ZX-News #06
29 сентября 1996

FIDO novice - Echo area. Message menu.

<b>FIDO novice</b> - Echo area. Message menu.
            Fido beginners

                Part III.

  Continued from - in the fifth room.

Before you start exploring the menu, let's get the terminology 
to the end. In one prededuschih numbers we placed a small 
glossary of new and incomprehensible to you until the terms. 
It's time to refill it a bit: 

message (msg) - Messaging, E. letter

message area - sort of area where
messages are stored

subj - message header, subject

private - a status message, which means
that it is as it were private, ie none but
the one who sent the letter, and, of course, the author will 
not be able to read it, the status of private (Private) may 
have letter only netmail'e, but not echo

          Message area are:

  Local - local area BBS

  EchoMail - echo area

  NetMail - area network mail

In the local area are stored messages
are not forwarded to other stations
and can be read only by users who connect directly to this BBS.

Bbs on one may be several local regions, divided by topic of 
messages placed in them. 

Echo area, or conference, or arias -
this region, corresponding to a single topic,
which is usually clear from their names.
I think no need to explain what was going on
speech, for example, in "ZX.SPECTRUM".

Messages placed in this area on
any BBS, that it "subscribes" to be
automatically propagated to all of BBS, which are connected to 
the conference. So when you respond to the letter, you do not 
need to know which station it was Posted by: be assured - the 
answer comes. If you're still interested, with some bbs

received a message, look to the end
letters - usually there exists a string:

 * Origin: Namebbs (2:5030 / 222.22),

in which the name and address of the

Echo area - the perfect place for a solution
(Or public discussion) of any
problems. If you give it any
question, in most cases after
Several days will come the answers
tips, etc. The answer may come from both
a neighboring house, and from another city.
But you do not forget to reciprocate! If you have read, say, a 
message questions or requests for assistance, and you know

how to help - do not be lazy and write the answer!

Echo area is characterized by the fact that they
open to everyone - you can
connect to any dialogue that
see without fear of "click on the nose, such as:" What is it 
you get stuck in someone else's conversation? " 

For each conference, there is a person who monitors compliance 
with all users of the rules of the conference - the so-

called the conference moderator.

And finally, the last type of regions messages - NetMail 
(network mailbox). This area - the closest equivalent of what 
we usually mean by the word "mail". It is intended for private 
correspondence between fidoshnikami. And some bbs allow you to 
send messages to other network, Internete, for example ...

Messages in this region are usually attribute PRIVATE. When you 
type a message, you should know the exact address of the 
station, which should be forwarded to your email. 

        Menu messages (Message)


           > Messages menu <

       M: menu chapter J: FILE menu

       A: Change Region

       L: List of community C: Change Tech coo

       P: Previous Message N: Next Message

       B: Views messages R: Responsible for community

       E: Input Message U: Before message

       K: Delete message T: Litter Region

       *: Thu tech community =: Wed, without stop

       -: Sat originals +: Thu Reply

       F: Copy message

       G: Exit?: Help

Before the conclusion of the menu on the screen is usually
gives information about the current message
area, and also, in brackets, data on how many posts in this 
area, and which one you read last. 

                For example:

[10/20] means that in this area only 20 letters, and the last 
thing you read - the tenth.

You can quickly navigate to a certain
your message by typing its number and pressing

         Menu command posts:

M: Main Menu - Exit to the MAIN menu.

J: File Menu - Go to the FILE menu.

A: Area Change - Change the region. References

                 all areas of the bbs

                 you can see,

                 pressing the "?".

L: List - List of letters of this aria.

P: Previous - Read msg'i from the current

                 toward the former.

N: Next - Read msg'i from the current

                 toward the latter.

R: Rerly to msg - The answer to the current from

E: Enter a msg - Send e-mail, using the
                 Using for this text

                 Editor bbs.

U: Upload a msg - Send a letter to the discrete
                 ka. Do not forget (this

                 often caught by beginners)

                 that the letters forwarded to

                 bbs only need to type

                 file "IBM"!

K: Kill a msg - Delete the message. Clearly,

                 that strange letter you succeeded
                 pour can not ...

=: Read-n-stop - very useful command,

                 if you have - Hayes.

                 It allows you to display

                 all messages to the end,

                 not asking the traditional
                 Noah "Next?". Why not

                 encouraged to exploit it
                 vatsya vikomschikam - chi
                 thaw in the next of numbers

-: Original - Read the original considerations
                 absorption, if you dany

                 moment, see the answer.

+: Read Rerly - Read the answer given
                 Noe message.

F: Forward - Copy message to

                 the current region to another

                 addressee, or drguyu


G: Goodbye - End the conversation.

    Editor, which provides you

            Maximus. (Bored)

           > Editor menu <

       S: Zap messages A: Delete message

       L: Spies Message E: Red line

       I: Add a row D: UBR line

       Q: Quota community C: Continue

       T: Who is J: R

       F: From H: Handling

       R: Rd fr disk?: Help

Just want to discourage you to use it. Better to write letters 
to the TLW:), than in Bored'e. Collect msg in off-line (ie

not on the bbs), and then pumped to the station.

If very much want to - I think, themselves
will understand what's what in this menu.

But in general, respected novice, I advise you not
download file their brains mainbbs, which you discount is 
available for all bbs, fluent View this short article, and 
boldly call at any station. The first step climb up and down 
menues, rewrite them on paper and then into plants

deliver the level of care "expert". Now these stupid menus, 
which are constantly missing the characters and even whole 
lines will not interfere with your work station, and will not 
take up precious time:) 

Try to completely specify a path in a row and then press Enter.

For example, in order to read messages in the mode of on-line 
(ie directly to bbs), enter at once:

         bcf =, <Enter>, r, <Enter>,

instead of:

b, <Enter>, c, <Enter>, f, <Enter>, =, <Enter>,
r, <Enter>.

And even better - use macros!

At first be difficult, however,
Practice shows that in order to
settled into the menu system, Maximus, grabs 2-3 hours of 
"active yuzanya. After Then you will already feel himself a 
master:) and even odds to give to some old ...

The next time we finish parsing menyushek, considered the "file 

         To be continued ...


Other articles:

FIDO novice - Echo area. Message menu.

Glitches in News'e - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.

Information - A list of cities ex-Union, have codes of FIDO.

News! - On the propagation of modems.

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

From the Editor - What's new in the editorial board?

Letters from readers - ... BBS on the Speccy - this is real.

Laugh a - The story "Harmful problem."

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales of firm Welcome.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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