RIP #01
23 ноября 1997 |
BBS - Schedule BBS'ok.
At the moment the most interesting issue in the network yavlyaetsya work bbs'ok. Such a "disorder" was not very long ago (if it all). How do I know works today, the station or not? Alex scored at Spectrum, both scored on the schedule. Lprint, could not resist your mark: "weekly," and all graphics have appeared since week (sometimes more) late and had the character of a purely fill the shell than at least something useful;). Do not call, nearly two months Aquamarine bbs, I decided to look there. But what is it schedule, alas, I did not know. Well that can Ivan'y provereyat days week, and he also regularly worked as six months ago. Many decided to put bbs, fill up the files directly in front how its kerf on other stations. Practice has shown that it is not justified - call, at best, 4-5. In general, we invite all who are going to put the bbs, determined in advance and throw on FTL_bbs their schedules, not later than on Friday. Again, I suggest sysops do files Today (filename can be any), for a description of what prog is on servere.Eto that would be user calling the bbs and download this file, knew that he needs and what is not. Thus you save, and he time and those who are trying to get through this time. As you already understood all the charts, received on FTL_bbs appear in the newspaper RIP. Work stations BBS Minsk (8-017) 7 GATE BBS 221-5471 Eugene (Mythos) Chart: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 23.00-06.00 info file: 7Gate-**. W topics: talk, coding, music confidential file: SECRET available drives: A, B AQUAMARINE BBS 249-4353 Ivan Chart: Tue, Thu, Fri 21.00-22.45 info file: AQ ****. W Subject: general Secret Files: SECRET, IVAN1, IVAN2, IVAN3 available drives: A, B FATALiTY BBS 249-9753 Arseny (Ars) RIP MOVE -= Internet-ZxNet Gate =- (017 / 1) Chart: daily 00.00-07.55 (Fri, Sat 22.00) info file: FTL **/**. W Subject: ehokonferntsii, iron Secret Files: SECRET, FOR_ARS, FOR_MOVE, FOR_FTL, FOR_RIP available drives: A, B HAMER BBS 221-8365 Michael (Hamer) BODY MOVE Chart: daily 23.30-08.00 info file: Hamer_ **. W topics: general, iron Secret Files: SECRET, FOR_BBS, FOR_MOVE, FOR_BODY available drives: A, B The symbols "*" in the filename means the date of creation of this file. Mark MOVE, BODY, RIP - indicate that data BBS'ki take e-mail to the respective modem newspapers.
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