DonNews #21
27 марта 2005 |
NASTALGY - Memories of the ZX ...
__________________________________________ NASTALGY Sinclair ZX Spectrum (C) Ivanych As it the other day found my old blaknot, was going to throw away, and looked ... Shit! How nachila Minh aburivat nastalgiya until not oburela. And there was written The following magical glory: Lave, Leesti and Other huyta with kalonkami tsyfry. Here I am, and remembered INTO fucking years pitnatsat nazat, y I had a great komputir called the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. How do right now before my eyes as stait turn magnitafon, write valshebnyya glory Load "" Enter. Huyak! Ran color stripes on the curb, taak ... right now and head readjust zaibis ... Magnitafon Madeli "Iliktronika" lies in Palu and squeaks that My pisdets, just like madem, stsukanah! So zagruska zavirshyna, pianist Nada press 7Q, and all pisdets. Game "Elite" is loaded. Ebana in your mouth! How many nights were occupied only those shtoby vazit products on the planet on the planet. I cut out haladilnik razetki, patamushta when he fagot, vkluchalsya, the game hangs. Power supply was analyzed in marazilnoy Camiri were two zdaravennyh copper radiator for power power from time to time be Min, otherwise block peregreetstso and all hover. Maladezh reading enti-line, or cock, and not paymet, INTO is entoy was in the game, with primitive graphics, sound ugly, inconvenient administration (yeah, yeah, baby, at that time was not myshy no cock). But ask The Bogolyubov Maeve age kakaya igruha deliver more vsigo palazhytelnyh imotsy - firmly padumavshy, kazhny say - Elite. Or Target Renegad or The Way Of The Exploding Fist, or INTO it entoy of the series. Epta, comrades, and vit lope chisov pleasant days and they give us dastavlyali, despite all the inconvenience stsukanah. Akazyvaitstso nor koim case is not necessary paddavatstso nastalgii nastoka, shtoby pizdovat and download emulyator and all that. All achirovanie nadebyvaitstso copper basin, and Games okazyvayutstsa savsem not as colorful as they ostayutstso pamiti. Shit! I ahuenno blagodarin inzhyneram who invented entot amazing comp - Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Ebana in your mouth! Dastupny, kampaktny, software - da cock! Millions of current ludey by nivo and priabschilis to kamputiram. Thank Chiba, staraya zhylizyaka. Ah, nastalgiya .....
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