Open Letters #03
05 мая 2000

Nemo open letters № 3.1

Nemo open letters № 3.1
450095 14.02.2000

      Hello, dear Nemo!

   To view the computer
KAY-1024 I want to order it from the "Guide
Manual (2.4 directory). Also
Please send me a fresh price. If
You do not complicate, I would like to know about the plans of 
your company - what are you working on right now, and what 
peripherals for KAY'ya plan for the future. Was the work 
finished on Section 1.2 MKEY and § 1.6 directory?

   And let me give you a little advice. The catalog says that 
"prices are quoted in units, but nowhere is there information 
about the ruble equivalent conventional unit. By prevailing in 
our Russian people stereotype 1 cu  = 1 $ (and usually does), 
and only common sense dictates that a computer

ZX-compatible Model 1000 "bucks" can not be. So, on this 
occasion I and wanted to give you advice. I like a man

working in the social sphere, held a mini-survey. The question: 
"What is the conditional unit? "of the 50 interviewed 43 people

firmly believe that it is equal to U.S. currency.
In my opinion, a very good example.

   Thus, it all comes down to this: in the directory you must 
either specify ruble rate codes (for

You), or specify the price in rubles.

   I hope that the wishes of the masses will be
satisfied in the future, a new directory.

   I wish you success!

                          Sincerely, N.


              Dear N!

   1. Instruction manual computer KAY-1024 will be ready in the 
next month. Can make an advance payment.

   2. Price-list sending.

   3. In the plans: 1) User's Guide (almost done), 2) shell (in 
limbo), 3) Programmer (Same). According to the programmer the 
complexity that there is no one to write a program. Many 
coders, programmers a little. People who can create a finished 
commercial soft (ie, goods, and not the code and not the 
product) under iSDOS, - in general, seems to be no. Except

addition, the situation is further complicated by the fact that
from the programmer requires a good understanding of 
programming at the hardware. Programmer to write a iSDOS a ROM, 
for example, 27,040 - and this is 512 KB - is absurd. This will 
be a work with the ROM, which the enemy does not want. Likely, 
it will be easier to cure tonsils through the ass, you burn a 
ROM on TRDOS, - ie is a typical problem which

can be solved only by the OS. It seems to be
obvious, but try explaining that to
programmers Spectrum'e.

   Above MKEY works independent company - CPG COMPEX. Questions 
there, give the address: 192007, SP-B, PO Box 142.

   4. Here's just different. Money is made on changing 
stereotypes. Can not follow the tastes of a stereotype - as, 
indeed, ignore it. If it is harmful, then it should be changed. 
It's only the nouveau riche goal - money. A normal businessman 
goal is different - to make the world better - But the tools it 
uses to This goal - money. Ie money - is

tool. In this case the end justifies
resources - their existence, functioning and performance. If an 
entrepreneur see some work that can be done, he drew back the 
means. Ie: first, the moral guidance

(Evaluation criteria), and then record the specific stereotypes 
and nonsense in the minds of people (ie, self-Commerce, that

called Economics). Unfortunately, this
now so have become a hopeless liar, perverted, that
a feeling that the world stood on the ears.
Incidentally, such an understanding of commerce now
pret it in America. In fact, America
tries to exploit the whole world, sowing such Durkee in 
people's heads. Something useful to do, based on the widespread 
stereotype of "money makes money" impossible. To understand what

speech sample.

   Take a well-known companies as
Ford. Widely disseminated stereotype that
the car has created (in the sense economically) America. It's 
not quite true, but not in This is the essence. It is a global 
and scale process, which does not

Ford played a role (referring to
real, physical person). He created
company from scratch - it is very important because firm - a 
living organism, which can not generate any by a presidential 
decree, or Order Gaidar. It must develop in an evolutionary, in 
the natural environment - only then it will be viable and 
useful to society. What we see now - it's basically parasitic, 
artificial education - something like a thought form the 
thinking of the ocean Lem of "Solaris." When he encounters

with alien alien archetypes, then trying to play them, but also 
unconsciously, at the level of archetype. Obtained floss, 
Potemkin village - are empty, non-viable form, devoid of 
content, it is absolutely non-functional and useless. There is 
visibility - the content, sense of spirit there. These forms 
are dead, though the ocean itself more like a living - you can 
tell - All vividly alive. He spends a monstrous

energy for their creation, he does not realize,
that creates. And then, to understand
aliens who do not know why hang out in the shell of the orbital 
station and something out there trying to portray himself

(We are talking about Americans). Similar
a movie about the old man and Hotabbycha (with the phone out of 
pure marble). 

   But back to Ford. Once the question
client, whether to sell the Ford car is not
Black, Ford replied: "I can
to offer the car in any color, if this
COLOR BLACK. "What do you mean?" It's
mockery. According to Economics, a desire (a desire - it is a 
product of stereotypes) client - the law. What is this such a 
perversion? Him that the money is not Need? From the standpoint 
of Economics - is absurd. The whole trick is that money is not 
a goal but a tool. And it can not be on technology? Well, For 
example, paint a different color does not have time to dry 
before the end of the pipeline? Again no. Ie this is true, but 
only partly. Ford just realized that: a) it is not his

client. This is not so obvious, so
details. We start from afar. Why is the color
it is black and how this relates to
FOR Ford? For Ford car - it
First of all, strictly functional device - it is a means of 
transportation, it is core consumer price, consumer content of 
its product. In this he sees a public benefit and BENEFIT each 
client. Machine must conquer the distance, dissecting

space, to make people closer to each
other. The machine should expand physical
human potential regardless of the level
his income, his place of residence and social status. Make 
people's lives fuller. Ford is the goal. How to do it?

Next is Economics: a) exclusive
manufacturability (requires low price) -
It is from one color and b) vseklimaticheskoe version (requires 
that the machine was capable of performing its functions 
anywhere) - hence this one Color - black. In the savannah green 
machine not visible. In the sands will not be visible to the 
machine red. On a snowy road white color represents a serious 
danger for pedestrians. Ie the application range

Flowers in the production of reduced adaptability (price 
increases), increases harm (danger to pedestrians). In 
addition, the black dirt less visible - as is practical, and c) 
the organization of trade on credit.

   Now consider the client's position. Why would he need a 
different color? And he is he needs to stand out. Ie customer 
sees its use in other. Car for him -

is not a means of movement, as, for example
indicator of social status. Else
worse - he's going on this car
"Girls glue" - it is clear that
black car to make it inconvenient.
But Ford wants to make a vehicle, rather than chlenovozy and 
blyadovozki. That's why he and responds to the client

- With a sneer. For him, an important goal, not
money. And if it will satisfy this customer need him flowers, 
then there is Incongruity of purpose - that is, money will be

work properly, bringing harm. And this
the main reason why he dismisses its best manager. And that 
goes to Chrysler. Ford, a negative attitude toward

Chrysler. Again this is false is understood as competition for 
the market and, consequently, for the money. There was no 
competition for funds, and competition between the two 
approaches in the business - the competition ends. Chrysler 
came to the market purely opportunistic, and somewhat dealt 
fetishism nurtured the idol of progress. For Chrysler

goal was money, not some benefit
for people. Use was only a means.
Ie the difference is approximately the same as that between
those two artists, one of which is to live, and the other lives 
in order to play. This is the very thing that distinguishes the 
aristocrat of the degenerate. By the way, the way he chose 
Gaidar privatization, it is ideal for precise, simultaneous 
separation of wealth; aristocrats of degenerates. This is a 
typical technique used by the Russian statehood to identify 
social dangerous elements. This provokatura - primary weapon 
III Police Department (political inquisition). We take a police 
officer and throw it in the people, the masses, so to speak.

And he was there, in turn, throws slogans
- And how convincing, in a revolutionary way, makes your 
fingers like a fan. Stuck to him that we are interested in the 
elements - all These revolutionaries, bombers, terrorists and

etc. Then the whole group is neutralized
(Rent) an agent provocateur. So, for example
Socialist Party - a byproduct,
minion provokatury Azev. Tradition is not
lost and multiply. And now officers
GRU are at the height of the moment - on the
the edge of the fight against terrorism.

   Similarly, in the economy. Apartment belongs nationwide, 
state ownership. Her must somehow privatized. It is clear that

need to somehow separate the people are unable to
socially useful use of money
from those who are able to cope with this
task. Ie separated from the degenerate
aristocrats. Appear with Chubais and Gaidar, shouting: "steal!" 
Here's the manifest imbeciles. They always dobegut first and 
urvut, because running through their heads, regardless of 
morality, precepts and laws - are they not on the shoulder, 
they are named by ... Next, you need to wait several

years, all ran, showed themselves in
new role in all its glory, and then ...
Good for Gaidar, Chubais, fellow! - They are clearly
underestimated. Such grandiose dvuhhodovka! One small - will 
have to hide in Chest Medal for "bloodless" privatization. " 
But this stuff - blood, something quite some will. Blood would 
be and would have gone, but the rats ate rations. 

   Similarly, in the IT (information technology). But, while 
they are the same everywhere. But in the IT task is assigned as 
a branch of the flies from cutlets. Bill Gates, the most rich 
people of the planet, DIY and themselves and their money, "said 
Anatoly Chubais, patting him on the cheek: "This

world of little people who do work
harder to mine. You're one of them. "So how do
work something done?

   It's very simple. Grab some Birdie and lure it. And it begins
Tweet: "Ciric, Chirikov - 1000% profit
- Ciric, Chiriquí - for one year! "It is clear
case, other birds flock to it. Such a decoy duck. (Duckling 
should not to be very clever - otherwise the situation will

out of control - as it happened in
Lopukhin, whose creature was Azef - and
received 17 th year.) Then - hop - covering all the birds and 
clean their pockets. Of course, one of Birdie is not enough, 
and IT professionals are required. Grassroots link, so to 
speak. For this feeds (Lure), a clutch of pichuzhek.

In Josephus called such ellinstvuyuschimi. Then, in the Jewish 
War, they gate city ​​by the Romans discovered. So that the 
term "fifth column" has arisen because of ignorance history. A 
more accurate term - "ellinstvuyuschie. Their city was a hotbed 
of Caesarea, Herod created - an analogue of the functions, aims 
and origins of SP-B, which is known to be created by Peter I). 
IT - a delicate matter, we need an experienced person who has a 
real know how in the field IT. A better candidate than Soros, 
and not find the position of the beholder. (Aboriginal at that 
position to appoint dangerous - History may repeat itself with 
Azev.) The billionaire, who made himself, a national hero in 
England, now minister of culture of Russia. Opens his mouth 
Soros and read the paragraph: "The development of IT in Russia."

Cool - chutzpah, as we know, the city
takes. This will make IT, and then catch up and
once will do. Because the expert
good, who knows from experience. The fact that Soros will 
undoubtedly perpetuate it history. Probably, it will be a 
textbook example of Aix whole country. (Ex - expropriation in 
the terminology of SR.) Provokatura - it is inseparable from 
criminality. Robbery (former) bank in Tiflis Joseph 
Dzhugashvili was successful in completely obvious reasons.

   We return to Spectrum'u. Sinclair received
the title of Lord, that is, aristocrat, for the same
reason. When engineers of his company
offered to put on a Spectrum
powerful processor (Motorol'y), the Sinclair
asked: "And what specific benefits it
bring to the client? "This is a delicate moment. For
engineers who, because of its narrow
professionalism were pagans
mashinopoklonnikami demigod progress,
Indeed, there is no difference between the increments 
see the difference, because blinded the glory of a demigod. For 
them and their clients machine - it's a fetish, an object of 
worship this very demigod. But has no real fetishes Consumer 
Cost, Real benefits. And sooner or later

detected. Moreover, the mass stereotype
perception of progress as a demigod, generates a desire by 
customers, that requires redress. By Economics desire should be 
satisfied. AND that the user receives as a result? And nothing 
- nothing, FETISH. But this did not stop because He is holy

belief in progress, determines that the technical
characteristics is small, and again forms a

   Since the substitution of goals and means, the use and
MONEY, leads to indulgence stereotypes.
Imitators are replacing their fathers, their
breed, and evil abound, leading to
suffering. Money is the same as the energy released from the 
control, begin to destroy the world. Place occupied by 
aristocrats imbeciles, and there is a degeneration. 

   Stereotypes, it seems, everything is clear, for
At least they are not absolute
guide. Understand with cu

   To get started: Bucks - good or bad? Quite reluctant to play
long arguments about the harmfulness of the green. Let me just 
note that there exists in the economy of the so-called 
free-rider problem. Its essence is that the specific benefits 
of each person, taken individually, being implemented for some 
aggregate of people in general can be disadvantageous to 
everyone as an element the aggregate. It is interesting 
economic effect, which can also be make money. The only 
limitation - collection should be large enough from a 
statistical point of view. And yet another consideration. The 
fact that the buck - a unit of value, it's understandable. And 
now Imagine you have a monopoly

the right to put a value on that item. It's like a rubber 
meter. Need to buy something - stretching meter, and if

wait - on the contrary, squeezed. Very
convenient - you can make money out of thin air.
Than Americans do, incidentally explaining how nice to have the 
American way of life, used in the calculation of the Bucks, 
wearing a T-shirt Nike, Snickers and chew drink his cola. To a 
person is not the feeling of freedom on the choice coke / 
pepsi. (The difference is about the same as between Republicans 
and Democrats.) But the Bucks Invariants - freedom is not here

implies - meant that
on the buck you can buy freedom. Bucks controls (guard) Alan 
Greenspan [???], Federal Reserve Chairman. And who is that 
controls (guards), he then has. Like our Gerashchenko, his 
old-fashioned view and irreverent attitude to high technology. 
Yes, and offices have common features: Alan 22 thousand people 
in the staff of the Federal Reserve (Office, with control bucks

world), while Gerashchenko - some 40 thousand
...,- fellows have to think - with a margin for
future. When probed about Gerashchenko
issue of 2000, he was all about some "human factor" solid. He
about the reactor - about megabytes, megahertz,
errors in OS'i and soft'e, about irregularities in
functioning systems. And he, know, oppression
his own - the "human factor" - and that's all,
Well, at least burst. They told him about the reactor, and he
them about the lunar tractor. It is understandable -
knave, a word as any financier: one write, two say three in mind
and four in fact. Dark, short. No matter how
you try to clean water is not brought forth, -
if the financier is not a crook, then this is the first
sign mismatch position. Well, our old fart Gerashchenko
clear behind the times. But Greenspan was something!
That is because redneck (and I quote): "... not
share the optimism of supporters of the new
Internet economy ",... stock prices
associated with new technology companies
(Index NASDAQ - annotated. (C) Nemo) can
be revalued ... (!!!) take the necessary measures to contain TOO
Rapid economic growth. "As
understand? There are people about whom they say:
"If what I heard (on something), the Delhi
immediately to the two. "Fewer than obvious that there is
people said that BE is multiplied a hundred times. So what is 
says Greenspan, if his words lead (according to its weight) to 
the semantic unit of density? And about the same - the 
pyramids. Our Lenya Golubkov from IBM - in the world, Igor 
Pichugin - beckoning: "Whoever buys Russian Internet resources, 
within a year easily resell them ten times more expensive. 
"Sometimes it seems - Or maybe they are relatives with Lenya 
Golubkov? Who will buy a pack of cards, the pump house will 
win. Stylistics, narrative passages - Are the same. MMM was not 
allowed into the international market, as Lenya Golubkov it now 
justified. I wonder what will Igor Pichugin excuses? Surname,

like, the Russian - and perhaps his "green
card "is, - then all is clear - a U.S. citizen.

   Compared with the opuskalovom that
was with the MMM, Khoprov, Vlastilinoy, and later with the SCG 
- looks great. 1000% per annum (the growth rate of the 
pyramid). The capitalization of a single Company Yahoo! (search 
engine and web directory) is $ 50 billion (the sum of two and a 
half times more than Russia's entire budget in 1999). 
Contemplating such communities, comes to mind Only Stalin's 
empire in the form of the Palace Congresses (in the form of a 
statue of Lenin with the value Ostankino TV Tower). How would 
say O'Henry, against the backdrop of such a grand fraud "Seven 
Sisters" Rockefeller seem pathetic little shops kerosene. When 
This myshelovochka close, then the events in Albania may seem 
minor incidents in the the preparatory group of the 

   Sozzhaetsya feeling that Gerashchenko
overslept. But the impression may be mistaken. In appearance 
the cat is very difficult determine what he was doing in this

moment - dryhnet or bdit. Well and shameless eyes and look at 
all stupid. Although reconstruction of the pyramid SCG 
suggestive. Who read Fenimore Cooper, the knows that to escape 
from a fire in the steppe (Prairies) can be only one way -

set fire to the prairie in the opposite direction,
- So it seems once again engaged in pyrotechnics. Opuskalovo 
will be in both cases - but in a situation with "untwisted" SCG

will preserve the financial system. So
Koshak that seems, though he walks on
itself, but the mice still catches. Gone are the
a time when "... Chubais and Gaidar raped Russia in the 
exchange rate band (without giving a woman what she wants most 
of all - Emission), and Dubinin was on the lookout.

Keynes was accidental witness to - and
it was removed. "If Dubinin of stabilizing the buck, ie 
strengthening of the dollar in general, and as a reserve 
currency - in particular, ie makes every effort to dislodge the 
ruble from circulation, then all Gerashchenko does exactly the 
opposite. As Aladdin North African magician, he sends Bucks on 
all four sides, ie four perpendicular to the courses. Goal - 
reducing liquidity bucks, and on this basis, ousting him from 
service. Ie transformation into a "long" security. Making the 
this, he will "... give Russia what every woman wants - issue. 
"And emission can be non-inflationary, which

must agree - is important.

   But as the saying goes - "Skyscrapers, skyscrapers - and I 
am a little ..." We return to the cu "By prevailing in our

People stereotype "is very convenient to use in commercial 
transactions and the turnover buck. And this is prohibited by 
law. Ie forbidden to use the $ symbol at the price tag, 
accounting documents, price lists, etc. etc. If it is 
impossible, but very desirable, then still can - you just add 
the appropriate stereotype of our people. Of course, it costs 
money, but if the product 99% - import and domestic 1% - it 
costs something to the price tag s posts - believe me, it is 
justified. Here out and does this abbreviation - "ue"

They will form the bones, but to instill poaytayutsya
population that the cu - This is the buck.
If suddenly people begin to doubt what
is equal to the cu - Spanish peso, or Mongolian Tugrik, their 
business flights down the drain, ie, Gerashchenko is here

both here and rob them of revenue. And our
domestic manufacturers of IBM-com
lose the ability to produce wonderful
computers with a screwdriver. They also
everyone is working on a long commodity credit.
If you dilute the meaning of abbreviations cu then
popadalovo be specific and mass. A
of something and you need that to deprive a particular
meaning a combination of conventional units, ie turn
word sound. Then they have to sell
for rubles - and it is unrealistic for them, about
This really Gerashchenko care, work in
it exists. If every pioneer, prihodyashy to these "producers" 
and devoid of their pristine purity by eliminating 
mashinoboyazni will ask the question: "What today is your cu?" 
- then it will be the happy end.

   Incidentally, the company (c) Nemo when he was traded for 
rubles Dubinin, although it was Unprofitable. But there's more 
general concerns than the immediate benefit, in that case, if 
indeed engaged in manufacturing. If "Commissioner in the dusty 
helmet "head in which the oil polurovnya, that means must think 
for yourself. Although about polurovnya - not sure. This is a 
classic problem rooted in hoary antiquity. In the formulation 
of a State Duma deputy Milyukova it sounded like: "What it is: 
stupidity or treason? "Before the era of the first Russian 
Bolshevik Peter I, there is a theological expression (word):" 
dirty trick ", which is combining a two seemingly incompatible

concepts. But Miliukov it apparently did not know
so it is hard he had in his life.

   While the expense of 43:7 is clearly not in our favor.
But not the last day of living. There is such a
saying: "What can be done for the money
You can make a lot of money. "
Remembering that time and money in some
sense the same thing, you can get -
quite formally - the statement: "What
can not be done [for the time / money], we can make for a very 
long time. "Also, as it turned out, the example is contagious. 
An acquaintance larechnik that sells PC-kami, also made a cu 
does not equal $ 1. 1 cu He is 20 now. Therefore, we can 
successfully otovaritsya. But we must hurry, yet

elders are not indicated to him it
omission at work and on the inadmissibility
"Erosion" of "Euro". The only
that would add after - not
hurry, and then have time. For the record: for 1
ue equal to 20 rubles. now give exactly
100 KZT. So that those who are good at guessing the melody and 
instantly know that today larechnika 1 cu is 100

Kazakh tenge.

   Finally, the classic question Popandopulo: "And I can not 
cheated?" It turns out, also. Gerashchenko - more and the 
massive figure, something like a queen on board. This may well 
be like that one wet spot remains. Crushed in passing,

as a cockroach, not even noticing. (Recall
August 1998) is therefore necessary to distance himself not 
only from the buck, but also on ruble. Ie preserve freedom of 
maneuver price. By the way, cu in the price of firm Nemo -

this purchasing power to
beginning in August 1998 so that there is
a very specific meaning (and most important - the same). As for 
the coefficient he: 1) reflect inflation and the devaluation

Ruble, 2) the capitalization of the firm Nemo. The last point - 
this is something new with what to meet traders in the market 
Kazakova, trading Spectrum'ovskim rubbish. For some reason they 
decided that they could indexed coefficient firm Nemo.

I think less than a year, as they realize
What's the difference. Training will be arranged at their 
expense. Sit on my tail and freebie ride - will not work - is

costs money.

   Summing up. Interest User
followed? - Complied. Mry interest
followed? - Complied. Interest of the State complied with? - 
Complied. Some difficulties arise from users with comprehension 
of new for them to understand ue - but it is also good.

   Thanks for the wishes of creative uspehoa. As you can see, 
they are there. 

                                (C) Nemo.

Other articles:

Nemo open letters № 3.1

Nemo open letters № 3.2

Nemo open letters № 3.3

Nemo open letters № 3.4

Nemo open letters № 3.5

Nemo open letters № 3.6

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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