Born Dead #0B
31 июля 1999

Spite of the day - A new disk system MB-O2 + from Germany.

<b>Spite of the day</b> - A new disk system MB-O2 + from Germany.
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Dozens undeniably talented people from those that were now
on SPECCY in our country regularly offer new and
new solutions to improve the situation with a Disk Operating
systems. How to TR-DOS was untenable and there which only
no twists ... Even you do not want to list, but probably
will: IS-DOS, CP / M, NeOS and several other developments have 
not more flats consist of their authors. And as much as all 
sorts of changes are made in the good old TR-DOS'e ... The root 
of the error All of these comrades was that they wanted to get 
away as if a little blood - change the software (ROM in 
particular) with no change in This hardware itself, or 
producing a completely minor improvements in the scheme BETA 

As if we are accustomed to what is in front of the entire 
planet. It is here, but they have not invented by expanding 
computer memory at least to one, at least until the two "feet". 
This is our idea to do new graphics modes (PROFI, 512 pixels, 
128 colors, and etc.), is what we came up with GENERAL SOUND 
and SOUNDRIVE. "Russian HARD is the coolest HARD ", we said, 
when the poor bourgeois asked to write software just slow down, 
because they have not-Pentagon. But sometimes the opposite 
happens ... 

For the first time about the MB-02 + I've heard on FUNTOP'98 
from Arty and Mac Buster'a. They are still discussing how to 
transplant the entire country at this a powerful piece of 
metal. Ironically, the last year of the miracle Technology was 
not a single mention, even in the same SCENERGY. That is why in 
this issue BORN DEAD'a I decided to bring translation of the 
advertising text on the MB-02 +, that you, dear readers, read 
and think - whether to suffer on the invention their dos'ov 
when invented a flexible, powerful and versatile system! Photo 
of MB-02 + can be found in today's application in the form. 

(R) ZS (translation)

                     8Bit Company + SINTECH


                             MB-02 +

                    Revolutionary Step Forward

Dear friend, spektrumist, thank you for interested in our
brand new product: MB-02 +, designed for your ZX
Spectrum-compatible computer. We present you the best in the 
world a combination of your computer and the new disk system. 
We are very glad that you understand the importance of the 
invention, which expand the capabilities of your Spectrum. It 
is time combining all spektrumistov-realschikov that seriously

configured to use this wonderful machine. We are confident that
This is the first (and hopefully last) system, which
really is the best for your computer and to the same
the only one that will have the most support. When
With this article we want to introduce you to opportunities
MB-02 +, to talk about hardware and software that are already 
available or are at the stage razdabotok. Compare this with any 
other interface for the Spectrum and you can not find any 
better than MB-02 +. It is made by fans of Spectrum for the 
same fans and result - is more than just an interface.

This is a new chance for the Spectrum. Perhaps you've seen 
MB-02 + in work on some show. Certainly, it was cool, but

Now look at him more closely:

                     Key Features

- The size of the disc: HD: 1.800Kb / DD: 840Kb

- Data transfer rate: HD: 40-50Kb/sek / DD 25Kb/sek

- Internal memory: EPROM 2Kb (expandable to 64KB)

                           128KB SRAM (expandable to 512K)

- Timing: real-time clock (RTC)

- Connect up to 4 drives

- Kempston joystick / Amiga mouse port

- 3-channel, bidirectional port (by 18,255)

- Fully compatible with the TAPE interface (great achievement)

- Located entirely in ROM

- Fast DOS-operation

- Up to 256 folders on each drive, each folder can

  contain up to 65,279 files!

- Programming system-RESET (complete analog pressing RESET,

  does not work on ZX Spectrum +2 A / B)

                 Description of the software and its 

Together with the MB-02 + you will receive a software package
ensure: BS-ROM, BS-DOS and BS-BIOS, developed Busysoft +
some required utilities (currently ready copiers
between BS-DOS, DP-DOS, M-DOS, and of course MS-DOS formats.

- BS-ROM: This classic Spectrum 48Kb ROM, which contains
BASIC and software to work (connection) with a BS-DOS. In ROM 
included some additional improvements that allow you to work in

BASIC'e easier and more convenient. You will always use the 
MB-02 + with Keyword 48k BASIC, but the possibilities 128Kb 
machine (if she certainly you have one)

- BS-DOS: This actually is the operating system to work
discs, with access through the BS-ROM or directly from any

- BS-BIOS: The core of the system, which carries out the 
relationship between software and hardware of your machine.

After connecting the MB-02 +, you can enjoy all
functions, which are usually available in any other system +
some additional new features. Concept
system is built on the idea of ​​a complete emulation of the 
cassette interface This means that you can work with the disk 
_tochno_ as you did with the cassette. This solution is well 
that you do not have to change the program (whether Basic or 
machine code), and Files can then be much easier to find and 
faster to download. How does it work? The bottom line is that 
the data is transmitted by two procedures in the ROM addresses 
1218 (for the record) and 1366 (for loading). Recourse to these 
procedures, responsible for working with tape recorder caught 
and proishoit their emulation, but the work occurs with the 
disc. The system also remembers the place of the end Download 
the latest file (virtual breakpoint cluster tape as a tape 
recorder), so a simple command LOAD download the following file 
after the last loaded. Of course Alternatively, you can 
download any file from disk, asking his name or its catalog 
number. The system also recognizes the tape files "No title", 
and to copy you can use the same program, and for the tape. But 
there are also new, and utilities: one, to copy from tape to 
disk is ready. In general, all the above means that the MB-02 + 
with BS-DOS are completely compatible with a cassette 
interface. MB-02 + allows switch the Spectrum mode 64KB of RAM, 
ie, no problem changes in the lower memory 0-16383, there, for 
example, you can download the standard ROM and do it, any 
changes (To replace the font, for example) and then protect 
this area from record, as would any ROM emulation. It is 
assumed that future regime will be used to implement the CP / M 
and UNIX-based systems.

With the MB-02 + was possible to produce disk operations and
parallel to perform other operations (in the mode of IM 2 - for 
example, play music). In addition, MB-02 + - the only system

allowing Spectrum'u use HD (high density)
disc format. Such a possibility has been
Z80-DMA programmable chip.

               Description of iron and its capacity


                  What you find inside the MB-02 +:

- WD2797A: Disk Controller

- Z80-DMA: the chip from the family of Z80, which will arrange 
for a quick transfer data between ports and memory in any 
direction; if you learn how to manage this programmable chip, 
the see incredible on its own Speccy! Several

special DMA-demos are attached to the MB-02 +.

- EPROM 2Kb: Contains a program that is executed after
turn on the computer or pressing the RESET. It allows
boot DOS in SRAM, as well as disable the MB-02 + and use
Spectrum in normal mode. This chip is easy
replaced by another volume of 64K, which includes a new
graphics system ZX-OS / 2 Vision (she is now being finalized).

- SRAM 128Kb: Static RAM, which will connect to
lower segment # 0000 - # 3FFF (0-16384, ie, instead of ROM). By
as this memory is loaded DOS (BS-ROM, BS-DOS, BS-BIOS).
The program, which will organize a separate SRAM
RAM-disk is attached to the MB-02 +, so you can
use this memory as another drive. SRAM size depends
only you (128/256/384/512). Generally, the more the better.

- 18255: The device, which organizes 3-channel bi-directional
parallel data port. Using it, you can
connect Kempston joystick, Amiga mice, printers, ADC or
DAC, etc.

- Button NMI: To activate the "NMI-menu, where, for example, can
switch to work with tape and disk.

- Button RESET: resets the Spectrum and the MB-02 +.

- Battery: To save the data in the SRAM (which would not be 
reloaded each time the machine), as well as for hours real-time.

               Additional accessories are available:

- Real-Time Clock (RTC): For the reference real time.
There are many uses for the RTC (timing, measuring the gap
time), and BS-DOS 400 will write data to RTC in the title
each file (so you can see when the file was created).

- FDD 3,5 "high density: The best drive for MB-02 +;
is the most common format used in the world. We
support the only first-class disk drives! (Mitsumi, Sony,

- FDD-cable: To connect 2 drives. If you want to
to use more drives, then we will make you
A special cable.

- Standard power supply: For the MB-02 + and 2-disk drives.

- Adapter for a 4-FDD: Allows more than 2-x drives

- Interface Centronics: To connect a Centronics-compatible

  printers (the most common for the Spectrum).

- Expander System Connector: It is required owners +2 A / B.

- Amiga Mouse: Mouse is the most popular for use on


                     In development are:

- MB-SoundFace: Sound card, which will play
MOD-files from the PC / Amiga on your Spectrum'e (requires 
MB-02 + and SRAM 512kb).

- MB-Level2: The controller, which will connect the hard drive 
and CD-ROM to the MB-02 +.

- MB-Modem: To connect an external modem. With its help you
can share files with friends or connect to
InterNet or BBS.

- MB-VideoFace: Will translate the video into a graphical
format Spectrum'a

As you can see, this is just what you've been waiting all these 
years. Just go and buy! This is the best and most promising

iron ever created for the best computer in the universe

                       Your ZX Spectrum!


Some well-known spektrumisty and coders familiarized themselves 
with the MB-02 +, and later became the owners of this unique 
interface. Here is their competent opinion:

"MB-02 + is what every Speccy-guy can only
 dream of (until he actually gets it). "


(MB-02 + is what every spektrumist could only dream of!)

"There is no doubt the MB-02 + is the best
system for the ZX Spectrum ever developed "

                                                    Jaxon Hollis

(For anyone, MB-02 + is the best system ever created for

"Small and large - Super!!!" (Little and Great - Great!)


"MB-02 + is a disk system for the ZX Spectrum
of the next millenium "

                                              Mr. Johny Renegade

(MB-02 + is a disk system for the ZX Spectrum the next century)

"The disk system that overcame tomorrows product ..."

(A disk system that portends tomorrow's software ...)

"MB-02 + is all I ever wanted" (MB-02 + is all that I wanted)

                                                    Last Monster

"First I thought it is a dream ... now I got one for my own ...
impossible! "

(At first I thought that this is a dream .... now I have my own
own MB-02 + ... impossible! "

"Unbelievable" (Super)


                             PRICE LIST

- MB-02 + standard version, 128KB SRAM, 2KB EPROM, BS-DOS ... 
310 DM 

- Expandable Memory 128KB SRAM (256k total )........... 55 DM

- Additional memory SRAM 256KB (384KB total )........... 97 DM

- Expandable Memory 384KB SRAM (512k total ).......... 139 DM

- Real-Time Clock ................................... 39 DM

- Interface Centronics ..................................... 22 

- Drive 3.5 "High Density .......................... 65 DM

- Cable for connecting 2 x FDD ............................ 7 DM

- Power supply to MB-02 + and 2-drive ................. 45 DM

All prices in German Marks (DM). Payments in other currencies 
can with the additional bank charges. We give six

month warranty on every item sold. Send their
orders, suggestions, questions can be reached at:

Gastfckerstr. 23
70794 Filderstadt

Tel / Fax: 0049 (0) 711-775033


Other articles:

Coding - As kodit optimally.

Hints - Hidden part in the Lazarus demo. Cheat in Net Walk. Disabling the mouse in Polesie. The secret POPS Megademo.

Entry - Ochepyatki - must die.

Anger Day 2 - New tracker: Master Tracker.

Spite of the day - A new disk system MB-O2 + from Germany.

News - Chaos Construction'99, ZX-Format 9

Review - Overview of new magazine: Rush # 1, Adventure # 9, Scenergy # 1, ZX-Power # 3, Miracle # 3.

Party Zone - Official results of the Complex Compo & Ddoxycon.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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