SpecInfo #02
23 сентября 1997

News - new games for the Spectrum - Doom, Mortal Kombat.

<b>News</b> - new games for the Spectrum - Doom, Mortal Kombat.

 New products over the week came a lot. Firstly DOOM_B, a beta 
version of the famous game doom. I'll tell you it's very cool, 
well, themselves Think the game window to full screen and still 
stained. Well of course you can play on the small screen as in 
the first Deme DOOM. There are all kinds of weapons and body 
armor. The beta version is Two types of monsters, and it is not 
harmless creatures and ferocious monsters that you can easily 
crumble. Do not play well, wildly steep You go with the shotgun 
and all kroshish. By the way the door opens pressing ENTER. 
Arrived yet peredelanyh whole bunch of old toys. Who has not 
seen can look MORTAL KOMBAT large sprites. Dema MORTALa sold on 
the same drive DOOM_B. A This disc can buy a Pasha. Other games 
I have not yet videl.Tak that someone like games on the 
Spectrum blow to the market to buy wheels with new games sit 
behind a computer and hop off. I brought raskaz you a brief 
about what eating the market and ask me obizhatsya not for the 
fact that I did not give detailed descriptions of toys. The 
newspaper I write one and I just did not have enough time for 
everything. So I ask to forgive me.

-------------( C) WARLORD 

Other articles:

News - IN RUSSIA proshol ENLIGHT 97 and people were up-shit!

News - new games for the Spectrum - Doom, Mortal Kombat.

Soft - ZX TERMINAL 97 your way to the Internet on the Spectrum.

Tusovka - Report from the second collection of Latvian spektrumistov.

Hard - a little bit about the new development firm Scorpion - GMX.

Prices - the price of Moscow and St. Petersburg on the ZX Spectrum.

From the authors - we storatsya all the time to build and improve our publication.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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