On-Line #33
21 апреля 1996

Mosaic - A new advertising paper "ZX-WORD". A few tips for the game "Prince of Persia" and superkody. Put a video processor Dendy on Speccy or not?

<b>Mosaic</b> - A new advertising paper


   There is finally advertising newspaper on SPECTRUM'e. It's 
called "ZX-WORLD" and released it to all known STS. Those 
wishing to place their ads on the pages of "ZX-WORLD" - Call by 
phone in Moscow: 154-7630 (Stanislav). 

                ° ° ° °

   In recent days, participation in the influx of letters 
addressed to "ON-LINE". This, of course, pleases. Thank you! 
But guys, if you decide to publish it in the "ON-LINE", kindly 
please - do not scatter the same article across the entire 
network and all the newspapers. Who then We read what will 
happen?                 ° ° ° °

   Actually, I should not have hit a "PRINCE OF PERSIA" ... Of 
course, the game is buggy, brake, etc., but to play (and even 
receive enjoy it) is still possible! Afford to give you a few 

   1. Run, you can do Outbound jump.

   2. Prince can go down the cliff. To do this we must turn to 
him backwards (toward the precipice, of course) and bend ... 

   3. Prince can hang on the edge of the cliff. To do this,
press and hold the FIRE.

   4. "Toothy" gate pass very easily. If you go a step
(FIRE + LEFT OR RIGHT), they will not do you any harm.

   5. The 12-a level not to fight with his counterpart.
Hide the sword.

   And now the promised superkody! Introducing them, you will 
be provided at appropriate levels with a full supply of time 
and 12 (!) Lives. I should note that in the author's version 
can not enter the game at 7 th and 8 th code (in a hurry 
NICODIM, not tested his game on glyuchnost ...), but I still 
print them in the hope that soon our great hackers (and what 
traits no kidding, maybe even the great minds behind NICIDIM 
take?) will release more or less restored version of the toy. 












   By the 13-th level code does not have to FINAL CUT'u too.

                        Dmitry (OLDMAN)
                    MDM 496-8508; 12:00 / 21:00
                     ZXNet: 095:1641684 .. 4968508


   Hi all users, programmers and hackers from the company
FFC COMPUTERS and me (Alexey) in person!

   Although I am not a fan of these writings, a number of 
visible all the problems caused me a while to sit down for a 
text editor (in iS-DOSe, as he is better than all existing 

   Kindly requested to bring a fierce opponent of any of my 
point of view: do not throw bottles at the monitor, do not hang 
the cord on the claves, just spokoyno press RESET!!! And 
someday, maybe, and I I see your text on your monitor. What you 
are today, probably, read, no nonsense of my imagination, but 
only actually prevailing situation, and hope you Understand 

   So, let's begin. Many users have probably already started 
thinking on the problem of availability of the newest programs. 
A case in the following: new programs in the markets of Moscow 
is becoming less and less. Fans of "pisyugi" immediately 
happily say "Khan SPECCY!!!" and cool mistaken. To people who 
think so can not be offended because of their wretchedness. In 
fact, the situation is not so bad, but if some users do not 
think about it and it really can happen!

   And did not think there respected user on the fact that in 
such a big city like Moscow, new games nobody writes, although 
St. Petersburg and other cities they come in flocks. In Moscow 
it is very a lot of strong programmers and hackers (those who 
lead Killed branded program in normal form and modify them).

But the thing the users! We considered a normal business,
if someone has copied the author's program, and even learn how 
to do all your friends. And the man who bought a new drive look 
like a fool! 

   And what situation we are in the market Caricino! Suits
me user and with a smile says: "I you do not drive
buy, you "Winnie the Pooh" one-on-disk, so even with 
protection! "or "And I have this program downloaded via a 

   Take, for example, Peter. There's a user, having bought this
"Winnie the Pooh", come and say: "Thank you very much, the game 
is excellent, and even three-level "." I certainly do not mean 
all users, but do not be offended if I described your behavior. 

   So, comrades USER'Y if you think that copying a game, you 
broken off the evil speculator (ie, distribution), then wrong, 
you are broken off in the first place itself. And those people 
(distributors) who do you think speculators who are willing 
flay you with your thoroughbred thousand, for a long time on 
hold SPECCY not mad profits, but simply an interest. When the 
mad earnings on programs for Spectrum ended, with him gone, 
such as hackers Dyupanov etc.! Now it is up enthusiasts. 

   Believe me, any of the distributors of software is easy to 
find such work, in which the salary will be higher and the work 
will be less! And unless the user will be able to buy the 
author of the program, let's say, for 100 bucks! Correctly, can 
not! And the author simply not write the next one!

   Everyone was just lucky that there are still such people in 
Moscow (SOFTSTAR, MAGIC SOFT, etc.) that can buy from the 
author of the program for several hundred dollars. And when the 
author releases a game on the disk and puts the disc 
protection, this is not done for the user to suffer and to at 
least something earn for their hard work. And with the "Prince 
Of Persia" case The situation is even worse! When the game was 
not, she was asked all the polls, but as she appeared, so 
everyone is asking "UFO-2" and "Prince" do not take! So where 
are we, the sellers get the money to pay Mednonogovu 600 bucks! 
That may not be a "UFO-2! Think, dear users! 

   This concludes my article, and once again I beg to wonder
The situation is really complicated! Till we meet again in the 


(C) RINDEX / Factory Of Real Things

   I wanted to write here about. Since, in my opinion, if I 
remember correctly, with the release of 25 newspapers ON-LINE, 
you began to describe in detail such toys as 48 IRONS and 
Winnie the Pooh. Well, well, good thing, but there is one 'but'.

   Your correspondent GOOD BOY actually competently and 
correctly describes the passage of the stages, but it's pretty 
(or even frequently) uses in his texts the word VODKA. Do not 
get me wrong, I himself very much vodka and drink it too is not 
very rare, but from such texts, with so many vodka (you'd think

all (almost all) of the heroes of these games ruin oneself by 

   That I liked a description of the third part of the game 
about Winnie, when a fisherman drinks vodka from the flask. 
That is true, the fishermen really take with them to drink, and 
sometimes the fish itself (well, I I hope to understand why to 
fish), but here's what to forget Pinocchio intoxicated people 
in the country, I did not understand. 

   And no, it was easier to write that the key is lost though, 
would be that the same fisherman, or at least, would be a 
monster, so the magician did not interfere with, eh? A bottle 
has been drunk by the same Mad Max, and nifiga no vodka, and eg 
PEPSI. And then formed the impression that GOOD BOY never drank 
vodka, and decided that if vodka suppresses half of the 
country, it is considered fashionable and you can write about 
it and description of the game. Well, if he had vodka and 
drinks, then this is the concern some. Probably read the 
newspaper because the younger generation. Well, what kind of 
message we give them? 

   Well, at the expense of half of the country you can answer: 
"No such can not be. "The answer is - maybe!

   When I practice at the factory, my mentors did not start the 
working day without a Warm (and almost always razgonochnogo) 
glass. But what is happening in the villages - I do not speak I 
will. Also, none of the presentation and negotiation can not do 
without drinking.

   Here you are, surely, he thought: "What a clever found here, 
and I will reply:" Just really bored to read text with a very 
common words about the vodka. " 

   No I'm not an opponent of such texts, but we need to know 
how states measure. That is the case with the fisherman, as I 
said, I am very liked it. So, OLDMAN, before releasing such 
descriptions in the newspaper, I advise them to pass through 
any barrier of censorship. So as you say to me: "You take 
yourself and write." My answer - my tongue is not so hung like 
a GOOD BOY'ya (a phrase with podveshannym language was taken 
from him, the same article of the ON-LINE 32). So that the 
browser from me whatsoever. 

   Of course I do not insist and do not run into GOOD BOY'ya to 
his asked of a remarkable newspaper ON-LINE, but in subsequent 
releases, when you, GOOD BOY, describe what you write anything 
toys, please do not write much about vodka. Can be sensitive, 
but so that in every room, five times - it's overkill.

   Well, at the same time, there seems to be, and everything.

P.S. By the way, I've seen a welcome ECSTASY MEGADEMO and 
realized that those who paid $ 5 IMP'u, the one they lost in 
vain. First: all that the same evil multicolor, which he 
promised that he (Multicolor) will run on all computers, not #% 
@! it does not work, my PROFI (in general it is not!). But I 
have found a way out and looked after all of it. You simply 
click on the "turbo" in front of multicolor work. It turned 
out, but only on the curb. Second: it was promised that all the 
effects REALTIME. Ha-ha-ha. If it's called REALTIME, I - a 
locomotive. REALTIME, it seems, only in two places, and that 
very fig. Do not compare with the INSULT'ovskim. In INSULTe 
though he controlled, and in ECSTASY no! In the third place: 
music. It was promised that the soundtrack is absolutely 
killing. So, I liked only only four IMP'ovskih Mouzon, and the 
rest - well, nonsense, and only one - even a dull set of notes. 
Fourth: this schedule. Yes, SHAMANovskaya schedule steep, but 
he drew it just for the two parts, and then went of DREAM 
MAKERS. Next, you understand, or schedule Tupa, or her at all. 
Last 20 times longer. Well, in the Fifth: effects. Pull off a 
bit of SATISFACTION, INSULT, and SHOCK, well, and the rest - 
from old AMIGA'vskih dem. The coolest - the clock (Could have 
been done and steeper), and the rest - well, mediocre. Outcome 
on a ten scale 7 (and even perhaps a bit inflated because of 
the graphics and cool musics SHAMAN'a IMP'a). Although the 
latter DOOM'ovidnaya part, but made it very cool (I mean it

REALTIME), so very steep angle of rotation.

P.P.S. A INSULT much steeper. So far steeper.

P.P.P.S. That's my opinion and I do not impose it to anyone. So 
if someone disagrees with me, then let them stay with their 
opinions. Heated debate, I hope we will not grow.

                          Denis (RINDEX)
                      ZXNet 095:1757792 .. 4228627


   Urgent! Immediately! Everyone, everyone, everyone!

   Who has not phoned the informant MGTS to announce that in 
Moscow started "catching" modems. In order for you not arise

problems, you need to register your modem, otherwise you can 
just throw it, because You connect to it no longer can. To 
register your modem you need to come to your telephone 
exchange, to pay 68.000 rubles and, subsequently, every month 
to pay double the fee for the phone (paid for April amounts to 
12.000), thus monthly payment for the phone will be 
approximately 24.000. 

   Also, all owners AONov! Cost of registration is AONa 16.000 
and 50% of the monthly payment phone. Thus on the basis of 
these data, we find that normal sysop (the modem, and AONa) 
must pay, starting from April's prices of approximately 18.000, 
considering that the phone itself will pay the parents, plus 
registration - 84.000 (same forward and simple user)! 

   WARNING! IF YOU Calculates THAT avoid this part, then
HOPE IN THIS VERY FEW (not today, tomorrow or next month, but 
pay more for registration, respectively). 

   I'm not campaigning for the registration, but if there are 
people who know how to avoid it - call.

                           Maxim (MAXX)


   Hi all, GROFAZ IS ON LINE! I Pronyaev article THE BIRD
a video processor in the ONLINE # 32. Let's start with the last 
paragraph of his Claims: speed. Sorry, but even I, an amateur 
in the codes, I understand the difference in the approaches of 
the dynamic programming graphics SPECCY and gaming computers 
based on chips UM6561F-2. In Specifically, in the latest 
management sprites are a bit different, and in general, the 
graphics memory is very different from Spectrum, which is 
almost born for vector graphics, pro top box may say that she 
was born for scanning and block schedules.

   About the price: a modem bought, damn it! And what are we any
150-200 thousand (according to THE BIRDa - including 
installation). By the way, You would not think that the spread 
of the video processor will many profitable orders craftsmen 
that are moving in the stalls because of competition and lack 
of work - this device is so complex that not everyone who is 
able to hold hands Soldering, prisobachit it to your computer 
and get all the work now unemployed professionals.

   PROFI And yet ... Certainly a good thing, perhaps best of all
SPECCY, but it grafrezhim in CP / M is for comfortable working 
in it and no more. That's just it will slow down in similar

programs with dynamic graphics.

   In any case, the last word by users.

                           Sergei / GROFAZ
                      ZXNet 095:4907044.3537123.


   On April 27 we are releasing the full version of FIFTEEN'S 
(BY SILICON BRAINS), familiar to many on the demo-version! So 
come to our radio market! 

   Reply THE BIRD'u about video processor (VP). I must say that 
here I will not talk specifically about the EP from DENDY, 
because I know a few developments of this nature for


   Well, here we go: VP operates independently from the central 
processor (CPU) and so graphic resolution and color do not 
affect the speed of your computer. To do this, and created GPUs 
to quickly work with graphics. 

   CAP itself can move the sprites, background, draw the line. 
And moreover all he does is much faster than it can do

CPU. And the fact that the EP with the graphics can not do it,
You can do the "old way" using CPU, directly
referring to the screen memory. Using the EP can significantly 
facilitate the work of the programmer and the quality of games. 

   Ispolzovt extra screen PROFI? I do not know who invented the 
structure of the screen, but obviously someone who has never 
worked with graphics and does not know the optimal structure of 
the screen programming schedules. In order to PROFI make any 
toy with a continuously moving graphics are not enough and 14 

   Example of EP on the AMIGA 600: CPU clock speed of only 7
MHz. Main MĀ graphic resolution of about 640x240. On the line, 
you can choose 64 colors from a palette of 4096 colors. And you 
think that its CPU (even if 16-bit) could have done it with 
such a schedule itself? But with the help of VP copes! And 
pretty cool handle! Smooth movement of sprites and backgrounds 
envied even by IBM CPU speed 100 MHz! So what do conclusions ...

   Putting a CAP on SPECCY or not? This is a controversial 
issue. An increased graphic capabilities, it will be possible 
to write higher quality games, significantly more graphics 
operations can be done in one interrupt, etc. This leaves

compatibility with conventional SPECCY. But will a video 
processor that spelled soft? 

                                        Sincerely, MAGIC SOFT.


                                    MDM: (095) 267-6976; any 
time                                    ZXNet: (095) 4907044 .. 

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - The work BBS'ok.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten Games of Magic Soft.

Stuck? - Description of the game "Crime Santa Clause".

Mosaic - A new advertising paper "ZX-WORD". A few tips for the game "Prince of Persia" and superkody. Put a video processor Dendy on Speccy or not?

Poll - The results of a survey conducted Kipsoft'om.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   31 March