On-Line #62
03 декабря 1996 |
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Mosaic - General Sound and a new video processor for the Speccy.

MOSAIC (C) Eugene Vikent'ev Probably everyone knows sinkleristam sense of envy for the owners of clever platforms. Looking at computer stores or with friends on the ability of the Amiga or PC, the owners of ZX is sad that they do not have such great opportunities at home. Therefore, many with difficulty or without accumulating "Green" on the A1200, or P100, running to the store. But you must admit not all have the opportunity to buy a computer for the price of $ 1000. Often, many family budgets can not count even at the A500 or any 386 PC. But even if they do you have money and that's enough, then I do not advise buying these models because they do not very fun to work with programs, most of them done in the past decade (even if much steeper than Speccy now). Therefore, it is clear that if the situation does not improve, the Spectrum will live a very long time (and in the next few years the situation has certainly not improved). But the Spectrum is no longer suit most users and, therefore, absolutely necessary improve its performance. Of course one can not listen to According OLDMAN'a who sees fit to leave everything as is. But he misses one point: any system which is in stagnation necessarily destroyed, the question is how long stretch agony. The computer system can not develop Only if this system is a museum exhibit. Especially ardent fans of Sinclair Research Ltd is recommended to disconnect the modem and drive, since they too are totally brand lotions. So, in my opinion, the main characteristics of the home computer system are the processor speed, quality graphics and sound quality. Spectrum characteristics for these indicators are known to be below average. On this day you can considered solved only the problem of high-quality sound: if XL-DESIGN has really done something unprecedented (probably unheard of:)), and the sound is really better than on the Amiga, the problem is only in the writing of "mountain" of software for this very GENERAL SOUND. According to the XL-DESIGN issue resolved: many team in St. Petersburg agreed to write music for this board. XL-DESIGN rightly decided that the GS should be principle Amiga separate microprocessor board, to not load the main processor with additional work. But even if core processor can do only logic of the program, and synchronization between an input / output devices, then all the same performance Z80 is not enough for fast execution of algorithms or serious exact computation of large quantities. Until recently, practiced solutions like turbirovanie processor, or install a faster version of Z80. Of course it improves the situation, but not much. And then it turns out U.S. firm Zilog fully afloat and did not think to pass the production intelsovmestimyh chips, but instead released relatively recent processor Z380, which is likely to speed ahead of i80386, and the convenience of architecture does not compare with Intel's models. Full software compatibility with Z80, 32-bit architecture (if you do not know, then be sure to read NICRON 6). Perhaps the most important advantage this processor - that he and his non-segmented linear address space completely removes all the problems further expansion of memory: all the ports like # DFFD, # 1FFD You can forget, even the drivers do not need memory allocation Here are just a # 7FFD have to leave. There is only one thing - the video controller. The current controller is no good: even with this low resolution can not be fully realized color graphics, the majority of programs with dynamic graphics is monochrome. The new controller must be a separate microprocessor system like the GS. It must stand Z380, but not Z80. With this processor can increase screen area more than 10 times: for besides that Z380 is faster, it will not need to control the music co-processor, to compute the data and interrogate the keyboard. In the controller of this type should be at least three modes: standard screen 256 * 192 16 colors, the text screen 80 * 25 16 colors (probably you, too, read the ZX-NEWS and noticed the mention of this mode, just wondering what edition ZX-NEWS had in mind when talking about switching modes using the buttons, and If the program ten times a minute passes from one mode to another (even if the demonstration program images), everything here still need a port, but not in the address space of the main processor and graphics processor in space), and enhanced graphics mode: 256 colors at a resolution of at least 320 * 200 ( what is possible to increase the number of modes by adding steeper). It may well be that such a controller is already for all of the Spectrum-compatible (I mean the controller firm PETERS, but it seems there is graphic controls the main processor). It seems that Peter went to a leading position on the Spectrum of in this country (certainly a hardware-that is exactly) and I would like to receive more information from first-hand, but publishers of electronic newspapers in Moscow for some reason, very few give a place not only interviews, but even a simple news from the north of the capital. A regular flow of good numbers of the St. Petersburg newspaper ZX-NEWS generally ceased. You may think that it closed, but did not even sixth number, although the seventh and eighth long time ago lie on a Moscow BBS. Is it really so difficult to download the latest edition of Fidonet? P.S. Would love to see responses to this article, and your opinion on the matter. Sincerely, Eugene 401-1148 (21-23) 14.11.96 19:15
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