Buzz #10
16 сентября 1997 |
Newness - Description of the Paracels Alkatraz Protection v2.0
*** NEWNESS *** (C) Paracels Hi folks! Long time in our newspaper there was no rubric "NEWNESS", but today we decided to make you a little description (and, of course, advertising), the new system program called "PARACELS ALKATRAZ PROTECTION" v1.2. Who is the author of this prog, you've probably already guessed. ;-) Before specifically to description of the features PAP'a, let me digress ... The problem of protecting programs interested me since the beginning of times, and simply, I trudged from any protection and, especially, XOR ' ca. Reflections on how to better and better protect their prog from prying eyes (and not only) turned into a sophisticated (read "Perverted") tricks and attempts podlovki monitor (STS'a). But all the pitfalls in the protection, sooner or later revealed by skilled hackers, and sometimes too (!) skillful lamer. :-( By the first of my attitude (and attitude) and calmly, even gratefully (after all, thanks to hackers, which is the (so far) and I created a more sophisticated protection, which were considered failures earlier), but I was constantly tormented by the thought that some lamer broke someone's prog, and right up there whatever they want ... In the end, I concluded that the surest way to hide its code from unwanted viewing (and on ...) - a bunch of nested very clever (which they can not be used to quickly roll out of STS 'E) XOR'ok, it is nothing but ALKATRAZ PROTECTION. Why am I so decided? It is very simple. All the jokes in favor of early or will cease to be cool, they age and crack easily in the new versions of monitors, debuggers. With the same ALKATRAZ'om everything is different: the low version of monitors can do "not understand" how it works XOR'ka, but with the advent of new versions of virtually nothing has changed - an attacker must, as always, sit and hours of tedious untwist XOR'ki (in new versions of monitors, In addition, because of the emergence of new features and other bells and whistles significantly reduced the rate tracing, and this into the hands of those someone puts on their bend protection type ALKATRAZ. All the above arguments have pushed me to create PAP'a, First v1.0, a more successful then v1.1, a description of where you can read below. I hope I've convinced you of the benefits of using ALKATRAZ'a, but despite this I was a fan of good protection, based on the tricks and podlovkah, especially such as in the ZX-FORMAT'e. Before you go directly to the description, I want to tell you one more thing: break, but not for vandalism and glory (as do the lamer), but for the sake of learning. At that enable her to finish the story, and stalking proceed to describe the long-awaited ... So, PAPv1.2 represents a program that allows free Labour put on any type of protection code blocks ALKATRAZ. I'll tell you everything in order. When you run PAPv1.2 screen cleared and in its lower part (off synchronously with the drive :-)) appears in the text already appeared window. This is a brief description of the program and its opportunities, as well as helloes' copyrights. Scrolled text possible keys Q, A, O, P, and the keys SPACE you run itself PAP. The exterior design is very similar PAP'a DSQ (my favorite cruncher for Speccy!) - Painfully, he liked me. In front of you see a list of available commands, which are selected hot keys. The choice should always be confirmed by pressing <ENTER> Now, in order for all teams ... 'LOAD' The first is a team <L> OAD. Selecting it, you can download a code block to be protected. But there are several limitations: firstly, if the starting address of your unit below 24621, PAP will not allow you to download it and display the message 'INVALID START ADDRESS! ', If the length of your block of 40,915 or more equals 0, PAP answer 'BAD LENGHT!' and, again, nothing to download. But if your unit is suitable for all data, after loading the bowels inscription 'OK'. Teper and you can protect your unit. 'PROTECT' TeamROTECT is the whole point of the program, it allows you to install on your code block protection type ALKATRAZ, for which, indeed, is PAP. Clicking
, you will see a sign 'QUANTITY OF XOR'ERS:' (Number of XOR ' OK:) what you need to answer by writing the number xor'ok that You want to protect your unit (it should not be greater than 255). If you entered xor'ok Number does not fit, PAP will give message 'TOO MUCH XORERS!' (Too many XOR'OK!) And show the maximum possible number, and then ask 'Y / N?' - suits Are you a Number xor'ok or not. If you press 'N', then exit back to the command line, and if 'Y' - PAP begins zaksorivanie previously withdrawing 'PROCESSING ...'. Wait until appears on 'OK', and then go to menu 'SAVE', to cancel a secure unit on the disk. 'SAVE' Team
AVE is designed to record the protected code block on the disk (with attached loader'om or not). Pressing, You see the words 'FILENAME:', inviting you to enter a name file for writing. WARNING! PAP does not check disk space file with the same name or not, and does not check Number free space. 'HELP' Team <H> ELP displays the same piece of paper that at the beginning (after the launch PAP'a). Here you will find a list of all available commands, as well as copyright and the full name of the program. 'INFO' Information about the author and a bunch of copyright'ov. 'QUIT' Well, here, I think it's pretty clear ... I want to reiterate that the teams are confirmed by pressing <ENTER>. A now that we can expect in future versions ... √ fix bugs, if you discharge the same to light; √ treatment of some disk errors; √ xor'ka more fancy, but if it is not laziness, it bore How many xor'ok; √ Support CD-ROM, TV-TUNER'a, SOUND BLASTER'a, VGA, SVGA, and a SGI. :-) Well, tipaaa, and everything about the program. I welcome your suggestions and reviews. C ya all! Alexander (Paracels) P.S. The program PAP v1.2 distributed under the shareware.