ZX-News #45
18 февраля 1999 |
Opinion - The classification of games for the Spectrum.
It turns out ... Once, pochityvaya fidoshnuyu ehokonferentsiyu REAL.SPECCY, we suddenly came upon next UUE-code and a postscript to it: "Do not indicates whether it is that the bourgeoisie was Speck from CD? ". I was surprised to run the program and see the following text (below is free translation in Russian): THE CD GAMES PACK! CHOOSE WHICH PORT TO LOAD FROM 'K' TO LOAD FROM KEMPSTON 'S' TO LOAD FROM SINCLAIR 2 DEVELOPED BY TED CARRON RICHARD DARLING PHILIP OLIVER ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT BY P. WILLIAMSON A. OLIVER I. DUNLOP (Package CD-games! Choose a port for downloading: "K" - for download of Kemstona; "S" - from Sinclair 2. Development Ted Caron, Richard Darling and Philip Oliver. Additional improvements P. Williamson, A. Oliver and J. Dunlop.) Push the "S" and read a new messagu: PLUG CABLE INTO CD AND SINCLAIR AND PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE (Cables are connected to the CD and Sinclair, port and Press ENTER to continue.) Due to the lack of cable and the very CD, perform the "press enter" and sozretsaem new business-treatment program: PRESS SPACE BAR TO SET CD VOLUME PRESS Q U I T KEYS TOGETHER TO PLAY A GAME! (Press SPACE to set the volume CD or press together key "QUIT" to start the game!) Eksperimentskim permeated with the spirit, click space and see the following: PLAY TRACK 1 ON THE CD TURN VOLUME TO ZERO AND THEN ADJUST UNTIL THE BORDER IS TOTALLY GREEN FINALLY TURN THE VOLUME UP A LITTLE HIGHER PRESS SPACE TO FINISH TEST (Run a track on the CD, adjust volume, starting from zero, as long as the boarder will not be fully green. Finally, adjust the volume to a small height [audio]. By end of the test please click SPACE.) Once at this point, we note that Border, without any manipulation of the non-existent CD-Rom drive, obediently turned green (?). :-) Satisfied, we return back to the penultimate part of the press and the very "QUIT": SELECT AND PLAY TRACK ON CD WHEN PLAYING A GAME PRESS Q U I T KEYS TOGETHER TO LOAD A DIFFERENT GAME! (Choose and run track on the CD. To download a different game press together the keys "QUIT" during the current game! ") After careful contemplation of the letters, which evolved into an incredible information, we immediately contacted the author of this letter, Leonid Mishankovym / LEO (Style Group), who told an instructive story about the benefits of searching for Spectrum sites on the Internet - but however, give a word to himself: LEO: In general, it was like this ... As a dank autumn evening I was sitting at his drugana - Anton Popov and merged with his PC Spectrum Software, which Anton downloaded per night and-net. Houses one of the disks I found this prog in ". tap"-format and immediately skonvertil it. What was my surprise when I discovered in British inscriptions of the word "CD"! Reply born later hour after sending the bend in the echo - it turns out, they sidyuk served in the same drive as the tape, ie with the same speed (and possibly more) and the principle of only quality downloads very high. And loaded it this way: sidyuk stuck in port Sinclair or Kempstondzhoystika (it uses a 1-bit), user selects the desired track (ie, the particular game) and presses PLAY. This is how ... ZXN: Thank you for your clarification, LEO! Well Well, finally figured out. :) So, in England, CD-ROM drive has already served as information for the Spectrum. What are we, By the way, was not known (at least mention of this in the press did not occur). Interestingly, and perhaps there were other device for the Spectrum, which we also still do not know? So that pay more attention to the various technical Prices Spectrum firms (and it can be not only texts but also the special promotional programs) - a chance "Extract" something new, hitherto unknown to us, and who knows, maybe, and useful? .. __________________________________
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