07 января 1987 |
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Greetings!- A special welcome to all newcomers.Well,we planned on launching our Opus disc version of OUTLET this issue but we have been badly let down TWICE by our suppliers and are still waiting! If it arrives soon we may still publish a late edition on disc. Thanks for all your comments to which we have given very careful thought.We have so much material piled up waiting for you that we MUST have a bigger OUTLET for it or burst!Despite all our efforts we find that we can't get all of the programs in we want and they get pushed back an issue or two. Latest casualty is "HB DATABASE" which we promised in GETOUT last month but, reluctantly, have now moved to the January issue. So from January- as you will see from your latest order form- the microdrive version will become a twin cartridge magazine, costing only `2 - if you supply your own cartridges - `5 if you prefer us to supply the cartridges. REMEMBER!- you can STILL buy the single cartridge only should you want as everything of a topical nature such as letters, messages and the editorial will all be on the 1st cartridge at the present price of `3. For practically the price of one blank cartridge- `2 extra however,you can obtain the additional cartridge. We'll try and give you some idea what will be in every forthcoming issue in our "GETOUT" section, but for `2 more than the former price we're giving away all the extra things for the cost of your cartridge! For clarity [WHO'S SHE?!] we are calling these "twin" cartridges: CARTRIDGE A and B (Clever huh?). If you have two drives, then you can put: A into drive 1 and B in drive 2. All items shown on the CONTENTS page will load from the correct drive automatically. If you only have one drive then you will be prompted to switch over cartridges. Items on CARTRIDGE B will be shown in a different INK colour on the CONTENTS page and, naturally,if you haven't got 'B' then they wil not load. However, you can always order any A or B cartridge later as a back issue. Note,though, there will not be a CONTENTS 'loader' on 'B' itself. Of course,all programs will load independantly using the "normal" Sinclair commands. The Opus user is even better off because disc prices are a little cheaper than cartridges - `3.50 for OUTLET on a disc - `2 if you supply the disc,identical to the equivalent microdrive version. We've been asked if CHEZRON can provide blank cartridges as some readers are having difficulties obtaining supplies. We can't get them very much less than anyone else- but thought we'd give it a trial run for a few months. You might find it more convenient to order from us if you regularly take OUTLET anyway, but you will probably be able to obtain them elsewhere cheaper as the minimum we can provide them at is `1.85 each. We've so many little boxes on our forms now we are thinking of writing a song so if you want any cartridges simply add a note or scribble on your form for the time being. If Opus users think we should also supply discs then write in and put your view which we will consider but don't place any firm orders just yet please. May we remind you that we'll be on Table 11 at the ZX MICROFAIR on Saturday, 12th December, 1987 at:- the NEW HORTICULTURAL HALL, GREYCOAT STREET, LONDON, S.W.1. so if you can get there we'll be glad to see you! Right- grateful thanks now go to Chris Lewis, Peter Armstrong and especially Brian Gaff for help in our search for the microdrive error-trap routine to deal with the loading conveniently in our coming twin-cartridge OUTLET. We now have the info we wanted and are writing our own routines in time for the next issue(we hope) and eventually it'll become yet another "OUTLET UTILITY" in some future issue of OUTLET (Hooray!) Did you like the "snow storm" at the end of this month's loader? You get one brownie point if you watched it until the end plus an extra special point to those who spotted the top hat... Finally - remember you can send in articles, letters or messages etc. in Jotter files or Tasword files, in ordinary DATA or PRINT statements, via PRESTEL mailbox to: 014703943 or just hard copy. It helps if you format Tasfiles to 32 columns (before you start typing) as it is not easy to re- format from 64 to 32 - Try it! Full articles, programs or even decent short routines gets you a free issue (now double the size) if published but "haggle" if you think your contribution is worth more as we'll offer modest cash rewards where appropriate. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM US BOTH - HAVE A GREAT TIME! - RON & BRIAN STOP PRESS! PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS MAY UPGRADE THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TWIN CARTRIDGE BY PAYING THE DIFFERENCE SHOWN ON THE FORM..
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