RIP #07
24 января 1998 |
7 Origins - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.
(C) Werewolves' Ars Ars> From the originals too, bummer, damn it, as with the news. So, Werewolves'u got some junk ... ;) 1.> Doctor, I die? ... And how! -: ... then again by hundreds, and on the side:) 2.> Design your gate, or sensible Major! -: What is actually the same thing ... 3.> Our cause is just! The enemy will be! -: Then look to the left ... 4.> Thou yesterday asked the carpet? Well Duc I pinned him ... -: And who did you do worse? He told me nafig is not needed:) 5.> And the balls, condoms, as it is not very good. -: Well, then today will try to wrap sausages:) 6.> Picked up his chest - tell me something ... -: To live well! - Then gave up even further ... Ars> The main thing to rhyme:) Yes, Dennis, what-you began to disgrace our mark:)) 7.> All peretrahaesh not! A pity ... -: Nero said, examining a marble Venus ...
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