ZX-News #14
12 ноября 1996 |
Modem - What is a modem? Which modem is better? ..
What is a modem. (C) Alexei Mikhailov As promised, we begin a series of articles purpose of which - to tell user'am who do not have the slightest idea about what a modem, and why you need it who are faced with a choice between the modem and the second drive, for example, or several packages from floppy games, what it is - modem connection, why is it necessary, that as cool and interesting. We will try to share experiences, to answer all the questions that invariably arise for every newcomer. I hope that the most experienced fidoshniki write in this column is not one letter - each of them in stock lot interesting stories and tips ... Let them be all modems! Of course, the first question that arises from the user before you buy modem is which one is better - Vicomm or Hayes. Imho, the very question posed in this form is a sign of "well, full yuzerstva. :) The thing is that these two "unit" serve very different purposes, and each of them, at least so far, with the tasks assigned to it copes. Vicomm even very convenient to use to communicate with their friends and acquaintances, to send each other any programs, and just any files. Due to the relatively low price and ease of connectivity, "vikommka" quickly gained popularity in St. Petersburg several years ago ... And all would do if it were not Fido. :) Once again sinkleristy "carried away" with PC an excellent piece of metal - Hayes, and do not regret about it. Although the company Hayes'y are rare, usually - Hayes-compatible modems. What are the pros Vicomm, and what for Hayes. Well, Vicomm'ku easier to get and connect to it's already written a few terminal programs, it has HUNDREDS sinkleristov Peter, will soon open network OmegaNet ... In short, at minimal cost - quite good opportunities. Hayes - much more expensive modem, it is not always possible to find and buy, unfortunately, many hayes-compatible modems are completely unwilling to work with Spectrum, although on a PC working without problems, often come across Hayes'y that trbuyut supply of-12V, which normally do not find the Spectrum - have to buy a new power supply ... However, imho, if there is a modem connection to the Spectrum to any future, then this is the future for Hayes'om. OmegaNet, of course, would be a good network, but not with Fido beats ever. Sooner or later, the period Toy passes and everyone begins to demand from the computer for something new, but no less interesting. Correspondence and exchange of programs across the city - it's good, but at Fido the same could "get up" with the whole country! At Hayes'e convenient to work with the post, but not comfortable with the games, as at present day is still just under terminalka IsDos. Ie to send any game, you need it and zaZIRirovat konvertnut in IsDos, and those who accepted it, should also dehobet'oy file handle, then back to TR-DOS, then the disk-doctor title correct ... And on vikommke - once all of TR-Dos'e. But Vicomm - without hardware protocols compression and data control. This means that if you say, was transferred to the terminal mode symbol on Vicomm'e and communication costs bad and your buddy will not accept this character from the first time, it it will never will not accept ... :) But Hayes, if not accepted the first time, will take more and yet, until everything is OK In short, with poor communication Vicomm "swallows" the characters Hayes and takes them all. When transferring files, Hayes, using own memory, he "shrinks", ie compresses the data, giving a significant gain in speed by compared with Vicomm'om. Ie if nominally the same speed (and Vicomm - 2400, and Hayes - 2400, for example), almost Hayes passes several times faster. But! Not so good. It also happens that Us - well, just very bad, or passed through some strong crack ... AND Hayes successfully wrote "NO CARRIER" and "Throws" the tube, while Vicomm'ka - Only a couple of attempts to count down and further transfers. That will have to Hayes'e dial again ... On top of that often confuses beginner the fact that Vicomm'ok in hundreds, Hayes'ov have spekrtumistov - no more than two tens. Imho, do not worry if considering that Fido sit Spectrum fans from around the country and all together they are much more than vikommschikov in St. Petersburg. Hayes allows you to call any pisishnuyu bbs, of which hundreds in St. Petersburg alone. You can "write" themselves and aria ZX.SPECTRUM, and SPB.SPECCY, as well as at least hundred any other on any matter and interests of the thousands that already exist in Fido. It is clear that OmegaNet, with all his desire is not able to ensure that "Pull" at-least a dozen of the echo areas ... And do not be ashamed of what you are working with the Speccy - on the contrary! All pisishniki just drop when they learn that the networks possible and on the Spectrum "climb"! Imho, one must strive to Fido, but not in OmegaNet. A the best option - and there, and there ... In principle, OmegaNet and created as springboard into the world of Fido, and from this point view and it needs to be considered. I think talking about "death" vikommok very premature. They had a show. Phrases such as "Hayes, Hayes, and again Hayes "is not quite logical. Imho, probably need to seek some compromise. It is clear that the hundreds of people who have already is Vicomm, the trash they throw away does not will, and according to this OmegaNet without the "clients" will not remain. Probably the best and Hayes, and Vicomm (a sweet couple:), and worst of all - even without a modem ... ---- Hayes-compatible modems are internal and external. Clearly, the internal modem cheaper and easier to operate than external. If you like to buy Hayes, remember the most important thing - many of them do not work with Speccy! So the "Secure your position for retreat, "ie, try to negotiate with the seller about a possible return ... I advise you to look for modems with the protocols. This sounds like this: MNP5 and v42bis. The fact what are the protocols, it is quite clear in the article was written by Vladimir Larkova in ZX-FORMAT'e. Again, theoretically, Hayes'y 2400 now considered "junk" from pisishnikov, some such as treshka (386), or VGA-monitor. Most "cool" bbs already refuse to "let" to a modem below 14400. So, like, should pisishniki get rid of this "junk" ... In fact, the way it is, but ... 2400 modems are not so much. For example, I myself was searching for a month, barely able to find ... Here's how it was. Another thing - 14400. Their bulk in any shop - choose on taste. True cost they are from $ 70 ... Hayes'y come with fax and no fax. Us spektrumistam, the presence or absence fax, by and large, it does not matter, and fax mainly affects the cost of the modem (About 5 $). In the next issue we will publish ZxNews wiring diagram of Hayes-modem to the Zx-Spectrum'u designed by Mikhail Kondratyev. Imho, it's not that hard. Already know everything that went SMUC. This device has a slot into which you can also "stick" Hayes. And it does not require any chips. So here's the situation with the modems in the glorious city of St. Petersburg. At the end of all, you decide which modem to select and its imho I have expressed in this article - and he and the other. To be continued ... __________________________
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