Subliminal Extacy
01 января 1995 |
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ █ █ █ █ FOUNTAIN PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE █ █ C/O 2 BELVOIR ROAD, WEST BRIDGFORD, NOTTINGHAM, NG2 SDL █ █ █ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ FOUNTAIN PD SOFTWARE is based in Nottingham and is best known for the PFN generated free tape/diskzine Sinclair Classic and the scenes only all-girl demo programmers, The Knuckle Girls. FPDS are dedicated to releasing original software exclusive to the ZX Spectrum 48/128/+3. Run by Dave Fountain and Amanda Cole, this is probably the only outfit run by vegetarian left-wing Millwall fans! Issue 10 of the tapezine was the final edition, the writers deciding to join Subliminal Extacy after the fanzine became 'boring' to produce within the confines of its structure. The current software catalouge follows: 001 WAAAAH COMPUTER GAME....Adventure Game 48k (DELETED) SEP 92 002 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 1......Tapezine-------------------- JUL 93 003 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 2......Tapezine-------------------- SEP 93 004 F-FONTS VOL 1...........12 custom char sets--------- OCT 93 005 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 3......Tapezine-------------------- NOV 93 006 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 4......Tapezine-------------------- JAN 94 007 SUBBUTEO SCOREBOARD.....Utility for Subbuteo-------- JAN 94 008 F-FONTS VOL 2...........12 more custom char sets---- FEB 94 009 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 5......Tapezine-------------------- MAR 94 010 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 6......Tapezine-------------------- MAY 94 011 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 7......Tapezine (Double issue)----- JUL 94 012 POPSNOG DEMO............Knuckle Girls--------------- AUG 94 013 VASELINE DEMO...........Knuckle Girls--------------- SEP 94 014 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 8......Tapezine-------------------- SEP 94 015 VIZ DEMO................Fudgepacker----------------- OCT 94 016 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 9......Tapezine (Double issue)----- NOV 94 017 LOLLIPOP DEMO...........Knuckle Girls (ADULTS ONLY)- NOV 94 018 H-CORE DEMO.............Fudgepacker----------------- DEC 94 019 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 10.....Tapezine (Double issue)----- JAN 95 020 LONDON FOOTBALL DBASE...Fudgepacker----------------- JAN 95 Forthcoming releases: 021 JUNKFOOD DEMO...........Fudgepacker (Febuary 95) 022 TURTLEHEAD DEMO.........Knuckle Girls (Febuary 95) 023 HOME AND AWAY...........Adventure game! (March 95) All programs are released into the Public Domain and are available from the following outlets. Titles can be supplied direct from Fountain but only on Tape or +3 diskette at present. They hope to upgrade to a +D 3.5" system as soon as possible. The PD libraries supply software on most other formats (SAE for information from the following addresses): ALCHEMIST RESEARCH PRISM PD WOMO PD 62 TITHE BARN LANE 13 RODNEY CLOSE ERNASTRABE 33 WOODHOUSE BILTON D-51069 KOLN SHEFFIELD S13 7LN RUGBY CV22 7HJ GERMANY PLEASE NOTE: FPDS 001 IS CURRENTLY BEING REVISED FPDS 017 ONLY AVAILABLE FROM WOMO ON IMPORT DUE TO THE CONTENT OF THE DEMO
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