On-Line #49
11 августа 1996 |
Mosaic - A new version of the game "UFO-2 v2.40". News from the MAGIC SOFT.
MOSAIC (C) MAGIC SOFT Hello! We hasten to inform you that on 10 August 1996, the year we released a fully working version of the game UFO 2: Devils of the Abyss " release 2.40, and all those who have bought the previous version of the game (Release 2.0), are free to exchange it for new! And for those who not yet acquired this the best game in the history of SPECCY, we advise urgently come to our radio market and its buy! You will not regret it, the game is just class! For those who follow the life SPECCY, we can offer a third number of Kharkov magazine FAULTLESS. The annex to the magazine you find the promised JOKER'om demo version "MORTAL KOMBAT" (not that which is in the ZX-FORMAT # 4!) and several feature films, music and system software. By the autumn we plan to release for sale these new toys, perhaps known to you to demo: A LAST HERO OF THE LIGHT FORCE 128K (DELIRIUM HG, Kazan) - "dumovidnaya" toy, a quest story in the style of FANTASY, DIZZY-XX "HELL ON PARADISE ISLAND "128K (MEGACODE HG, Vladimir) - here, we think, without comment, DUNE 2" THE BATTLE FOR ARRAKIS "(PERESTROIKA SOFT, Tver) - analog of the same game on the AMIGA and IBM. All of these demos can be found on BBS or buying, we drive to the new games. Come, we are waiting for you! Our location can be found at the end of the newspaper section of advertisements. On this, let finish. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can send them us at the address in ZXNet: 095/401.5. Thank you very much for your attention. Sincerely, MAGIC SOFT ZXNet: 095/401.5 (C) OLDMAN I climb on BBS'kam and that's what the thought occurred to me ... In my opinion, some organize BBS sysops for the sole purpose of - to feel superior. Have you read such information file - the list of toys that are desperately needed sysop (usually exactly what had just appeared on the market), followed by emboss tear appeal less to download and upload more, and finally a list of "hard-core hooligans" indicating the degree of "corruption" of the latter, calculated, usually from the ratio of accepted to the passed. Whole system of rewards and punishments are developing sysops, showing that enviable ingenuity. All anything, but some remarks against "offenders" look for the latest offensive. I do not want to anything to call, just noticed ... Dmitry (OLDMAN) MDM 496-8508; 12:00 / 21:00 E-mail: zxnet@mastak.msk.su ZXNet: 095/100.1 Editor in Chief - Dmitry Grigoryev (OLDMAN) 496-8508 Editor of the "NOVE"? " - Anton Trofimov (ANTONY) 376-4522 Editor of the "stuck?" - Yuri Vasin (GOOD BOY) 187-7594 Editor of the "BBS NEWS" - Nicholas Fedishev (NIKO Soft) 282-2956 Treatment in WD7.2 - Alexei Ivanov (ALEX) 164-1684 For communication with computer paper "ON-LINE" You can leave a message on one BBS, oriented to receive material for "ON-LINE" or write to: E-mail: zxnet@mastak.msk.su ZXNet: 095/100.1 123480, Moscow, POBox 34 In this case, do not forget to indicate the purpose of your letter - personally or to print edition! ... Or call the editor by phone in Moscow: (095) 496-8508, from 12.00 to 21.00, Dmitry COMPUTER NEWSPAPER "ON-LINE" IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE IN NETWORK ZXNET And through the user station BBS. Commercial distribution is not prohibited, but not encouraged. ANY USE OF CERTAIN MATERIALS ONLY WITH PERMISSION AUTHORS! IN reprint of the information referring to the newspaper "ON-LINE" MANDATORY!
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