On-Line #36
12 мая 1996

Mosaic - Cheat'y to the program: Snare, Reckless Rufus, Gonzalezz. Speccy or Dendy? Error in the programs of domestic production.

<b>Mosaic</b> - Cheat'y to the program: Snare, Reckless Rufus, Gonzalezz.
 Speccy or Dendy? Error in the programs of domestic production.


   Gentlemen sysops! Please tell all the information about 
changing the schedule of your BBS is not for me, and lead 
heading BBS News, ie Nicholas (282-2956). I can and forget ... 
If it is difficult to call, use e-mail.

                ° ° ° °

   In this fine weather to work quite like ... In
result of a lot of time to delve into other people's program 
for you in order to extract from them something interesting ...

   1. SNARE - Well, firstly, if the version you are treated 
with FFC COMPUTERS, then click the INTRO button C, to get a 
"perpetual life. "When the game is loaded, the menu, press P, 
and you be able to enter a password if you know. Passwords are 
declared by the passage of several levels. For "lazy" will 
help: KAKASH (izvinite. ..), EGRET, YA'MA, ZYMIC, ULCER, WOLF!. 

   2. RECKLESS RUFUS - Enter by redefining the keys - VIRGO and
receive "eternal life". Passwords every ten levels: 4529,
8769, 6260, 0942, 3392, 9744, 2046, 6170, 8723, 7943, 5707,

   3. GONZALEZZZZZ - In the game, simultaneously press the keys 
and PAZ receive "eternal life". This applies to both parts of 
this nice toy. 

                        Dmitry (OLDMAN)
                    MDM 496-8508; 12:00 / 21:00
                     ZXNet: 095:1641684 .. 4968508


   Hi everyone!

   And again we return to the topic of the video processor. 
Let's go ... 

   About  is not entirely clear what this
 such. Comes from the context that all who do not 
really versed in the codes are complete bastards and nothing 
voobshe do not understand, although it is not clear where this 
code, when we are talking about . 

   Now about ponimayushih people full information on video 
processor can only provide the author, because ified to deal in 
a strange development in Moscow is not there. But the author 
hardly write because in the ZX-Revue (image do such a 
publication, if you do not know), he described all in detail. 

   Next, I quote - <formation system sprite is fully automated 
and allows up to 64 sprites at once>. About 64 sprites can 
still begin to doubt, but the first part of the quote makes it 
clear quite clear that the Z-80 to only control, in contrast to 
imaging system applicable at this time. Control system itself 
consists of the following through the so-called DMA controller 
(<tse Take that> I do not of course) video processor to 
transmit information about the location each of the 64 sprites 
were formed when initializing the video processor (meaning the 
transfer of graphics memory VP primitives).

   This information consists of a 256-byte block formed by the 
Z-80. It contains information about the location of sprites on 
the screen. If anyone is interested in a detailed, open Page 
15-16 ZX-Review No. 6 of 1995, there are all painted clear 
enough. In my opinion, necessary to calculate the coordinates 
of the sprites, plus control of their clash or not I know that 
there still, still easier than another and formed recalculated 
data zabatsat all this nonsense in the memory of the Spectrum. 

   And once again painted the dignity of Profi-screen. Yes, of 
course, says it all right, but for the realization of 
profakovskogo screen may need money and less (although I doubt 
it) but as you yourself acknowledged, this requires a frequency 
of 15 MHz! This Well we have? If I want to get more or less 
normal results with this screen, I need to turbo your computer? 
What is unrealistic, because Increased processing speed is 
certainly entail the need for a computer in a scheme better RAM 
chips that can operate on similar frequencies, and of all the 
Spectrum was the most expensive are mikruhi memory, not to 
mention their quantity. And this additional waste, in short - 
is a dead end. 

   About the withdrawal of a large number of sprites, I have 
already spoken. The processor does not need to withdraw, he 
must manage. About AY'shki voobshe nonsense, because  - a comparative phrase. To form on Bipper'e Bole-less need 
a decent sound in general, all CPU time, and tsifrovki on the 
sim device - in general delirium (meaning more or less worthy

sounds, but not in the game Jet bike simulator, where the 
background of some Left interference can hear the voice, 
reminiscent of a dying scream). 

   Now there is no RGB-output on Dendy. Granted, at the 
monitors native RGB inputs are used, but on your same According 
to a high-resolution monitors are not standard suitable. From 
this alternative: either to stay with what we have, ie suffer 
garbage and squeeze out the Z-80 the last drop, or develop 
another EP, which forms at its output RGB signal. However, it 
is highly unlikely, since all cry out that <has developed> 
promise was about. Yeah, the promised three years of waiting 
... except conversations have nothing. Here's how the other 
will develop, then we'll see, but meanwhile <there is no 

   Now work out a little plagiarism ...

   And finally, something small, but quite unpleasant for the 
true fan ZX - it will not be SPECTRUM! That is, in my opinion, 
the most enjoyable in this story, and that rested its case 
(unfounded) THE BIRD (why baseless read on). Such modifications 
- the connection of peripheral devices such as a modem or a 
mouse (remember, OLDMAN, if you connect to SPECTRUM'u EP, you 
get a video processor SPECTRUM, and no ZX-DEndy - marasmus 
some). If you do not clearly explains: involvement in the 
scheme of the computer, and even more so <rearchitecting> does 
not happen if you got the information about the VP of sixth 
issue of the same unforgettable ZX-Revue, then, for your 
information, the magazine has published another schema 
synchronizer, the connection is reduced to otpaivaniyu quartz, 
setting it on synchronizer board, and then soldering to the 
terminals on which he had hung, the two wires from the board 
synchronizer. If a  well, 
it is still how to look for someone to become programmers write 
their programs if there were no users? In short, alluding to 
the fact that the user Loh, kettle, etc. as a homeless person 
takes all the Th yield. Wrong! Just a programmer does something 
that is in demand. Not believe? Look at the software market. 
How many before doing any COLOR LINES'ov, eh? Because there was 
demand, and Now all these have all got Kolor and no one does.

So that someone else rules.

   On this I finish, at least up to 37 rooms ONLINE'a.

   A word to Glavnimu Editor, Mr OLDMAN, you, of course,
person authority, but if you use a didactic tone (<Remember, 
DIGITECS ...>), a dispute (at least normal, with no mat and 
raids) will not work. 

                 Sincerely, Vlad (Digitecs Inc)
                         date 08.05.96/02.27
                     ZX-Net 1641684 .. 9361253

(C) RINDEX / Factory Of Real Things

   Hi all. In the last issue, questions were raised by our 
gamemakeram. Good topic. Must continue. 

   The first question. MEGACODE, but when will your DIZZY-XX?

   The second question. It is addressed to the creative team 
STEP. Progress of the creation of the Star Heritage 2 SPECIAL 
FORCES? When they should be on sale? And why would you do about 
They do not write on the pages SPECTROFON'a? 

   Well, as long as enough. Now, I fully subscribe to the words
OLDMAN'a, about that enough already to make games like "Open 
the scanned image. They are already tired. And I'd add that 
enough to make toys such as LINES. Anyway they are all 
identical and their divorced now, too much, and no sense from 

   But this story with DIZZY seems unlikely. So
very much we have people who loved this particular genre of 
games. I am among them. After all, the company itself 
CODEMASTERS did (and continues to do, but on the Amiga) their 
DIZZY. And they, no less, already eight pieces. That means they 
knew that the game is in demand and continued to do more and 
more new adventures DIZZY. I certainly do not call right now to 
begin to rivet all the different DIZZY. Can really get bored, 
and there will be many foolish programs. Over a good scenario 
games have a very long time to sit ... But trust me, DIZZY-XX 
will be a very long time to be in hit parade of games in the 
first place (and maybe the second, on the ground will besteller 
- UFO 2, this game will be a thousand times more interesting 
the first part and maybe it will be game of the year, but this 
is quite another matter). So that's the case.

   Well, now, we turn again to the questions and comments 
(boiling). Question to those who did play SMAGLY 1 and 2. Why 
Your grasshopper on both sides very slowly moving? In the first 
part of He also jumps like an elephant. This has been corrected 
in the second part, but he began to jump jogs some. Or will he 
slowly grows you, or he was disabled since childhood and, 
therefore, decided to pull up out of the house on the balloon 
(on the legs would not run away). In general, schedule in the 
second part steep, and the problem of too anything. So Keep it 

   Here we are getting to "nail the program." Here I have a 
claim to all who have done and will continue to make games such 
as DIZZY. Have not you noticed that your games sometimes give 
items to other character is very problematic? You look all 
branded DIZZY and will not find any such error. All items are 
given to easy, you want - the right of the hero you want - on 
the left. Can not be said about our programs. I, for one, very 
long puts on the eye cow scarf in the second stage of the game 
48 irons. Yes and the lead is mixed into the cloud just right. 
And generally, in this game a lot of places. There are Winnie 
the Pooh and, in CRIME SANTA CLAUSE 1, yes, and all the same 
SMAGLY. The only game without this "cereal" places - it DIZZY 
X1 and X2. I hope that the authors DIZZY-XX will not allow such 
errors. Simply, it is impeding the passing game. In general, 
all these games are really cool and I spent more than one 
sleepless night, passing them. 

   Well, that's all. Bye.
                      Yours sincerely
                       Denis / RINDEX / F.O.R.T.
                      ZXNet 095:1757792 .. 4228627

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - The work B.B.S. 'ca.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten by Magic Soft.

Stuck? - Description of the game "Octopus".

Mosaic - Cheat'y to the program: Snare, Reckless Rufus, Gonzalezz. Speccy or Dendy? Error in the programs of domestic production.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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