ZX-News #45
18 февраля 1999

From the Editor - The analysis of events for 1916 Life Spectrum.

<b>From the Editor</b> - The analysis of events for 1916 Life Spectrum.
              From the Editor

   ZX-News No45 19-Feb-1999


  Congratulations to you, dear readers, with
Happy New Year, Christmas and the Old New Year! :-) And wish 
you one thing - the most important: _realizatsiyu_ wishes that

You probably already managed to fall asleep. ;-)

  So ended 1998, the sixteenth
year, an amazing life of Spectrum ... Let's try to analyze the 
events, occurred in the Spectrum world over the past year:

  - In early January there was "Black Crow" (Black Raven) by 
Vyacheslav Mednonogova - full implementation of Legendre 
Real-Time Strategy, which is not inferior to the known 
playability Warcraft'u; 

  - "Zerkalo" (Mirror) - this game Legendre, interface 
adventyury, waited for almost three years and then, finally, 
the Donetsk group ArtWork released a game that is not inferior 
to the most famous "Star Heritage";

  - A Last Hero of Ligth (C) 1998 by Exess Team - the first 
serious domestic RPG on two discs with a sharp interface; 

  - Monstrland (C) 1998 by Rage - also a major project, which 
opened New Gendre on the Spectrum - arcade quest;

  - Homer Simpson at Russia (C) 1998 by Mr.Gluk - the first 
national quest; 

  - "Operation by RR" - Arcade adventyura from Galaxy, made
in the best tradition of the 48-irons "and" Winnie the Pooh ";

  - Kolobok Zoom (C) 1998 by Fatality - pure arcade, which
gained great popularity among spektrumistov;

  - Twilight: Land of Shadows - Czech quest from the Ultrasoft, 
Russified serious remix is ​​presented Fatality; 

  - Gambit (C) 1998 by Discovery Group - the first dial-up 
chess, to play them enough to have any Spectrum Modem (XTR, 
C-DOS, etc - the main thing: the presence of a suitable 

  - Also have new magazines: Spectrum Expert by X-Trade,
rating is currently one of the highest, and Deja Vu with
Voyager'om, which are also highly appreciated, plus the 
emergence of new and revival of old ones;) newspapers;

  - ZX-Net, which last year made a huge leap in
development and continues to powerfully grow and increase its 
service opportunities; the emergence of a new user-friendly 
software, such as MMD 4.00, Lara, DME and other utilities in 
order to enhance the usability networking;

  - At the same time, developers were iron: released Sprinter - 
the most feature-rich Speccy, which meets modern requirements 
for which is now beginning to appear for, ranging from 
spetsilizirovannogo editor-assembler and ending with a 
demonstration of Doom; also were first GMX - video for Scorpio;

  - Finally, FunTop'98, completely dedicated to Speccy, an 
alternative known Enlight, which was a great success for order 
lifting the level of such party; demos same again showed the 
infinity perfect package. 

  As you can see, the 1998 Life Spectrum
went on the rise: released long-awaited game projects, new 
high-quality journals, the rapid development ZXNet, appearance 
Sprinter'a, FunTop'98 ... By Compared with 1997, with its solid 
disappointments such as disruption of Enlight, death Inforkoma, 
hopeless expectation games, etc. subsection, the last 1998-th 
can be called the year awakening from hibernation and recovery 
of the creative life of the world's Spectrum. 

  Now a few words about what should happen in 1999. According 
to recent reports, FunTop'99 will not, instead of him in St. 
Petersburg to take place a new party - Chaos Construction, 
which involves for spring-summer (details to be in

future releases ZX-News). Also in the spring
expected to yield a new game from Vyacheslav
Mednonogova - "Raven Black II" (Black
Raven 2). In addition, work is underway on
near the interface adventyur like "Dust
Stellar Road "and" Fire Salamander. "

  And what about the other projects, little is known, because 
Spectrum among producers of software is a kind of prejudice 
which not allow them to advertise their projects.

Because of what is greatly reduced their rating
among the users - because of the lack of information. Here's an 
example situation: user goes to distributeram, and sees the new 
game "Super Space "- since he was about it before nothing

heard, then a big question the likelihood of purchase (or 
interest in the case of free propagation). But if that same 
play was presented in the papers, are given the information on 
While working on her, told to about the authors of this game, 
about the history of ideas and games, I think, in comments, the 
success of the project need not be.

  Therefore appeal to all the authors: akkivnee collaborate 
with the press! It's beneficial to both sides: for newspapers 
these things source materials, and for the authors - a pledge

Success and fame!

P.S. In connection with the brazen exit delay the December 
issue, the decision release, so to speak, dual (or

"Structure"?) Number ZX-News. This means
News that the forty-fifth was bold and heavy. ;-) In other 
words, we are publishing all the interesting material that had

accumulate during this time, in the same room.

  Now the problem resolved and we will try
go out every week - so that, in theory,
should be four issues per month.

          Start the countdown! ;-)

             Free ZxNews can be found on any

                     Station bbs SPbZXNet.

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                OUR ADDRESS:


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  196140, Russia, St. Petersburg,

          Arthur Podtyolkov Demand

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Other articles:

Interview - Opening the Spectrum: Vyacheslav Mednonogov / Copper Feet, Pavel Fedin, Alexander Mayorov / MAS, Andrew Savichev.

Opinion - The classification of games for the Spectrum.

News - of updates: Twilight: Land of Shadow, Kolobok Zoom 2 12 Secret Book, Text Maker v0.17b.

From the Editor - The analysis of events for 1916 Life Spectrum.

Presentation - The presentation of new developments under the General Sound: Rex 1 & 2, Bedbugs.

Advertising - Ads and commercials.

Scoop - At the bourgeoisie was Speck from the CD.

List BBS - The list of stations BBS.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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