Micro #13
23 января 1999

Archive - about the harmful posledviyah transfer games to other platforms at the Spectrum. What to do with beaten disks.

<b>Archive</b> - about the harmful posledviyah transfer games to other platforms at the Spectrum. What to do with beaten disks.

Everything is new - well forgotten staroe.Tem more, if it 
brings good memories about bylom.Dannye texts were stuffed back 
in In my early 1998.No its relevance

they have not yet lost.


  Express your opinion about the transfer of games
druygih platform.s one side looks
All velikolepno.Igru, which occupied two
megabyte cram in a 128 kb, although in the
all disk.Odnako not so good, or rather
not horosho.Voznikaet doubt: but whether there are writers on 
SPECTRUMe.Ya understand "blows" the idea is much easier, 
moreover, if, say, both went WARCRAFT (buggy) and Star 
Heritage, the bought up would still WARCRAFT. People! If you 
really took the idea from another platform, then at least add 
something svoe.Neuzheli you do not own

Ideas?! I have them, for example, in kucha.Mozhet
this and the problem is that coders, programmers
not merged with stsenaristami.Stsenaristy
Now mud is less valued than artists and MUSIK MAKERy.Brosayte 
haul everything from Other platform.Sozdavayte svoe.Inache 
those with who have the money will go to other platformy.Ya not 
saying not to use ideas from other people's platforms, but we 
must understand when it should be done, and when

net.Naprimer in MORTAL KOMBAT, why then did a bunch of 
klavish.Prichem even some double combinations are not used, but 
FATALITY takes more than 5 klavish.Zachem it had to be done? 
"To repeat IBMovsky option? Remember BARBARIANa GLADIATORa or 
where cost is only five (5!) klavishami.Togda because it was 
possible and use dzhoystik.Ili move Mario on Spektrum.Nu if 
this game as you like, then write your game like this, with its 
own geroem.Vse who wants me bet, call the 49-62-02.Ili

write to the ZX-NET 500:612 / 1.6 Maxim Vishnevsky


  Hello to all owners of "broken" (more
or less) diskov.Esli you do not have
floppies, a number of ways
improve the drive, though it is still better
used to store short-term
informatsii.1 second method: Flip the magnetic
drive to the other side and formotirovanie.T.e. accurately 
reveals the top disk and removing it (carefully, so as not to 
damage the magnetic layer) krug.Perevorachivaete it, ie, zero 
side becomes the first and the first zero, and put on this 
mesto.Posle ego.Danny format and is the best way for a full or 
50% unreadable zero dorozhki.2 second method applies if you do 
not read some sektor.Obychno it 9 or a sektor.dlya find this 
hole in the viewing window and turn itself round

so, in that the hole was on the reverse side of the window 
(approximately). Now punch a new hole (I cut nail scissors), 
looking for the old hole and tape the it (I stick with the 
sticky paper for the price tags). It only remains to re- format 
a floppy disk and check the readability of zero 
dorozhki.Protsent extension "Life" of floppy-70. Text packed 
with Alexander Vishnevsky. 


Today weird people poshli.Libo something I do not
understand, or one of dvuh.Prihodit me
yesterday spektrumist. Spektrm him with 48Kb
magnitofonom.Pogovorili we had no more
5 minutes, but it was enough to zamolchat.Ne because we all 
said, but because I did not know what He can be govorit.Sudite 
sami.sprashivayu him if he knew What is AY-shka.Potom ask what 
is soprotsessor.I finally know whether

it is what protsessor.Na all 3 questions
I meet the same (guess how). Not
I will torment, say: "I do not know." From this we can
make a very big conclusion that the following items
generation, if they will buy Sinclair
only as a museum exhibit times
first kompyuterizatsii.Esli someone thinks that this single 
case, it is deeply oshibaetsya.Ostalnye not cite examples, lest 
you fall into obmorok.Dlya what I started this conversation, 
but for the sake of my opinion must be supported not only the 
Spectrum with the drive, but with magnitofonom.Ved the bulk of 
the newcomers are beginning to spektrumistov yet to work with 
magnitofonom.Dannaya problem, I think, is no less important 
than the same modem or GENERAL SOUND.Esli someone have any

or suggestions please
BBS-ku, or by telephone after 49-62-02
18:00. Shurik ask.

                           02/05/1998 at 20:00

Other articles:

From the Editor - Rebuilt in the newspaper.

Prohodilka - the passing game Twilight: Land of Shadows.

Polezenye information - Verbs and chastoupotreblyaemye words for English adventyur.

aria - Collection of the best songs of the coolest rock band 'Aria' (Part Three).

Archive - about the harmful posledviyah transfer games to other platforms at the Spectrum. What to do with beaten disks.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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