Power #01
22 сентября 1996

Advertising - The biggest choice in Tomsk programnogo ensure ¦ ¦ for your Spectrum from around the world.

<b>Advertising</b> - The biggest choice in Tomsk programnogo ensure ¦
¦ for your Spectrum from around the world.
                       Advertising and Branding

                  ELITE HACKER CLUB OFFERS

        Largest selection in Tomsk programnogo ensure
 for your Spectrum from around the world. Low prices (not 
exceeding  Moscow). New numbers of electronic journals and 
newspapers can  buy only from us.

 If you live in Tomsk, come to the following address:
 pr.Kirova 56-a, Andrew k.341

 Or e-mail address: 634041 Tomsk-41, PO Box 228 Balandin

      Advertising and announcements are published free of 
charge, for this you just need to write text and send to:

  Tomsk 634041-41, POBox 228 for POWER

Chief Editor: Andrei Balandin (INVADER)-no phone
Editor of the news section: Tabrosko Andrew (TAW) - ie 49-82-84

         Editorial POWER newspaper is waiting for your letters, 
articles, and reviews of the first edition of the newspaper. 
Once again, our e-mail: 

         Tomsk 634041-41, POBox 228 for POWER

         Article zhelatelono sent as a text file
 ZX-WORD, or in writing.

         ANY USE OF CERTAIN MATERIALS ONLY with permission. 
When using this information to the newspaper "POWER" is 

         NEWSPAPER is a free application, if
In a newspaper has the reference to Annex.

Other articles:

Home - I want to apologize to the newspaper ON-LINE ...

Entry - the reasons that prompted us to issue its own newspaper in Tomsk.

News - In this section you can read a lot interesting news than breathing people on the Speccy.

Games - wanted the game.

Programming - a beginner tips Hacker.

Presentation - completely Russified version of the game They stole a million!

News - ZX-Platinum No.1, International 3D Tennis, Color Lines.

Advertising - The biggest choice in Tomsk programnogo ensure ¦ ¦ for your Spectrum from around the world.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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