City #42
25 марта 2000

Humor - funny Dictionary.

<b>Humor</b> - funny Dictionary.


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(C) V. Shambarov

          T O L C O in Section C J L O V A L P

  Analgin - a cure for ass

  Analyzer - toady

  Antidote - sailor

  Apatite - dopey people

  Aplomb - tooth

  Apassionata - passive partner

  Aryan - soloist

  Coats - Military

  Assyrian - Syrian pilot

  Nonsense - admiration

  Asp - AIDS virus carrier

  Stool - a strict ban

  Taurus - Worker TV

  Vest - naturschitsa

  Turner - Capercaillie

  Zenkovschik - optometrist

  Chisel - Dentist

  Monster - Volcano

  Exile - moonshine

  Depreciation - snot

  Amazing - doited

  Ingenue - naked Engineer

  Infantry - Kindergarten

  Tempter - a mosquito

  Cacophony - an unpleasant smell

  Pun - diarrhea

  Cutters - bugs

  Tinkering - to go into the bushes

  Kutenok - amateur caroused

  Lavender - a team of miners

  Trouser stripe - lantern

  Ledyashka - young lady

  Leitmotif - drinking song

  Flatbread - sculpture

  Leninist - slacker

  Lesbianism - outdoor recreation

  Lethal - Aviation

  Chronicle - Summer WC

  Liquor - icon painter

  Hypocrite - anthropologist

  Curiosity - sexology

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Humor - funny Dictionary.

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Beech - cap HA BASHHYAH.

Beatles - GET BACK.

Smak - the recipe of meat in the marinade.

Motor Trade - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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