On-Line #63
24 ноября 1996

Mosaic - Response to letter regarding the work Artman'a BBS'ok.

<b>Mosaic</b> - Response to letter regarding the work Artman'a BBS'ok.


                                       in response to a letter 

                                                  ... Well, man 

   Addressing adopted FIDO-like type, as it is such addresses 
are handled automatically mailer (mail programs at the 
gateway). Second - you should not care as attending letter to 
the network, and phone number here to do with it (as well as to 
a PO box is not attributed to the postal address). Topics more 
than that for the last time the three men changed home phone 
number and network number is preserved. Were only made changes 
in routing. 

   I want you to strongly indicate that the site does not ZXNet
have to be a BBS. Node involved in forwarding mail, and
in what way it does - it sysop.

   And that, in addition, an extra measure of protection from 
idiots who like to ring up people on the phone numbers listed 
in the network rooms.

   What about the Constitution:

   If you do not like the charter of the network (which is 
based on the way, was based on the rules FIDO) - you in ZXNet 
(and in the FIDO) to do nothing. And it is not your business to 
discuss the Charter. You are not the operator of the site and 
not even a subscriber network. You freeloader. Do not agree 
with the Charter - good riddance to other networks. 

   And what is the phrase "our network"? This is not your 
network and you to It does not make up any edge. Web hosts - 12 
of 15 operators of sites that are ZXNet.

   In Moscow networks, much as 4 individual BBS - generally 
about 30. By the way, you mention the station PREDATOR - refers 
to the network of 3D-Net, which is not routed to ZXNet. 

   In respect of obscene publications, I agree with you. Our 
Constitution, they are not allowed. But they do not include 
e-mail traffic (ie mail does not apply) and, therefore, for 
them, the operators nodes (and not sysops BBS) are not liable.

   And about the seriousness of the network - the main thing 
that mail went - here its main purpose. Our network is 
connected to the Internet and each subscriber network may 
correspond with any subscriber in the world, and that many do.

   Someone needs to correspondence, someone just calls on the 
BBS. A call BBS - it does not work with the network, and the 
work station of the individual. And the right to host the 
station to have around the fact that he likes. Not like you - 
or do not call on this station or download the said newspaper.

   As for your "many claims to the network" - I like you too
sent ... You are not a subscriber ZXNet and their claims can 
leave with him. Claim registered user may be

only one - do not go his mail. This is already the basis for
serious clashes and serious work.

   That's about the graphics BBS you rightly said: day starts at
00.00 hours and ends at 23.59 (ie 00.00 on Tuesday come in the 
night from Monday to Tuesday). By the way, where you have 
taken, that in day 60 hours. What is it for 59.59?. Well, that 
mail between nodes, we walk past, confusion over time, no ... 

   I recall that the Spectrum network in Moscow on 4 and this 
means that the city has not only ZXNet.

                                                 ALEX (Research)



Other articles:

B.B.S. News - The work B.B.S. 'ca.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten ot Magic Soft.

Mosaic - The review of strategy games for the ZX Spectrum.

Mosaic - Response to letter regarding the work Artman'a BBS'ok.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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