On-Line #63
24 ноября 1996

Mosaic - The review of strategy games for the ZX Spectrum.

<b>Mosaic</b> - The review of strategy games for the ZX Spectrum.

   In his time on the pages of "ZX-FORUM" Part 2 was published
Directory adventyurnyh games in circulation in Russia. The idea 
of ​​me liked and I decided to create such a directory, most do 
not even directory, and how would the review of strategic 
games, in circulation in Russia. And I must say that I, being a 
big fan strategy, his entire adult life on the Speccy as the 
ability to collect all that could be found in this genre. 

   Now you need to decide what games to consider strategic, and 
what does not. If you think about it, the notion of "strategic 
game" - A concept quite vague. In many games there are elements 
of the strategy. For example, favorite people, "UFO: Enemy 
Unknown." To me, this is not a strategy, but only hodilka - 
shooter with elements of economic activity. But firm "Magic 
Soft" believes differently: "Grand strategy game, which 
occupies more than half a floppy disk." Well, as the saying 
goes: How many people, so many opinions. Let us look better in 
the Dictionary of Russian SI Ozhegova and learn that: "strategy 
- is science, art of war. "Well, where is the" UFO "mozhmo 
demonstrate the art of war?" Where? "What do I need sassy user 
can, for example, reply:" What do you mean where? A stranger to 
drive on Forests, is not art, is not that science is waging war 
with them? ". So what still represents a strategic game, just 
ask to confuse the reader. And then that the world is 
considered to be the so-called "WAR GAMES", then there are 
games where you, dear reader to become a warlord and control 
entire armies, rather than some maniac who runs for the aliens. 
Do not get me wrong, "UFO" - great toy, but it is not a 
strategy, as it tried to I seychs prove a hypothetical user. So 
do not be surprised Unless you see in this directory or "SIM 
CITY", nor "THEY STOLE A MILLION ". Let's start!

   The most popular, at least in the Speccy, strategic
the game did, and still continues to do on other platforms
Firm Mythos. They are good for beginners as well as for 
"advanced" strategy. "Highlight" in these games is that you 
have no control regiments and battalions, but as individual 
characters. They play nice again and again, of course, each of 
these games - a masterpiece: 

 Rebel Star (For 1 and 2 players) 1986
 Rebel Star 2 (For 1 and 2 players) 1986
 Laser Squad 1988
 Lords Of Chaos 1988

   Firm with discordant called CCS to develop games for
based on actual battles took place. Some of them you
will be asked to repeat the historic victory on your computer 
(Arnhem, Waterloo), while in other games, on the contrary, try 
to turn history back, we have to play on the side losers. It 
should be noted that of all the games from this company, two of 
They are written based on the battles that took place in Russia 
and both cases have to fight to the enemies (Napoleon,

Stalingrad). All games released by this company, can be 
conditionally divided into two series:

 1 - play written by R. T. Smith 'om. These include:

  Arnhem 1985

  Desert Rats 1986

  Vulcan 1986

  Enciclopedia Of War 1988

 2 - Oddly enough, the game had already written without it:






   Next, we must mention the firm PSS, which also made 
considerable contribution to the development of strategic genre 
Speccy. Games of this firm otlichyutsya great diversity, both 
in the scenario, and in qualitative terms: 

  Battle Of Midway 1985

  Sorcerer Lord

  Theatre Of Europe


   A firm with such a elf named Lothlorien, as a lot of work on 
the Spectrum. I must say that it is one of the first to develop 
toys so popular now at IBM PC (and Amig'e, of course, too) 
realtime-strategy genre: 

  Legions Of Death

  Johnny Reb

  Johnny Reb-2

  Austerliz 1985

  World War in January 1987

  The Dark Empire

   One of my favorite games are written by Mike
Singleton (Mike Singleton). Virtually all of his toys were 
written in the style of fantasy, with elements of RPG. He 
worked with two firms: 

 1. Maelstorm Games:

  War In Middle Earth

  The Dark Sceptre

  Throne Of Fire 1987

 2. Beyond:

   Lords Of Midnight

   Doomdark Revenge

   All the major companies producing the strategy, I have 
listed and then go a list of games with comments to 
particularly interesting: 

  Conquest 1985 Cheetan Soft

  War Game (1 player)

  War Game (2 players)

  Stonkers 1983 Imagine

  Battle 1917 1983 Mark Lucas

  Zulu War Interactive Wargame Assotiation

  Their Finest Hour

  Samurai Astros

  Swords Of Bane Astros

  Falls Of Rome


  Archon 2: Adept

  Sword And Shield Black Knight

  Brothers Of War

  Genghis Khan

  Guadal Canal 1987 Activision

  Invasion 1987 Mastertronik



   Defender Of The Crown - a great toy, (written by
W. Scott's novel "Ivanhoe"), with the stunned graphics and 
music. It is recommended for beginners strategists. 

   Space Crusade. 1992 Gremlin Graphics. I think the year and
Company name speaks for itself, but would still like to note
that game is completely dismantled in the journal Spectrofon 

   North And South. 1989 Infogrames. Excellent strategy, 
despite the arcade insertion and apparent simplicity of the 
game, very interesting play together.

   Nether Earth - Very unusual realtime strategy game with a 
three-dimensional view and the elements of economic activity. 

   Now, I think we can go to domestic strategic toys. They are 
still less than overseas, but many are not inferior to them by 
quality, and some even exceed: 

  Kings Bounty 1993 Energo Comp

  The Battle of Kulikovo 1994 We

  Destructors 1994 Rensoft

  Scorpions 1995 PRN Code

  Last Battle 1995 Hacker's Squad

  War of Amber 1995 Domen

  Country Myths 1995 Fantasy

  Kings Bounty February 1996 EJB

  UFO 2: Devils Abyss 1996 Copper Feet

   In conclusion I would like to add that this directory is, of 
course, does not claim to "ultimate truth". Many toys

I do not have listed only by what are unsure type:
"The strategy is a strategy or not?" That is the question! ". 
And some of the games listed here are not worthy to be called a 
strategic view of its misery and complete lack of logic. All 
Well, I cherish the hope that my work was not in vain, and this 
directory will help both beginner and advanced strategists. 

                         Maxim Lebedev (MAX From FFC COMPUTERS)


Other articles:

B.B.S. News - The work B.B.S. 'ca.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten ot Magic Soft.

Mosaic - The review of strategy games for the ZX Spectrum.

Mosaic - Response to letter regarding the work Artman'a BBS'ok.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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