31 мая 1996

Part 8 - 16/48 Index (Part 1).

<b>Part 8</b> - 16/48 Index (Part 1).

*  PART 8 - 16/48 INDEX  Part 1  *

Over  the  next  few  issues,  we  will be
running  a  complete  index  of  the ever-
populare  16/48 tape magazine. We'll start
off  this  month  with  a  list of all the
type-in  adventure games featured over the
two  years it ran, including the memorable
"Long Way Home" series.
Several  issues  are  missing from the NVG
archives.  If anyone has a copy, of any of
the  following  missing issues, could they
please  get in touch: 9,10,14,16,18 or any
after no.24
Also  we  are  still looking for Issues 15
and 22 in original Tape format.
If anyone has these issues, but has no way
of  making  snapshots of them, then I will
be  happy  to  make  a  snapshot  of  them
myself. All tapes will be returned as soon
as I have transferred them.




Part 1. Spaceship     No.3
Part 2. The Ship      No.4
Part 3. Pyramid       No.5
Part 4. Troglodyte    No.7
Part 5. Castle        No.8
Part 6. Part 6        No.9
Part 7. Part 7        No.10
Part 8. Home          No.11

THE LUDOIDS (Long Way Home Chapter 2)

Part 1. The Ludoids   No.13
Part 2. Jammer        No.15
Part 3. Part 3        No.16
Part 4. Cyclapes      No.17
Part 5. Part 5        No.18
Part 6. The Desert    No.20
Part 7. Mini Sub      No.21
Part 8. Westlins      No.22


Sorcerer              No.6
Xmas Adventure        No.12
Prisoner              No.23
Adventure             No.24

The  Adventure  hints,  tips  and  reviews
section ran from No.1 - No.23 An adventure
tips program was included in No.24


Другие статьи номера:

Intro - Contents.

Part 1 - Editorial.

Part 2 - Playing tips.

Part 3 - Snapshot Pack VI.

Part 4 - The ritman interview.

Part 5 - The spectrum database.

Part 6 - Emulator reviews.

Part 7 - Faster than basic.

Part 8 - 16/48 Index (Part 1).

Part 9 - A-Z Of Spectrum games reviews (part 6).

Part 10 - Spectrum on the Net.

Part 11 - Adventures.

Part 12 - Past, present and future.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Приложение - программа Please Design v.1.0.
Рассказ - Из чрева. Глава 1-2.
Help - Управление в данной версии листалки.

В этот день...   27 июля