ZX-News #06
29 сентября 1996

From the Editor - What's new in the editorial board?

<b>From the Editor</b> - What's new in the editorial board?
             From the Editor

That's the sixth "News" came out ...

Well, as you are new frames in the headlines
articles? Agree - it is much prettier!

Now tell you what we have, that is, editorial, news. Well, 
about the postal box you have already read in the fifth, like,

room. So the whole paradox is that
Box-it - at hayes'noy bbs, but we hayes'y
connect all can not have for
two weeks. Nearly one familiar person
from there gets ... And do not connect until
because they can not figure out where -12
find. Power supplies are conventional, Soviet. Such pressure on 
them not, but pisishny b / n fly - will be expensive.

We're not millionaires any. So
and sit ... If anyone has experience of this kind - do not be 
lazy, write to us directly on the same mailbox:)

Towards a sixth issue "ZX-NEWS" had

 Codes: Aleksandr Majorov (* MAS *)

 Editor: Alex Mikhailov

 Music: Arno

 Graphics: Kostya Bykov

 Nesting: Aleksandr Majorov

Free "ZX-NEWS" is available on some BBS St. Petersburg, or by 
calling editors at a specified time ...

So is the spread of newspapers are engaged in:

 Studio VIks
 Welcome corporation

We are not against the commercial distribution of the 
newspaper! If you do not have access to ACS is required ZxNews 
market in Avtovo or in Logros'e, or Welcom'e and generally, 
where only wish!

Now, how to contact us:

 Alex Mikhailov
 198095, St. Petersburg, Stachek, Building 15, kv.13
 (812) 186-13-58, Alex (from 23 to 00:00)
 Fido: 2:5030 / 41.30

 Serg Kuzmin
 193315, St. Petersburg, ul. The People's House, 43, kv.90
 (812) 263-1289, Sergei (from 23 to 00:00)
 Fido: 2:5030 / 41.30

 Igor Majorov
 (812) 275-57-12, Igor (after 18:00)
 (Otzagruzki for the competition, and other

  small files)

 PO Box: 2:5030 / 362.2

Announcements, suggestions and letters to newspapers
besides editorial taking more and studio
VIks, you can find on the weekends
on the market in Avtovo.

      -= Welcome to the paradise =


Other articles:

FIDO novice - Echo area. Message menu.

Glitches in News'e - about a glitch that had been in previous issues of the newspaper.

Information - A list of cities ex-Union, have codes of FIDO.

News! - On the propagation of modems.

Ads - Advertisements and announcements ...

From the Editor - What's new in the editorial board?

Letters from readers - ... BBS on the Speccy - this is real.

Laugh a - The story "Harmful problem."

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales of firm Welcome.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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