ZX-News #26
03 апреля 1997 |
Exchange of experience - IBM-PC Keyboard on the ZX Spectrum ...
EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE In my opinion, is unique in the history of journalism, when a single article written by people with completely opposite views on the issues addressed in it. It is an experiment, nothing more. Good or bad happened - you decide, dear readers. (C) Yuri Buravtsov, Alexei Mikhailov AND AGAIN ON THE KEYBOARD. Here, long wanted to sit down for this same IBM PC KEYBOARD by Scorpion 'DK, and make some good and not very words about it, the problem of "QWERTY" 's and "yaverty, the problem of the Spectrum keyboard as a whole ... IMB PC Keyboard and mouse controller (in Further, for brevity, simply "pisishnaya clave") appeared at me not so long ago - About three months ago. In my opinion, the keyboard - a very important attribute of any computer, without a normal and comfortable keyboard, without a mouse, it is impossible comfortable work in any text editor or with computer as a whole. In our country there is not so many standards on the keyboard: in fact, only "yaverty" and "QWERTY". Well, probably, even some "tsukeng. I think this is quite normal and does not intend to passionately argued the merits of one looking at his hand and apart on the shelves of other disadvantages - everyone is free to choose how he more comfortable in the end it's his job. But! Question of the layout of sounds with a new force, when it comes to pisishnyh Claudia, because they almost all plotted Russian letters, and it is "QWERTY". I'm in the top of naive thought that I could work on "yaverty and on pisishnoy clave - theoretically it is possible ... However, in practice it turns out that Every day the bright red Russian letters are becoming more and more irritating, and willy-nilly, the question arises about the transition the new alignment. And now, I have the "QWERTY" 'e is not passed two weeks ... At first, sometimes just infuriated - typing speed dropped again ten and the first few days had poskrezhetat teeth ... And then, as a matter of happened: one day I realized that there is no turning back - the rate at "Yaverty" and the "QWERTY" 'e caught up ... So, the Claudia pisishnaya are wearing Russian letters SAMA retrain the "QWERTY", as if people did not try to resist! Just the longer resist, the later retrained, which will much more difficult than if it happened early. That's the whole difference. :) But to return, so to speak, to the sources. Why do I personally wanted a pisishnaya Claudia? Well, firstly, I needed a Myshak, and I would not "poiskovskoe ugliness," and this, nicely pisishnogo Myshak, always with a rug:), shorter as all normal people with other platforms. Already a lot of software supports Kempston mouse, and therefore do not enjoy this handy device and we will just not had neither the strength nor the desire. Secondly, I work a lot with texts, and I'm beginning to bore "film" spekovskaya keyboard - too small, uncomfortable, the cursor Keys - on both sides of the spacebar, Break not at all where you want, its only dignity - True / Inv video are at the right place ... One of its main drawbacks is also that the keys do not "spring" when pressed, the small size of the keys themselves and distances between them, in Russian mode some of the letters must be introduced by pressing two keys (where else will find this idiocy?), but in order to change the register for one such letter, we have to use Caps Lock'om first, then a combination of S. Shift + letter, then again the Caps Lock - in sum is simply to accurately and FAST to work with texts. Third, too tempting to look painfully functional keys, tab keys a la calculator separately Insert, Home, End, Page Up / Page Down, two Shift'a, Escape, etc. In truth, pisishnaya keyboard - the experience of many generations people often work with text, knowing what they want from an editor and keyboard for maximum comfort and speed. Co-author of the article, Yuri Buravtsov is Claudia from "Robik. Those who are familiar with this computer will realize that connecting it to Scorp'u user will lose the opportunity to enjoy some Enhanced keyboard set: the "Robic" Claudia Reed "QWERTY", but all the keys have one reed. The board is PZUha, manufacturing "custom" key. Therefore, the Jury had to add a bunch of wires and reed making Claudia his part and totally adapted to the Is-Dos'u that he did not give up even on the clave from Aspire. However, back to "skorpionovskomu" controller. As everything that is done in the recent on the Spectrum, the controller pisishnoy keyboard is made is not quite as it should, and I I hope that its author, reading suggestions pages Newskah, make certain conclusions ... Let's start from the beginning. Namely, the function keys, which ... for some reason not involved and is not polled. For each of the existing ROM layout is connected in parallel funtsionalnye keys to control the keys of the editor or boot'a. For example, in Is-Dos'e: F1 = 1 F2 = F3 = 2 3 ... By the way, Is-Dos'e. This is a typical case in which the authors of the software must adapt by producers of iron. BE made equally keys PgUp / PgDwn in editor, and in the "viewer"! There are already hardware problem can not be circumvented. Iskrasoftovtsy, respond! There are several options, such as PgUp leave as ss + Q, and PgDwn do ss + I. Ie is released A special version for IsDos'a pisishnoy Claudia! Let us return to the layout. And to begin with, Why do I need layout for TLW, but no layout for Honey Commander?? Who now enjoys TLW? Who needs it? By the way, will not prevent a layout editor Kovalevsky, then the people to him irresistibly. In the meantime, there is quite inconvenient and poorly implemented with some combination - Why go against the already accepted standards? Perhaps not meaningless to introduce a separate hot and cold relief for Scorpio for example, "Ctrl + Alt + End = Reset + Left". Quite often necessary to completely "otresetit" car, and it can be done only clicking the "Reset" on your computer and keep left arrow - Ctrl + Alt + Del + Left does not pass. It's time to solve the problem with switching Russian and Latin letters at the entrance / exit of the editors. Ie if you get out of IsEdit'a enabled Russian letters, and then start editing a new file, start glitches ... Incidentally, for those who have not figured it out yet, as these bugs are treated: exit back from the editor, press both shifta, jumps out the window "Change Disk", press Esc, go to the editor and continue to work normally ... This problem, Again, must decide either the creators IsDos'a or hackers ... There are several glyuchkov in layouts, For example, in ZxWord'ovskoy mixed up / down keys on the page. Suggestions for the digital keys on the right: a would neither was enabled, LAT, or RUS, when the Num Lock'e pressing the numbers on the right should give it the appearance of digits, not characters. All of the above depends on the software and from PZUhi controller firmware. Let us talk about the hardware shortcomings. Most important one - is "podvisanie" companies many prog by pressing the keys. This "podvisanie" can be both time- (Ie, after a few seconds the complex will continue to work) and a "fatality", when the PC stops responding even on PHYSICAL RESET (RESET and arrow to the left)! In the latter case, only to switch off and turn the power ... And if you suddenly anyone that happens right in a text editor, where the RAM-disk editing mnogosotblokovy text (such as long as was not - pah-pah! :)? What if you have me do, eh? Ship via text every five to ten blocks, which increases probability of "Iron" depend on? This is truly - "ah-bi-em pi-si-si form !!!". But what about connecting the normal Soviet Kempston joystick? The fact is that pisishnoy clave, more precisely, on its skorpovskom controller, there exists a veSTCh, which is called "emulation of any kind joystick: press "+ + "- and please, at your feet (in the sense - of hands) psevdodzhoystik, performing a function of Sinclair, Kempston, or Cursor. Thing is, no doubt, comfortable. But here I no longer have to drive to his guests, accustomed to "normal" Kempston joystick lever nature. Case that connected controller Claudia's most ruthless manner cuts off "a stick of pleasure" that is connected to the peripheral connector. In other words, the most beloved gaming device loses its real name, and not for the better. And yet, even if your keyboard nepisishnaya completely satisfies you, such as Yuri Buravtsova, but you are suddenly incredibly desired to fuck pisishnogo Myshak, then you still have to buy and Claudia, too, because Myshak without Claudia's in this situation is nothing like misplaced ornament krysodroma. It's a WHAT, I'm sorry? Really both address issues of standardization? I think so: the computer must be for a man, not vice versa. Of course, one could argue about this, referring to the West, they say, they have there Quartet stopped clone, threatening to soon stop production and pento. But in fact there appeared a very useful concept, as apgreyd. If you apply a broader concepts HardWare Segreya Yurevich, discrimination user is obvious: let's You just bought a Scorpion +, and the other people to buy more non-turbo. Buy-sell from different companies on different courses each just not very profitable. But progress does not stand still. But is it doing so civilized manufacturers? While not disputing that ZS - it appears to be the best thing that could appear in the world Speccy ... But all in this mortal world is imperfect. Perfection befalls man is only in heaven. Is it because we so often use the term Must Die? .. To sum up a little - now while the people formed two opinions about pisishnoy clave. Those who are from companies in the first all you need a text editor, without pisishnoy Claudia can not afford to provide, because despite several shortcomings, in general, from this devaysa remains a good impression, because just comfortable. If the author Claudia take into account the wishes of many people vysskazannye us in this article, then it becomes more convenient, more people it buy it. A second opinion prevailing among those with Claudia buggy in some toys and prog, that pisishnaya klava simple sinkleristu not need ... Well, how many people - so many opinions. Now a more detailed talk about pisishnom "QWERTY" 'e. If the Specc'e possible three basic layout, then one pisyuke only the "QWERTY" 's four pieces ... Axiom: "If the keyboard is drawn some squiggle, then there is no guarantee that after clicking on this key on the computer screen does not appear quite another hook. "This quote is taken from the magazine "Hard'n'Soft # 1'96". Russian market is simply awash with keyboard, keyboards which bear the Cyrillic letters, and as symbols and punctuation marks for "Russian" regime. Usually Russian letters nadpechatany red, sometimes black or green. If the main part of the Russian alphabet QWERTY keyboards almost all keyboards the same, then in punctuation marks and other symbols put on a "digital" keys of the upper series, there are significant differences. What user is waiting for Claudia? It seems a simple thing: to draw on the key character - Press the button and you will see this symbol. But there it was. The letters on the keys are written in paint the manufacturing process. Painted letters, dried paint, sealed Claudia in a box - and was poisoned to sell. Purchased, hooked up, clicked on the screen - letter. What? For the appearance of characters by pressing some key answers already computer program, called the keyboard driver. What letter of the programmer programmed, and this will appear. For to the on-screen characters coincided with painted on the keys, to compliance with the standard. However, this question is likely to zhelezyachnikam so how are easier to standardize the layout of claves, than the driver, because some drivers everyone more ... Among manufacturers of keyboards, no expression of a monopolist, so the manufacturers are willing to support any standard if he was the standard. For example, Cherry, Following the release of the Russian version of MS-DOS 4.01, the first to announce support options Cyrillic keyboard layout, proposed by Microsoft. But contrary to a common standard still exist. Here, for example, Firm Microinform "with his russificator for "vocabulary". Some domestic Pickup generally similar in spirit Russian typewriter with the only difference is that the punctuation in the "digital" the top row of keys, usually rendered in upper case. Will not, however, through all the layouts, we consider only on a typewriter keyboard layout GOST 6431-52 (Fig. 1). Pretty standard ancient Fragments of the picture from the tutorial software typing Left Hand Right Hand > Pinky < > Untitled < > Average < > Index < + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 = N - / ":,. _?%! <> J U Y K E N T W u W X Z Since F A P P O R E F E ( ) I h M I T L U B E big big Fig. 1 however, that this standard meets one of the proposed layout of Windows starting with version 3.11 for workers groups. It was done at the request or under the influence of IBM. This is a very important fact, indicating that the large foreign firms themselves have already made steps in the right direction. Standard should be developed by experts, thoroughly familiar with the problem of typing in Russian, who know the specifics of typing with the use of computer technology. It is obvious that standard should be formally adopted and approved as a state standard, otherwise it will have very little chances of widespread and from large and small producers Hard-and SoftWare. You should not lose sight of the illuminated problem. Suffice it to say that at all Claudia, but the typewriter is missing symbol "E" (you know, as I entered: ( And so, therefore, in PZUhe controller Claudia's one thing, but in isdose - another. Hence, will wait somewhere will be third? __________________________
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