On-Line #62
03 декабря 1996

Mosaic - Opinions about ZXNet & BBS.

<b>Mosaic</b> - Opinions about ZXNet & BBS.

   In that message, or use, as you wish, I wish to tell about
ZXNet general and BBS in particular. I did not go long enough to
Network for objective reasons and what was my surprise,
when the network I did not find anything new except the fresh
Editorial Charter Network, which has not made it anything 
useful, but on the contrary, even in something worse than its 
predecessor. For example, the ill-fated, addressing ... What 
kind of idiocy! Has long been clear that better address than 
the phone number did not come up, but no ... someone directly 
mania, something must necessarily come his own. But the goat is 
clear that the phone number as well as postal address each one 
and to anyone it can not be confused. Also in the room seven 
characters, and TR-DOS allows eight in the file name, so what 
is left a mark on the conditional code, and which should be 
emphasized, rather than reinvent the wheel. And indeed there 
there are a lot of what the Charter, as such has no bearing ... 
But more about that somehow the next time. I saw a number of 
network publications in which matershiny to put it mildly, 
abundance, and the authors of these publications are in this 
element almost of heroism, flaunt in his editorial notes. My 
personal attitude towards matershine unequivocally in all its 
forms, can not allow these expressions in private 
conversations, personal communication with friends, comrades 
... But in print, even electronic, I think the use of obscene 
words and expressions not allowed! Created the impression that 
the boy had learned a few words and that's Dorval and sculpts 
them anywhere anywhere ... And it never occurred to illiterate 
oracles that while in ZXNet will be walking a similar style, 
network to take seriously no one will. By swearing at all 
civilized human relationship uniquely! And I very much regret 
that the sponsors of Verbal dirt today can not be applied 
appropriate sanctions. As an illustration of what has been 
said: imagine announcer on television matershinu scattered from 
both cornucopia ... Difficult? Yes, it is impossible! Or solid 
paper or magazine similar expressions ... This is not a solid 
publication, and so ... cesspool, backyards, rotten, if you 
want. Normal, human communication is abhorrent to all. A 
literate, a Russian, with the birth of owning the most powerful 
language in the world (this will confirm any linguist, a 
linguist, an Englishman, French, Chinese or Japanese) as a 
no-to-face in the print media use filthy expressions and our 
language is rich enough without them. The most annoying that 
the authors of this filth is enough literate-that would not 
write with errors (which hardly ever been given to the author 
of these lines), but here's the complete lack of love or at 
least to respecting the mother, the literary language literacy 
reduces this to no ... I feel sorry for you guys! Have respect 
for if not to currently, at least for your readers. Believe me, 
will not a lot of time and you will be ashamed of his writings, 
in the end you are applying for a "title" intellectual, 
intellectual, and not cobbler. Write your content so and after 
a dozen years, you will not be ashamed to talk about his 

   Actually I have a lot of complaints about the network and to 
ensure that it is walking ... But all of these notes.


   Work on the BBS as a server requires, in my opinion, some 
honesty and even, in some sense, self-sacrifice, much less that 
it is voluntary. I'm still trying to call a BBS, whose daily 
work, and the reason simple, albeit ridiculous. Consider the 
schedule ... Wed, Fri, Sat 00.00 to 05.00, and so, kakzhdy 
normal person knows that 00.00 Fri comes after 59.59 THU ... 
but not in our network. In NET, is 00.00 Fri comes after 59.59 
Fri! Guys, This must somehow parse and sort! Time - and

there is time, standards have long been identified and agreed 
upon throughout the world. Further, any server should be aware 
that this time his work schedule can not give 100% guarantee 
that he did not call back after hours. User sits half the 
night, trying to connect to the server, and only a short tube 
hooters ... And did not notice the poor fellow, as time passed, 
moreover, attention muted due to fatigue tyrkanya on 
korotkogudyaschim BBS. Therefore, the server name must be very 
correct and polite in the end, the Server - the word SERVICE, 
Russian analogue: SERVICE! Well, if you're too irritable or can 
not understand something - turn off the phone while you sleep 
and do not be nervous. This, fully applies to your humble 
servant, and to the BBS PREDATOR. The fact that I was late with 
call on the BBS was the reason stated above, well turned out 
so! I see - there is no connection and hung up, hearing that 
worked Caller ID (Server with AONom, in my view, conflict), but 
before I could dial another server - the call - Predator! 
Scolded me for Late phone call that did not give him a bed. I 
quietly listened to him very fair comments and offered his 
regrets and apologies, and on the left. But I was surprised 
when, soon, one of the servers discovered a file in which name 
appears my phone number, but it upset me that there written ... 
I somehow naively thought that the incident is settled, but 
neither here that was, the Predator was drawn to the "pen" and 
he "legkogruboy" form has accused me in incorrect ... I do not 
like and I I want to put everything in its place ... Tell me, 
Sergei, I can not apologize? Can you overlaid matyugami? Maybe 
I was drunk and the night would not let you sleep, doing only 
what without interruption called you? You called my behavior 
INVALID not explained - what is it, specifically manifested. 
Correctly - word of foreign origin from the Latin CORRECTUS, 
mean it: a polite, respectable. Itself implies an incorrect 
means - not polite; indecorous ... So tell me, and all, just 
open the file, what is apparent, my discourtesy towards you and 
that I made such indecorous. I believe your action to file 
unfounded and reckless. In my opinion, during our communication 
with you I have never allow himself to not only tricks, but 
words that deserve such accusations and recriminations, to 
remember and THINK! 

                         With RESPECT, ARTMAN


   Ever wanted to say a few words on the previous
letter. Claims made against PREDATORa, I think, fair. I once 
wrote that some sysops very much addicted to drawing up "black 
lists", "incorrect" users, not bothering trying to get into all 
the circumstances of the conflict. But I must say that PREDATOR 
BBS - INDEPENDENT station is not included in ZXNet, therefore, 
is responsible for the antics PREDATORa only and only the 
PREDATOR, and ZXNet here totally "irrelevant." ZXNet regulates 
the relations between users and only those stations that are 
part of ZXNet, agree with the Charter ZXNet and obey him. If 
you have a claim to these stations, please - the measures will 
be taken. With the same independent sysop sort it out 
themselves their own means ... 

   Now, regarding the confusion over time. And do it - 
confusion? Maybe I'm wrong, but almost all users "Correct" 
understanding that comes after Friday 00:00 Friday 23:59 ... As 
would be silly as it sounds ... I think the confusion arises, 
just when we coordinate schedules with international standards 
- of course, it's time to do it, but it is very confusing not 
want to ... If anything, we use the conditional time! ;) 

   And more ... Dear ARTMAN, whom you had in mind, arguing
that the long-ZXNet that are not serious, and seriously will be 
treated later, when the obscene publications have disappeared? 
In your opinion, ZXNet - comic detachment organization like the 
Boy Scouts, and adults, establish a network and maintain it in 
working condition - in the play trifles? Yes I am calling you 
to a duel! Joke. But seriously, everyone refers to one or 
another computer network, depending on how it (the network) to 
him (to everyone) necessary. That is, if a person is called to 
the station only to new toys for free download, the ratio of 
one, and if - mail pick up or help from the "ALL" request, then 
relation quite the opposite ... I have even more to say - if 
people do not use the network, it is irrelevant to the network 
and has no ... and should not have ... In any case, the 
positive ... As for the obscene publications, and their FidoNet 
and the Internet and other networks is complete - nerds 
Nedoroslev and other noobs everywhere enough, unfortunately ... 

  And about the Constitution and the new (?) Addressing in the 
next issue will be Article Regional Coordinator ZXNet, where he 
once again explain why this is the addressing of needs and how 
to use it. 

                      Dmitry Grigoryev (OLDMAN)
                    MDM 496-8508; 12:00 / 21:00
                        ZXNet: 095/100.1

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - The work B.B.S. 'ca.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten ot Magic Soft.

Stuck? - Description of the game "Flunky" (continued).

Mosaic - General Sound and a new video processor for the Speccy.

Mosaic - Opinions about ZXNet & BBS.

Mosaic - Summary of the magazine "Spectrofon 21.

Mosaic - Again on the Amiga.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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