SpecInfo #02
23 сентября 1997 |
Tusovka - Report from the second collection of Latvian spektrumistov.
SECOND COLLECTION OF LATVIAN SPEKTRUMISTOV So this article was written when the newspaper was ready prokticheski I did not insert it into the news. And it was like, 21 in sentebrya 13 hours (voobscheto collection was nominated for 12 hours) at the Riga radio market gathered at the second small collection of 13 spektrumistov of five groups. There were of course the people themselves, as I napremer. After some debate it was decided to go to a bar and Domes drink beer, tea or coffee as you like. And then there's the radilas idea to create some organization that will be engaged in order What usually takes coders, graphic artists, namely: advertising, sales, protection of the rights of both buyers and manufacturers survey polzovatiley etc etc. But we do not collect chtolibo could really obgovarit so as Tokay Mulia arose neozhidonno and caused a lot of controversy. So it was decided at the next gathering will be held on October 5, maybe even earlier, so that everyone wrote that he specifically needed, and then from all the wishes make the program a robot for a newborn orgonizatsii. At buduyuschem assembly will be chosen by a committee of which orgonizatsii and will set goals. Yes, and I want to remind BASTARDu, OPTIKU and Einar that sledyuschy collection can not sleep. By the way who did not knew so let rejoice Tocoi novasti in Riga have modems that work on the Spectrum. Peraya party modems were prenesena the collection. So that in Riga is already working modem. Now connected to five modems. So I ask all who care Spectrum of Latvia to come to the gathering, but until then I'm so pozvanite as the date of acquisition may pomenyatsya. Tel: 579 183 (Sasha) from 19 to 21.
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