Power #01
22 сентября 1996

News - In this section you can read a lot interesting news than breathing people on the Speccy.

<b>News</b> - In this section you can read a lot
interesting news than breathing people on the Speccy.

(C) T.A.W.

   Hi chaps! Today, in this section you will read many
interesting news than breathing people on the Speccy.

   KANO from PRESTIGE going to release a second CODEMASTERS

   LVV and BATTLETECH Inc. will release a new toy
about the adventures of Dunno. (Interestingly, it will be 
similar to the T-72  or DRUNK DIZZY???)

   HOME MASTERS preparing to release a new strategy game.
(As it will be called is not yet known)

   O.L.N. currently engaged in opening the UFO-2.

   CHAOS A.D. sly wrote protsedurki for KING'S BOUNTY.

   DRUID 'Co. cook toy Miner.

   T.A.W. That is, I recently release a full otrestorennuyu

    Game UHSQUADRON + 10 levels + Final 48/128k.

Other articles:

Home - I want to apologize to the newspaper ON-LINE ...

Entry - the reasons that prompted us to issue its own newspaper in Tomsk.

News - In this section you can read a lot interesting news than breathing people on the Speccy.

Games - wanted the game.

Programming - a beginner tips Hacker.

Presentation - completely Russified version of the game They stole a million!

News - ZX-Platinum No.1, International 3D Tennis, Color Lines.

Advertising - The biggest choice in Tomsk programnogo ensure ¦ ¦ for your Spectrum from around the world.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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