On-Line #72
09 февраля 1997

Mosaic - on how to use C-DOS.

<b>Mosaic</b> - on how to use C-DOS.
(C) ... The author wished to remain anonymous ...

   Hi everyone! In my opinion, it's time to put the question 
squarely: or we or they! Guess who I'm? Right! On many - many 
BBS'kah network ZXNet! Here's the thing: the fear of half of 
the stations to call for his blood Phone scary! And well as 
disable, when it becomes the letter "B" type? Whoever does not 
understand, explain: "B" - the first letter of "BBS" - a word 
that starts nonsense, half sisopov loves to put in place the 

   Think about guys, I call on the server with a pretty name
I do not remember what's true, of course ;-) shake a decent 
dose of information (I can understand: Dorval man. Almost six 
months I none of the pros could not say that I flew. After five

minutes of computer disks spoiled everything when trying to 
write, I finally came up with a brilliant idea: "And if I did 
not replace VGshku?". Replaced. Work. Anyway, we digress ...)

   Well do not sit me in front compartment, these twenty 
minutes, all the same computer - automatic assembly, so I 
decided that he and without me All the download, went to the 
kitchen, poured a cup of tea, walked into the room and was 
dumbfounded: the phone strain, which is gaining a letter. Well 
guys, if you really start for it to disconnect telephones? You 
not blind, you see where everything goes: from the budget of 
money on phone network is not isolated, we have to be 
subverted, behold, they say, some people have already placed 
the counter, three years ago, heard the conversation, someone 
to turn off the phone because he was not hung up on the night 
But again, it connects for the money. Will not have enough 
money networks can and will take for us ... The bleak 
prospects, not Is it true?

   So guys, really beg you, I hope, not just me, and I hope you 
follow my (oops, our) request, throw their names out of the 
place where it should be a phone and put back your number, I, 
for example, does not seem steep BBS'ka labeled instead of 
numbers. Now that there are some glitches in the C-DOS'e when 
OPTIONS menu is not a single word AUTO, but he is still gaining 
name, it is your bounden duty (I think). 

   By the way, can find an option to the wolves and the sheep 
are safe enough to eat? ask, for example, KOLOVRAT'a that he 
wrote a new version C-DOS'a, which introduced a special window 
for self-expression sysop whose contents are printed out from 

   All right, now, something I've been written here ... OLDMAN, 
ALEX, may You also say the weighty word?

                     Netizen ZXNet

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

   What can I say about this? A good all the same function
Automatic re-connection was included in the program. 
Personally, I often use it when it provides the server its 
subscribers and all works fine. 

   And when I leave the server at night - completely disable 
this feature, because this whole saga began precisely with the 
users, rather than Sisopov. Members were the first to introduce 
the characters or even other people's numbers in the caller ID. 

   It's you're lucky: the letters are the code more than 32, so 
that your Modem typed combination perceived PBX as a "09" or 
"009" - Background of MGTS. And what a sysop, when calling a 
freak, y which featured phone, "02"? Or even someone else's 
number? Precisely because of this option is off the AutoRecover 
servers network.

   You can calm down. With long-DOS mode is completed and put
ONLY HAND MODE on / off (Menu PHONE> Mode). When switched on - 
no counter-recruitment will not, even if indicated in the 
options AUTO. This version has many servers, including at 

   A user and sysop I can only advise: people, let's use all 
the features of the program for direct their intended purpose! 

   On my site, if I see that the user has not entered into under
my number - I cancel it. A real number perverts
type 0000002 with their home addresses, I'll be periodically
published in the "yellow press" circulating in the network.

                           Alexey Ivanov

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - There were newcomers: Demon BBS, Comandor BBS.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten by Magic Soft.

ZXNet - O global processing of telephone and address directory in ZXNet.

Mosaic - Ivan Gudkov released a new game.

Mosaic - on how to use C-DOS.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Soon ... - On the exit of the game "Dune II - The Battle Fof Barrakis".

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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