zhiztyanka (As always, a little delirious from Spy'ya).

TRICK 3.00 - Description of a new version of the tread TRICK v3.00 (Help to protect the new Paracels'a).

Game Review - Overview of Game Software: Puffy's Saga, BAD demo version, Chainik: Horror in Flat, Rex Collection, Mega Tetris 2000.

From the authors - A delay in the release of issue of the newspaper ...

Mail BUZZ'a - On the software market (Letter from BLAZ'a).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ..

Phones beetle - Bug.

Elbrus - Elbrus Babayan and Pentium Pentkovskogo (a sensational article about the new Russian processor).

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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