Sky Net #02
29 августа 1996 |
News - BOB'A Clubs bought SAILOR'A course chepez frontman igpu UFO-2 v 2.10 on two CDs ...
****** **** *** *** *** *** ** * ** ** ******* ***** *** **** ** * *** ******* **** *** ***** ***** ***** ********* *********** *** *** *** * * *** * **** *** *** * *** *** * *** ***** *** *** **** *** * *** *** *** *** * *** ***** ***** ********* ***** WEEKLY CK / EY MODEM: (0,642) 475-487 Encl.: Material SKY NET.LUGANSK ******* * * ***** * * **** * * * * * * ** ******* * * ************* Released: August 30, 1996 Contents: 1.Novosti market ZX-SPECTRUM. 2.Reklama. 3.NEWS GAMES. 4.TOP SECRET. 5.Srochno Room! 6.Deystvuyuschie BBS network SKY NET. 7.Pravila use of the network. 8.Forum. TEXT, IDEA, GFX, NEWS: SAILOR CODE, EDITOR, TECHOSOFT: JAMESSOFT FOR FULL CONTACT TELEPHONES: (0642) 475-487 Sergey (0642) 529-395 Andrew TIME FOR CONTACT: 16.00 TO 20.00 1.Novosti market ZX-SPECTRUM In St. Petersburg, came to an end sezd so that the wait for news! Appeared in the free sale of modems SI-DOS with the records! Sets have the following response: SI-MODEM completely ready to use (just make sure not to boil!) drive system and protocols, the scheme connect to a computer system connector. The price of this fun $ 25-30, when buying a modem from the company you SAILOR LTD get 1 month free of charge at work BBS SAILOR! And it is also set to build a soldering iron, it includes the following components: printed circuit board, transformer, arrangement of parts, drive systems and protocols for the SI-MODEM'A. The price of this set $ 15. BOB'A Clubs bought SAILOR'A course through shill game UFO-2 v 2.10 on two CDs, so that all fans of a freebie to BOB'U the game! But I (SAILOR) warn that the version that He will sell will be grossly distorted and broken and have a lot of glitches. In view of this, the client drives which have numbers 005 and 005a forever precluded the acquisition drives the firm SAILOR LTD and has no prav to join the network SKY NET! This is a necessary measure to be put end lawlessness in the market for software ZX-SPECTRUM. If the client does not respect a company which acquires the program for the venerable SPECCY, please let buys from people who sell buggy version yes bargain screaming that they (?) does not want to rip customers! And how can call those who sell non-performing and impassable version? Whose welfare is baked such people? Vova, when customers began returning home You drive up for the normal version.
Other articles:
News - BOB'A Clubs bought SAILOR'A course chepez frontman igpu UFO-2 v 2.10 on two CDs ... |
Advertising - If you need peklama in our publication, please call. |
News games - Coming soon pass algorithm Game UFO-2 Devils abyss. |
Urgent Room - Ppodaetsya: ppintep ROBOTRON the broad video heads and the drive 5305. |
Current BBS - Active BBS Lugansk network SKY NET. |
ZXNet - regulations are to use the network SKY NET. |
Forum - discussion of Problems of modem network gopoda Lugansk. |
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