On-Line #24
18 февраля 1996

Iron - Ability to connect a computer ZX spectrum to the TV via Scart.

<b>Iron</b> - Ability to connect a computer ZX spectrum to the TV via Scart.

   In some foreign and domestic television sets (based on
set firm PHILIPS) have a universal connector SCART. By
European standards it contains all possible signals to connect
each with different audio and video equipment, and also 
provides connecting computers (!). 

   I tried to connect your computer to your TV via SCART and
was very pleased. I want to share with you all that I know of
this issue.

   First, a description of connector:

       View from solder side.

      1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19

      ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

      2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 - Body

      ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

        Pin assignment size sockets SCART:

      Contact TV / VIDEO

     1 Audio Output
     2 Audio input
     3 audio output left channel (for stereoapparatov)
     4 Weight
     5 blue mass *
     6 Audio input left channel (for stereoapparatov)
     7 B, blue login *
     8 switches TV / video (AV / VT, low-input) +12
     9 green weight *
     10 ---- 11 G * Green input
     12 ---- 13 red mass *
     14 ---- 15 R red entrance *
     16 switches TV / RGB +3 to *
     17 weight videos
     18 Weight TV / RGB
     19 Video Output
     20 Video Input

     * - Only for TV and video monitors.

   Now, exactly that - to be connected (for example TV PHILIPS):

   Computer: SCART:

    SYNC 20

    mass 18 (17,4)

    R 1,8 kOhm 15

    11 G 1,8 kOhm

    B 1,8 Com 7

                 120 W 16 "Window" (switch TV / RGB)

   1. Everything to work, turn the low-input on your TV
(Switch AV / TV button on the remote).

   2. Resistor at the input of the "Window" is selected in the 
range 100-150 ohm (To include a visual input RGB). And if you 
are applying for this SYNC input is not from your computer, and 
+5, the resistor is approximately 450-470 Ohms.

   3. Resistors on the RGB inputs are selected from 500 ohms to 
3 ohms and serve to limit the contrast of the image (chosen,

that computers will not "scored" their signal graphics SIT TV 
and not to regulate the previously established for watching TV, 
brightness and contrast settings specifically for PC remote 

   And now a warning: It turns out that not all import
TV SCART is all connected inputs and outputs!

   As they say - full guarantee availability of your TV
all listed in the table signals can only give an insurance 
policy (O. Bender). 

   I only know that a full SCART can be in the TV "European" 
assembly. The "yellow" (including Japanese) TVs, in most cases, 
you only SCART Video and audio (even no inputs). 

   In TV, where there are graphic, even a "castrated"
SCART can involve elementary. The main finding on the board
LSI video processor and connect to razemu its findings and RGB 
"window." With processors firm PHILIPS understand everything - 
their description is everywhere (our TV series 174HA .... - a 
complete analog PHILIPS), but with others ...

   Here is an example of VPU TOSHIBA 8659AN (almost all 
Japanese and Korean TV): 

   Conclusion: Purpose: How to connect:

    47 R 820 ohms

    49 G 820 ohm

    50 Weight

    51 B 1,8 kOhm

    53 "box resistor

   I do not accidentally have concluded 50 (mass), because If 
you have a SCART is not removed these signals, they are on the 
board can be peremknuty between themselves and the mass (single 
platform 47,49,50,51). Will have to cut it. 

   Resistors on the RGB inputs for some reason these (at B - two
times). This is taken from a description of the processor. In 
any case, You can experiment by changing the resistance. 
Resistor at the input "Window" is selected, as described above. 
In some cases (if applying +5) is going to a voltage divider:

       53 "Box 1.5 ohms at connector

             2 k

   P.S. In TVs, SONY and PANASONIC "European" assembly
(UK) applies a set of chips PHILIPS, as Europe is not
Recognizes Asian video processors (meaning no money,
and "dialogue" with the TV via remote control).

               Alex ALEX (Research)
                         ZXNet 095:1641684 ..

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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