Bugs #02
31 декабря 1999

Reality - Virtual Reality.

<b>Reality</b> - Virtual Reality.
(C) by Kuznechov

                    VIRTUAL REALITY.

Internet Relay Chat.No old ire - of the text, that is
uslovnoe.Tak o6schalis in ancient multi-user systems.
Conversely, virtual reality technologies tend to cheat
sensory perception. Communicate by correspondence, is 
interesting, however, all the emotional, aesthetic and 
philosophical aspects of this classes are likely to reflect 
long before the invention of computers. Aesthetes, which 
carries the limited means of expression, recommend trying a 
morse code. Through the modern Internet occur and telephone, 
and VIDEONEGOTIATIONS. In a fashion ire with graphic support, 
when the participants are watching the house, rooms and each 
other in the form of "avatars". By the way, it recalls dilemma 
between signed and sensual. Description of the premises 
movements and other visibility is transferred between computers 
as team, and images are generated on the spot. In general, some

aback by virtual glasses is understandable but not excusable, 
even humanities. Real bespectacled man can tell a lot

interesting how they survive in this world. Brain
adapted for several days, even to the optically
inverted image. People from all conceivable defects
senses are normal. Visual information
blind can communicate through the skin of the back. I 
understand that not everyone tried this on their skin, but at 
least know firsthand it should be. Engineering achievements in 
the field of virtual reality - is the technology of sensations, 
ie, impact on senses, and determining the position of the body. 
Through them, not only simulate things, but want a sensual 
experience of life in worlds with different constants. 
Unfortunately, there is a virtual world not very virtual. It 
has no mass, ie inertia and gravity, no taste and smell, it is 
almost impossible to perceive, and a substantial portion of 
these shortages, in principle, can not be overcome, if we 
restrict our exposure to bodily senses. 

Imagine yourself in four dimensions. Vision will work.
Can not be directly manipulated, but nothing prevents
add a couple of buttons, a pair of characters in the alphabet. 
Well, presented? No? This thought experiment on the move belies

popular thesis that "the best in our Dev
the head. "Possibilities of imagination is very limited. Most
people can not even understand how the sewing machine,
but the computer can display it on the go and what you want
section. Imagined reality is not virtual. Conversely, the
more plausible, that is, the more virtual sense, the
more load on perception, and the less space the imagination. AND
Virtual reality is not perfect. She did not sign, not a 
metaphor, but reality imitates another reality stereoscopic, 
which we show the computers, really, as computers themselves. 
Well, as it is easier to say to not offend ... For example,

artificial eggs can be called virtual. Sounds
beautiful. Live in several worlds alternately not so
curiosity. For example, we inhabitants of the plane. Stereoscopy
our sight and hearing - is not of depth: it is arranged
cylindrically. The dog does not understand the nature of the 
stairs and poked respectively located in the door at each site. 
Cats with this business better. Three-dimensional experience of 
the people are, for example, fighter pilots. The question is 
whether to allow the pilots led Car: suddenly they see that we 
can avoid a collision, jumping or podnyrnuv a hurdle? Technology

virtual reality intersect with other areas in
especially with computer graphics and animation used in
Cinematography. Trying to assess their significance in 
comparison with other major computer problems, and I remembered 
an old anecdote. One of the founders (I think Ashby) stated that

believe in artificial intelligence, when talking with him
through a text link, can not determine
whether dealing with a machine or with another person. It is 
understandable why text communication. Thus, we can derive the 
brackets of Physics support of intelligence, focusing on its 
ideal essence. 

In modern terms we would talk about the virtual intelligence.
So, if we can apply a similar criterion to
virtual reality? The answer would be a virtual lunch
virtual cafe. Fanatics argue: it is necessary to limit the set 
of sensations, but that's where this will lead ... In response 
to the thesis Ashby Young, Terry Winograd has created the 
program "Eliza" and "Shrink." Applied to virtual reality, their 
role could play a mirror, or (at least) camera.

Artificial intelligence would prove a potential man-made
mind. Virtual reality is not even endeavor to prove
man-made world. Why is it necessary? But you never know why ...
Suddenly, a preparation for life-body consciousness - as
artificial and natural? Overloading of the soul in
computers will not just extending its life, but also
genuine liberation. Suddenly, then we can not only play
with the basic equations of the universe, but also to change 
the body as a gloves. And, you know, the more I think about it, 
the more I find similarities with metaphors, who came to the 
millennial religious and philosophical systems. For example, in 
the transmigration of souls. Or here's another model - the 
demi-gods, spirits of ancestors, which depend on material 
beings, even energetically, and they need as advisers. There is 
something to think about? 

                         And thanks for that ...

                                 Georgy Kuznetsov (KOMPTERRA)

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Reality - Virtual Reality.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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