ZX-News #04
22 сентября 1996 |
Information - What and how you can write in the echo area. Regulation Conferences ZX.SPECTRUM: subjects, forms of information exchange, languages that are prohibited ...
Information. This article is for those who have not yet figured out that and how can I send in the echo area. On the example of the conference ZX.SPECTRUM quite clear what the requirements for letters sent to the echo area, and what are the "punishment" for misconduct and other violation of the rules ... Regulation Conferences ZX.SPECTRUM (Revision of Thu 5 Sep 96) _______________________________ The main purpose of the conference - Correspondence admirers of the good old computer Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Additional - discuss non-IBM platforms / architectures, the discussion of any homemade computers. SUBJECTS: -------- - All associated with the creation of Sir Clive Sinclair - All associated with any 8-bit computers - All associated with self-made computers, even an IBM-compatible - Everything related to computers with word length of more than 8, except for IBM-compatible. Note: Non little advertising. LITTLE! Forms of information exchange: (Program / CODE / file) --------------------------- The conference ZX.SPECTRUM adopted the following: - The main form: uuenkod (UUENCODE) sections of no more than 100-150 lines of archives received _IBM_sovmestimymi_ (!) archiving files, or format Hobety (HOBETA), or in image format tape / disc most popular emulators Spectrum _na_IBM-PC_, or text. Subject (Subj) message containing uuenkod, _dolzhna_nachinatsya_ with [xx / yy], where xx - number of sections uuenkoda, yy - general number of sections - Putting in a conference volume (over 80kb) materials _only_ _posle_ prior coordination with the moderator - Use uuenkodov _drugih_form_ reporting _tolko_posle_ prior coordination with the moderator - Use uuenkodov archives received the Spectrum-compatible archivers PROHIBITED _до_появления_соответствующих _IBM-Sovmestimyh_ archivers and posleduschego permission moderator. DISTRIBUTION: --------------- Echo Conference ZX.SPECTRUM apply: - Sisopov among nodes and sisopov points all networks, as related to the FIDO-net, and not related, if the networks would show interest in the conference and will be agreed with the moderator. Conference are strongly encouraged to Subscription for the nodes (node) or points (point), with BBS. - Access to BBS users _OBYAZATELEN_ for subscribing stations having BBS - Gate to ANY network WELCOME with preliminary approval from the moderator. DO NOT: ----------- Strictly prohibited: (in brackets - form of punishment): - (!) Swear words and expressions which can be interpreted as such. FOR ONE is a word - off for a month. Decision of the interpretation taken by moderator or komoderatory and only them. Replacement swear words on the badges of the form "@ # y" NOT ALLOW and equated with the use of substitute words. Be correct and kept! - (!) Expressions, which can be interpreted as a personal affront to anyone was, for example, on a national basis. Disabling a month, if there is no "aggravating" circumstances - other violations the same letter. Here is equated with an expression of personal animosity to anyone was of the participants or potential participants - (!) The initiation and maintenance of various transshipments / hassles - (+) Disrespectful remarks about the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the address of Sir Clive Sinclair - (+) Comparison - or rather, grazing different platforms / architectures, in the spirit: "XXX - rulez, YYY - sax and mastday! - (+) Unauthorized moderation - (+) To discuss the actions of moderators and komoderatorov, disputes with them _v_konferentsii_ - on it there netmeyl - (+) Violation forms of information exchange (Considered a serious breach) - (*) Personal correspondence in the echo area - on this there netmeyl - (*) Letters to the flag Pvt - The message is not on the conference theme (Offtopic). The list of prohibited topics and form penalties for posts on these topics can be published separately - (+) Theme: Amigo and all damages caused to it - TEMPORARY Offtopic! (God knows - I do not wanted, but was forced to) - (+) Subject: Re-election of the moderator / komoderatorov - STANDING Offtopic - Other types of violations in accordance with current ehopolisi with relevant penalties. Decision on punishment and endure a moderator komoderatory and only them. When you disable (!) Off node, prevent the emergence of a conference letter of the offender, even if the letter comes from DOT and / or its user. If a violation comes from the moderator komoderatorskogo or node, a node is put on READ-ONLY, with the ability to write letters only moderator / komoderatorom to the conference does not remained unattended. If the violation emanates from the node-hub node must be transferred to the specified time in the regime PASSTHRU for this conference, so as not to prevent its spread. LANGUAGES: ----- Russian. Suppose English with optional answers on it though. Deliberate distortion (Mangling) Russian language is considered a violation. Makes judgments about intent and only the moderator. Do not be scared of this trip - who is a sinner in disfiguring his native language - about themselves know very well! That is not forbidden - PERMITTED: ---------------------------- In all other respects the rules EHOPOLISI and basic rules of conferences in the region 50 in the extent to which they are not inconsistent with the foregoing. Moderator and KOMODERATORY: ------------------------ Founder and moderator of the conference is: (ZX) Serge Zhavoronkoff, 2:5080 / 1 Honorable and permanent komoderatorami conference are: - Saint-Petersburg Nicolas Rodionov 2:5030 / 25 Andrew (MOA) Larchenko 2:5030 / 25.1 - Moscow Michael Markowsky 2:5020 / 378 Specifying the city does not mean that one or the other komoderator can not "exercise power" in relation to the offender from other areas. List komoderatorov can be expanded. The rules are not yet complete and will be supplemented. Amen! ZX Serge (2:5080 / 1) - moderator of all ZX.SPECTRUM. *
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