ZX-News #30
06 мая 1997

Interview - Interview with Mikhail Belousov (Amadeus Voxon).

<b>Interview</b> - Interview with Mikhail Belousov (Amadeus Voxon).

                 (C) Alex Resurrection

                   (Las of Sudden Prodigy)

                FLASH Inc.

  To questions the newspaper ZxNews meets Michael
Belousov, known to most spektrumistov as Amadeus Voxon.

Las: How are you, Misha, odnaruzhil to afford such
talent? :)

Voxon: I have before, even in childhood, had a great memory for 
music. It all started with the fact that my older brother bought

tape recorder, but I do not even permitted to
include. But I loved to listen to chegonibud. I just had to 
remember (!) All proslushanuyu music. Even when I had the 
opportunity to write Spectrum'e, I was able to shift from memory

Muzychka many, even their instrumental
sound, but with the advent of all sorts of raves and
Fashion on them, I, it turns out from behind
time. It's definitely degradation (sorry if anyone rave like it 
- do not be offended!) - I have nothing in it for the soul can 
not find I can, but it is very important. Incidentally, the view

Raider with my match. As a more or less pleasant to write some
dancing techno, rave but - never! Transitional same link, which 
still suits me and like me, it's Scooter, y He had very 
expressive things to eat. Well Prodigy, I think the infernal 
music that together with the metal do not accept.

Las: When and how did your group?

Voxon: Our team organizavalas in 1994
year in order to communicate with their
friends and associates who
live in the CIS, and, as they say,
to see and be seen. A
in general - the soul lay to creativity!

Las: What is the current composition of the group, what they do 
in it, its members and that they were you doing before the 

Voxon: current members of the group are many and
firms and joined the group stages. Originally there were only 
two people: Lovesoft (Alex Raider) 'TNB Soft (Amadeus Voxon). 
We studied together in one class and dreamed of a computer. 
First, we gathered himself for "The Specialist", and then

and "Leningradki. Many long and played in
toys, and then wanted to do anything should own. I (Voxon) 
wrote in BASIC any applets, among whom were

toys, music editor (he is also
worked !)... A Raider at this time he studied
Assembler, and did cool at the time
"Pieces". Then we installed on the drive
and ... Grouped together under one name -
Flash Group. Other members were
or themselves have been found later. About their
the past to ask them ...

 Alex Raider - main coder, some gfx, hardware. Is committed to 
not assume effects (with the Amiga, for example) - he had them

invents, manufactures matemeticheskie research and brings to 
life by building a string of codes, P is the founder of 
SounDrive 1.01 (Note: description and SounDrive and soft on him 
- "Flash Tracker 2 +" - you can scrounge from

Lehi Resurrection).

 Amadeus Voxon - main music composer. Is committed to composing 
music to virtually all software, produced by our group. Not 
foreign to him and coding, programming, as well as drawing all 
sorts of graphics. Music of the old direction - something 
between disco and techno. Now has opportunity to open up the 
PC. Was a developer SounDrive 1.02, debugger Vicomm-compatible 
modem in Novosibirsk, and "Rejuvenated" almost the entire group.

  This is followed by people who joined later
to our group:

 Mr.Nik - coder, gfx, music. Learned faster coding methods. 
Good, but not enough draws. He writes music in the style of 
techno and rave. 

 MCF - coder. Sam found us. To Him belongs the honor of the 
founder of IRIS Ultrademo. Well-coded. Now irrevocably passed 
to Platform PC, where he became fond of music.

 Fikus-Pikus - general swapper. Communicates with the outside 
world. A great admirer of AY-3-8910 (12), and also engaged in 
CD sales. Recently selected group coordinator. 

 Slack Den - music maker. Wrote the music, but
while small and slow. But we hope that it
will soon replace the tired Voxon'a ...

 Dr.Bars - intro programmer. Intrushki wrote to the games, 
which are then disketiruet. 

 Crack'Burn - hardware. Together with Voxon'om
led the development of a modem. Developed SounDrive 1.5. There 
are currently developing a scheme for ADC. 

 Burst (ex-SVS) - cool FDC programmer. Quite difficult to write 
such protection as the can write it!

 Mystery - coder. Currently, publishes a magazine "Flash Time", 
which will soon time will appear in St. Petersburg. Different 
multi-tasking ... 

  Here and all current members may
next will be more.

Las: What is now engaged in FLASH?

Voxon: At the moment, is in full swing
completion of the IRIS Ultrademo, which will appear shortly. 
Already prepared to enter the first number

magazine "Flash Time". And so - scattered
a handful of any small projects that
apparently hanged himself ... But being prepared is something 
else grandiose, but it's still a secret ...

Las: What computers do you use in
your work?

Voxon: A variety of ... Three "Leningradki"
two "Profi", two "Scorpion ZS-256", "Pulsar 444" and even 
"Pentagon-128". All they equipped SounDrive v1.0x, Flashmodem 
v1.x (2400 Error free). And in the computer Voxon'a

still stands 3.5 "FDD and two AY-3-8910 (12)
that provides him with 6 channels of FM sound.
(Ports - 1: # FFFD, # BFFD 2: CFFD, # 9FFD.)

Las: how are things in Flash Group and what prospects it 

Voxon: Group lacks every kind of funding, at least napisateli 
software. Developers have no iron tools for the purchase of 
parts and research. People forced to look for a job that has 
suffered at work. Apparently, group will collapse: the first 
intended away from it Voxon. He has a lot of

shoulders, which he did, as they say,
dushvnoy kindness. But unfortunately, our work
no one appreciates, and if not resolved the issue of funding - 
the group will fall apart. 

Las: What is the current status of the Spectrum in Novosibirsk?

Voxon: deplorable. There is no offices, which
they would deal with (do not compare with the time
two years earlier). Users is becoming less and less, and 
creative Groups ... Hmm ... Apparently, there were only us.

Las: What you wish to Petrograd spektrumistam?

Voxon: First, of course, health,
success and enthusiasm, which is now so
not enough!

  That's it. If you have any questions to Amadeus'u Voxon'u, 
write to the editor. And yet. Voxon asks for help: anyone who 
knows anything about us, "Lyon Technologies, call me at:

(812) 527-85-45.

 P.S. Coming soon in St. Petersburg will be "IRIS UD",
which is written for two years and has two CDs! Zhdem's ...


Other articles:

Ot edition - There will be no partition "Advertising."

Iron - IBM PC Keyboard (Part 2).

Interview - Interview with Mikhail Belousov (Amadeus Voxon).

Internet - WWW or World Wide Web.

Exchange of experience - computer and health.

Presentation - Presentation of the demo version Reversy of Brain Crash.

About Animals - Pro Dog.

List BBS - Network gates. List of BBS.

Hit Parade - the top 10 programs on the basis of sales of firm Welcome.

Humor - "Stirlitz - Russian SysOp" (Chapter 10 and conclusion).

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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